Why Does My Potato Have Scabs? How To Prevent Potato Scab On Your Garden Potatoes.
if you have pores or scabs on your potatoes you likely have lenticels that are swollen or were swollen due to soil moisture. Excess soil moisture makes it difficult for the potato to release and uptake needed gasses. Why Does My Potato Have Scabs? How To Prevent Potato Scab On Your Garden Potatoes. One prevention is get disease free seed potatoes and selecting a blight resistant variety. Westcoast seeds has Elite III rated potatoes every year, the two varieties considered scab resistant are: Chieftain & Russet Burbank You can learn more about Westcoast selection process here: https://bit.ly/3EwDREv California Agriculture http://calag.ucanr.edu/Archive/?article=ca.v063n03p127 North Dakota University https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/crops/managing-lenticel-spot-on-potato-tubers 🎥 2 N D. C H A N N E L https://youtube.com/channel/UCjui7H4Eczaoj3Z92AC-LBQ 👩🔬 G R A B A P L A N N E R Paperback Houseplant Planner: https://geni.us/NFTrl2 Paperback Garden Planner: https://geni.us/s9zc Digital Download Planners https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/GardeningInCanada