'Video thumbnail for How To Effectively Control Voles In The Garden. Why Sounds & Sprays Do Not Work On Voles.'

How To Effectively Control Voles In The Garden. Why Sounds & Sprays Do Not Work On Voles.

1K views Nov 23, 2022

When it comes to controlling voles in the garden you need to look at the whole environment. The key here is to ensure an open space where they can not hide from predators. Also removing food sources such as leftover root veggies is key for vole control. Castor Oil For Voles: https://geni.us/Nm8X Tunnel Vole Trap (place this next to the hole): https://geni.us/pTzSq Vole PVC T-Trap: https://geni.us/ebyGJgB Poisoned Mouse Bait: https://geni.us/xHpMTA References: Pine Vole Control Study: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1149&context=voles Penn State Vole Guide: https://extension.psu.edu/voles Plant Based Vole Control Study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0261219401001016 University of California: http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7439.html 🎥 2 N D. C H A N N E L https://youtube.com/channel/UCjui7H4Eczaoj3Z92AC-LBQ

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