The Infinite Space Explorers Review Science Centre
Have you ever been emotionally moved by a museum or science exhibit? Well, folks, for me that happened today. I was given a family referral to attend this 'must-try' exhibit in Singapore, and off I went to Jurong with the kids to explore. I was blown away: Both emotionally and mind-blown. It is breathtaking. for more reviews of things to do in Singapore The first segment of the video is courtesy of The Science Centre's Facebook. At one point you are standing on the International Space Station looking back at Earth, I don't mind admitting it, a tear welled up in my VR headset. As one of the Astronauts stated: "It makes you realise how insignificant and small you are..." Powerful stuff. It truly is one of the very best things I have experienced in my life... I implore you to visit and experience this, kids, adults, all... hey bring the pets, dogs have been to space as well... But what is this most amazing thing? Well, The Science Centre Singapore has introduced "Space Explorers: THE INFINITE," an immersive virtual reality (VR) experience that transports you up into space and to the International Space Station (ISS) to interact with the astronauts, including a stunning space walk. When I say immersive, I mean IMMERSIVE. With your VR headset, you physically walk through the ISS, as you watch astronauts go about their daily lives as they explain how they feel (this filming was shot over two years during Covid) including emotional moments of not being there for their families. You are virtually connected to, and can virtually see your friends and family in the virtual world, as well as other visitors and the staff. Yes, you are walking, but can see virtual people to avoid bumping into each other... watch our VIDEO to the end so you can see the 'real-world' experience of this exhibit.