Norwegian Grandma baking Christmas cookies - Krumkake, Fattigmann, Sandkake
Oct 21, 2022
I'm out in the countryside in Norway to bake some Christmas cookies. With me I have Karin, a master chef when it comes to Norwegian traditional cuisine. Learn how to bake krumkaker, fattigmann & sandkaker. Recipes on my website (or see further down): 00:00 Intro 03:04 Sandkake 08:37 Krumkake 12:27 Fattigmann 16:55 Outro Recipes: Sandkaker 750 g/25,6 oz Wheat flour 1/2 kilo/17,6 oz Butter 250 g/8,8 oz Powdered sugar 1 egg 4-5 Drops of almond essence
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