Mutable and Immutable in Python: A Key to Ethical Hacking with Python
Python, known for its power and versatility, is a go-to language in the realm of ethical hacking. This video will delve into the concepts of mutable and immutable objects in Python, fundamental to understanding Python’s inner workings. In Python, every variable is an instance of an object, which can be either mutable or immutable. Mutable objects allow their value or data to be altered in place without changing the object’s identity. Conversely, immutable objects do not permit such operations, and you can only create new objects of the same type with different values. This video will provide clear examples and explanations of mutable objects like lists, dictionaries, and sets, as well as immutable objects like numbers, strings, and tuples. Whether you’re an experienced programmer or just starting out, this video will offer valuable insights into how Python can be utilized for ethical hacking.