Esl reading lesson tip: Set the context | Planning TEFL read...
226 views · Nov 26, 2022 eslactivity.org
If you’re looking for how to plan an ESL reading lesson plan, then you’re in the right place. Setting the context for an ESL lesson is a great and important start, This is one tip from my How to plan as ESL reading lesson video. Want more tips? Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/nAdVIyR8x2M ------- • Want to find 101 ESL Activities for Teenagers and Adults? Check out my book: https://amzn.to/3E5ziyy ------ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #shorts ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript: Tags: context, short, SHORT, esl shorts, learnng short, teaching short, reading lesson plan,esl reading lesson,esl lesson plan,how to teach reading,how to read,reading teacher,Reading lesson plan,Read,Reading English,English Reading,esl reading lesson plan template,tefl reading lesson,how to plan a reading lesson,how to plan an esl reading lesson,tips for planning esl reading lesson,reading esl,esl reading,tefl reading,reading tefl

Dialogue substitution, a Quick ESL reading and speaking acti...
77K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org
If you want to help your students out with remembering new vocabulary words, then check out this ESL dialogue activity. Instead of just reading an ESL dialogue mindlessly, students have to fill in the blanks with keywords that you’ve given them. Teaching English with dialogues is one of my favourite ways for students to see new words or grammar points in context. This TEFL activity is a nice way to increase the difficulty of a simple ESL conversation dialogue that you can often find in textbooks. Try this out for dialogues for ESL students and you'll notice a difference in how engaged students are when reading it. ------------------- Find out more about dialogue substitution: https://eslspeaking.org/dialogue-substitution/ -------------------- Want to find more activities for teaching ESL, including dialogue substitution? Check out: https://amzn.to/3dYOAJX -------------------- Here's another classic ESL activity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moqF6Ef2Q4k -------------------- https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #teachingenglishwithjackie #esl #tefl Transcript for dialogue substitution: Today, I'm going to talk about dialogue substitution. It's one of my favourite ESL reading and speaking activities. Have you ever experienced this in your class? It happens to me all the time. You know, there are those little dialogues in the textbooks that are often kind of like the lead-in to the rest of the unit. I put students into pairs and I tell them, okay read the dialogue with your partner and it is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and they're finished. And then I say okay so that guy Bob and ask a question about Bob from the dialogue. Everyone's like, what who's Bob and they actually like legitimately have no idea who Bob is, what bob did, what bob said, even though they had just finished reading it with their partner. Do you know what the problem is? It's not with my students, it's with me because I didn't give them a reason to actually read carefully. This is the ultimate way to combat that so this does require a bit of prep. Photocopy the page in your textbook, take out some of the keywords and then students have to read it together with their partners but they have to fill in the blanks with these keywords. The keywords could be things like the verbs, like the past tense verbs, or they could be things related to food or drink if you're teaching food or drink. Sometimes, I'll put a little word bank at the top. Sometimes I won't. It kind of just depends on the level of the students so it turns it from a simple reading out a loud exercise to an exercise that focuses on meaning as well. Students actually have to pay attention to what they're reading. All right so that is my quick tip to make dialogues more interesting, engaging, difficult, and fruitful for your students. If you like this quick teaching tip, please be sure to hit like, subscribe, leave a comment below and let me know if you tried it out and what you think about it. Tags: Classroom games, ESL adults, ESL kids, TEFL, TEFL activities, TEFL classroom, learn English daily, TEFL game, 4 skills ESL, 4 Skills ESL game, 4 skills, Dialogue, dialogue substitution, study, studying, classroom, classroom activity, teaching English with dialogues,

