VCT Vietnam Stage 3 - Week 1 Challengers | Post-Plant Chat
VALORANT Challengers Tour Stage 3 - Week 1 Playoffs are officially over! The first seat to represent Vietnam in the SEA Challengers Playoffs is Team SYG. While the top three teams: Divison X Gaming, Cerberus and EGO gets a free ticket in the Week 2 Playoffs! Congratulations once again to Team SYG, they are one step closer to reach Masters - Berlin. #KJCeSports #KJCPostPlantChat #VALORANTChallengers #VALORANTChallengersVN #VCT ---- FOLLOW us on Twitter: JOIN our Discord: WATCH US LIVE on Twitch: CHECK OUT our Facebook: FOLLOW us on Instagram: Hosted by: Genera11 Head Editor: amiwa Assistant Editor: Rafii Thumbnail by: Lourd