Surprise Promposal Using Color Blind Glasses | Happily TV
A creative girl surprised her colorblind boyfriend with EnChroma glasses to ‘prompose’ to him using a color perception test poster board. Aspiring vlogger Cameron Tucker, from Louisville, Kentucky, spent time researching what kind of glasses to use for boyfriend Louis Yang’s type of color blindness and how they would affect what he sees. She also spent time figuring out how to create the poster board and a “colorblind message” before settling on using the individual dots from the Ishihara test - a color perception test for red-green color deficiencies. With help from friends Graham, Brooke and Carson, Cameron was able to set everything up without Louis expecting it and borrowed EnChroma glasses from Carson who is also colorblind. After finishing the poster board, she walks outside carrying it and shows it to Louis who looks confusingly at the sign trying to work out what it reads. Cameron then hands him the glasses and a few moments after putting them on they begin working and he can see the word ‘PROM?’ on the board.