ESL Teaching Strategy: What to do with Absolute Beginners? S...
15K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org
A common question I get about ESL teaching strategy is what to do with absolute beginners. Many teachers are unsure about the first thing they should teach someone who is just getting started with learning English. My teaching strategy tip for total beginners is to start with phonics and reading skills. Check out the video to find out why I think it's most important to start with phonics instead of focusing on speaking or listening. Teaching English to beginners can be a bit difficult but it's certainly not impossible with these top tips and tricks. Do you want to know more about ESL teaching strategies for beginning students? Check out some of my other videos or leave me a comment below for things you'd like to see. -------------------------------- Try out this simple writing activity for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxnsWh77tMM ------------------------------ Want to find out more about teaching English to beginners? Check out: https://www.eslactivity.org/ ESL Reading Activities for Kids: https://amzn.to/3oc4ep8 Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie #teachingenglishwithjackie #beginners #teachingreading #phonics #tefl -------------------------------- Learn more about teaching ESL to absolute beginners from @elttraining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UiC2_UZlts&t=15s -------------------------------- Transcript for teaching ESL to beginners: Hey everybody, it's Jackie from eslspeaking.org. A common question that I get from teachers is what to do with absolute beginners. If you have a group of students in your class who basically know essentially no English, how do you go about teaching them? One of my favourite ESL teaching strategies for this level of student, the absolute beginner is working on phonics. I know that's a bit controversial. I think there's definitely a camp of people who would say when we're babies when we're first learning a language, we learn by listening first, then speaking and then finally we learn reading and then writing after that. I agree, however, I think the foundation of learning a language is phonics and learning how to read. I've honestly, in my whole 15 years of teaching English, I've never met a student who was I would say fluent in English without being proficient in reading. Reading is so necessary for working on vocabulary. Of course, you can't write if you can't read well. As well, reading is key to understanding what's happening in the world around us. If you want to study in a formal class, you'll be using a textbook of some kind, which requires reading skills. I mean, you can possibly be quite good at speaking and listening and be even fluent in speaking without being able to read well. Of course, it's normal for people in all countries, there are illiterate people who obviously can listen and speak perfectly but may not be able to read. However, that's kind of the exception and yes, for a language teacher or language learner, I honestly don't think that's the best strategy. So teachers, if you have absolute beginners and have no idea what to do, my advice is to focus on phonics and reading skills. That way students can learn vocabulary on their own, they can review what you've taught them at home, they can start reading simple English books or newspapers, they can start doing extensive reading, and they can study for tests easily if you're going to give tests in your class, they can do all sorts of stuff like that. And of course, they can use reading as a springboard to work on their writing skills as well. Okay, so if you like this video, please hit like, subscribe, and leave a comment below. Tell me what you think: Do you think that reading and phonics are foundational or that speaking is the first skill that absolute beginners should learn in a language class. Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:19 Start with phonics 1:24 Possible to be good at speaking without reading? 1:53 Why start with reading skllls? 2:19 Conclusion Tags: esl beginners, teaching esl beginners, esl beginner, beginner esl, absolute beginner english, english beginner, english beginners, adult beginners esl, teaching ESL to absolute beginner

ESL Reading Activities and Games | ELL Reading Comprehension...
24K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org
Reading comprehension is one of the most important aspects of ESL - from reading a menu to understanding a weather alert, or looking through a business document. That's where ESL reading games and activities come in. Here are my top ESL reading activities and games for reading comprehension. Take these into your classroom to improve and refine your TEFL reading lesson plans. Have some fun with these reading comprehension activities for English classes. ------------------------------ More ideas for ESL reading lessons: Full blog post: https://www.eslactivity.org/esl-reading-activitities/ ------------------------------ How to plan an ESL reading lesson in 5 simple steps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAdVIyR8x2M& ---------------------------- Want to find out more about TEFL reading activities and games? ESL Reading Activities for Teenagers and Adults: https://amzn.to/3gMOkji Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie #teachingenglishwithjackie #eslreading #eslactivities #eslgames ------------------------------ More ideas for ESL reading lessons from @Etacude English Teachers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEFv0Fs_8k8 ----------------------------- Transcript for ESL reading games and activities: Hey everybody, this is jackie from eslspeaking.org. Today I'm going to talk about my top five ESL reading activities. Number one is dialogue substitution (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB_NXSR4_4g&t=1s). Have you ever noticed that when there are dialogues in the textbook, your students just kind of blow through them without really paying attention to what they're reading? Yeah of course my students do it too. Your students probably do. Probably all students do it. I know that I've done it before in language classes as well. However, it's not really the student's fault. It's mostly my fault because I haven't really given them a reason to read. A way that I combat this is that remove some of the key words. The words I remove depend on what I'm teaching that day, whether vocabulary or grammar, the student's level, etc. And then there's a word bank at the top of the activity and then students have to fill in the blanks as they read. This turns it from a simple reading activity into more of a meaning-focused one as well. Try it out for yourself and I'm sure that you'll have some great results with it. Number two is proofreading and editing. I prepare a worksheet that has some errors on it and students to have to read it carefully to correct it. This is a super valuable skill in life, in anything, in business, for writing papers, other classes, etc. so I like to spend some time on it in my classes. Number three this one is more for beginners. It's called mixed-up sentences. Write up a bunch of sentences on the whiteboard or a PowerPoint or a worksheet and they're mixed up in terms of word order. I put students into pairs and they have to work together to unscramble the sentences. This also makes a great activity for a test or for a homework assignment as well. Alright, the next one is story timeline. So how you do this depends on the level of students and the kind of story that you are teaching in class but you can do it where you take a simple story and put the various actions or plot points on separate pieces of paper and then students have to work together in a group to organize the events in a logical sequence. Or, you can have students read the story and then in the end they can do the same activity just based on their memory of what they remember from the story. And finally, number five is extensive reading. So I'm sure you've heard about this one before. It's talked about in all the different ESL teaching conferences that you might go to. There's always a presentation on extensive reading. By extensive reading, I mean they read things that are at their level or just slightly below their level and the goal is to read quickly for fun and enjoyment. It's not supposed to be drudgery, with a dictionary and reading so slowly and trying to get every single thing. That's why it should be at a slightly lower level than the students are at and it should also be something that the students have chosen that they enjoy. And those are my helpful tips. I hope you enjoyed these ESL reading activities. Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:09 #1: Dialogue Substitution 0:57 #2: Proofreading and editing 1:19 #3: Mixed up sentences 1:41 #4: Story timeline 2:14 #5: Extensive reading 3:15 Conclusion Tags: esl reading game, esl reading games, esl reading activity, esl reading activities, tefl reading, esl reading, efl reading, esl reading lesson, tefl reading lesson, teaching english reading, teaching reading, how to teach reading, how to teach ESL reading,

