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Sweet Grandmas Help Mom On Crying Baby's First Plane Ride | Happily TV

75K views Nov 27, 2023
publisher-humix Happily

This is the heartwarming moment a trio of grandmas soothe a screaming baby during her first ever airplane journey. Mom Isabella LaLonde was flying with baby daughter Gray into Sarasota, Florida, and could sense she was getting anxious in the air. As the flight had no Wi-Fi, about 30 minutes into the journey, the video Gray was watching ended and she started crying and screaming. Isabella said she was visibly struggling to calm Gray down, and felt embarrassed at the noise, but exhausted every trick to settle her. That’s when across the aisle she spotted three grandmas with their arms out wide, offering to help Isabella. As soon as she handed Gray across to them, the crying and screaming stopped, and the baby started playing patty cake with a big grin. Once she had completely calmed down, the trio handed her back to Isabella, and she continued to enjoy the rest of the journey.

#Air Travel
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