60 Second Cruise Tips - Cruise Law News Site (17)
In this episode of 60 Second Cruise Tips Gary Bembridge, author of "The Cruise Traveler's Handbook" talks about a fascinating source for finding out cruising incidents and issues - Jim Walkers's Cruise Law News site. He reports on all sorts of incidents and issues about cruising and provides a sceptical and thought provoking look at the world of cruising. To get more cruise tips visit http://www.60secondcruisetips.com and http://www.tipsfortravellers.com/cruise-travelers-handbook For more tips for travellers: - visit the site: http://www.tipsfortravellers.com - follow on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tipsfortravellers - follow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/garybembridge - sign up to the monthly tips for travellers newsletter: http://eepurl.com/AUTIX