60 Second Cruise Tips: Packing and the DressCode (012)
In this epsiode of 60 Second Cruise Tips, Gary Bembridge of TipsForTravellers.com and "The Cruise Traveler's Handbook" gives his advice and tips on the importance of checking and understanding the dress code of the crusie line when packing. They vary by line and you need to ensure you are well prepared and not forgetting important items - or taking things you will never need. For more tips subscribe to the podcast, buy the book and visit http://www.60secondcruisetips.com For more tips for travellers: - visit the site: http://www.tipsfortravellers.com - follow on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tipsfortravellers - follow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/garybembridge - sign up to the monthly tips for travellers newsletter: http://eepurl.com/AUTIX