Preserving Garlic // Jeni Gough
Apr 18, 2023
Preserving Garlic // Jeni Gough Brine 5 cups white vinegar 2 cups water 2 tbsp granulated sugar 2tbsp canning salt Fresh dill sprigs Bay leaves Thyme sprigs Process half pints for 15 minutes in a WB canner. Garlic confit Cover peeleed cloves with olive oil (not extra virgin) cover by at least 1 inch. May also add a couple sprigs of fresh Roemary or Thyme. Bake at 225° for 2 to 2 1/2 hours until softened. Cool, store in airtight jar, keep cloves submerged and covered with oil. Store in refrigerator, Will keep for 6 months. My Merch Store https://jenigough.myspreadshop.com/ My Thrive Life website
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