STUCK AT 6.5 Again? (DO THESE!) | IELTS SPEAKING #ieltsspeakingtips

6K views Feb 9, 2024

Unstuck from 6.0 or from 6.5 and achieve a higher band score. Learn how to pass the IELTS speaking test by using practical and easy strategies. Getting a band 8.0 in speaking is not difficult at all once you identify your weaknesses. This is how you can improve your IELTS SPEAKING score from a band 6.0 to a band 8.0. 00:01 - Objective of the video 00:09 - Student's Name and Goal 00:38 - DAY 1 (Opening Part & Part 1) 01:30 - DAY 2 (PART 2: Learning How To Tell A Story) 04:24 - Students' SUCCESS 04:30 - Reviewers 04:54 - DAY 3 (PART 3: Learning Discussion) 05:36 - DAY 4 (Learning Part 2 & Part 3 - Application of Strategies Learned) 06:28 - The Use of ADLIBS 07:12 - DAY 5 (Assessment) 07:38 - DAY 6 (MOCK TEST) 08:30 - A DETAILED VIDEO STRATEGY FOR CUE CARDS #ieltsspeakingtips #ieltsspeaking #ieltseducation #ieltsdragon #juliusielts

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