How to plan as ESL reading lesson in 5 simple steps | Planni...
52K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslactivity.org
If you’re looking for how to plan an ESL reading lesson plan, then you’re in the right place. In this video, I give 5 easy steps to creating an ESL reading lesson plan, so keep on watching! I talk about how to plan a TEFL reading lesson in just five simple steps, including setting the context, vocab or grammar focus, comprehension questions, and more. Want more information about ESL Reading Plans, including lesson plans and TEFL lesson plan templates? Check out this blog post for examples: https://www.eslactivity.org/an-esl-reading-lesson-plan-template/ Want to find ESL Reading Activities for Teenagers and Adults? Check out my book: https://amzn.to/3PvgaiW https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #teachingEnglish #readinglesson Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 0:17 Step 1: Set the Context 1:01 Step 2: Pre-reading task 1:32 Step 3: Gist Reading activity 2:38 Step 4: Main reading task 3:18 Step 5: Post-reading activity 3:53 Conclusion Transcript for how to plan an ESL reading lesson: Hi everybody, this is Jackie from eslactivity.org. So today I'm going to talk about how to plan an ESL reading lesson. There are a few simple steps that you can follow. Step number one is to set the context. Whatever students are reading about, you want them to be able to relate that to their normal real lives. This helps them activate their prior knowledge about that topic and makes whatever they're read going to read easier to understand for them. So for example, if your reading is about maybe a travel disaster, someone lost their wallet and then they got something stolen from them, you can ask students to talk with their partner for one minute about any kind of travel disaster that they've had. For example, they missed the bus, their wallet was gone, they lost their passport, something like the plane was delayed, etc. And then after that, give students a pre-reading task. The second thing that you can do is to get students to do a prediction activity. So get students to read the headline and then they can talk for maybe one minute with their partner about what the article will be about. Then step number three is the gist reading activity. So you want students to practice reading more quickly. Reading very, very slowly, word for word for word is not actually how people read. People skim through stuff looking for the information they want so we want to give students some practise doing that in English in our classes. So with a gist reading activity, maybe you could give students a very simple task like answering these three true or false questions. You want to deal with the big picture or maybe like what are the names of the two people in this story. Any just very, very simple question that you might want students to answer and then give them a short amount of time to read it, 30 seconds one minute, etc. Students will complain a little bit but I force them to do it and by the end of my class they kind of get used to it and it's not actually a big deal. And then students very quickly compare with their partners the answers to say those true or false questions and then quickly go over them as a class. Alright the next step, number four is the main reading task. So this is when students read for detail. I give students some comprehension questions and of course, I let students read the questions before they do the reading. They want to know what they have to read for. This is kind of a key thing that students will have to do for say their TOEFL or TOEIC or IELTS exam. They'll always teach your students to read the questions first and then I give them a few minutes to go through the reading in more detail and then students can compare their answers with a partner. And then as a class. All right so the next step is a post-reading activity. So there are a ton of games and activities and things you can do after students do a reading to get the most out of it. There are a bunch of ideas and please be sure to check the blog post for some of my best ideas for that. After that is an optional activity homework or review of whatever you've taught in that reading exercise. It kind of depends on the students. It's really up to you but a nice homework activity to follow a reading would be to give some writing homework related to the topic. Okay, so if you like this video, please be sure to hit like subscribe and leave a comment below with your favourite ESL reading activity. Also, be sure to check out my book ESL Reading Activities for Teenagers and Adults. Okay, I hope you enjoyed this video on how to plan an ESL reading lesson. Until next time, bye everybody.

An ESL listening and reading activity: Agony Aunt | English ...
11K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
An ESL Activity for when your students are learning about giving advice: Check out Agony Aunt. Agony Aunt is a fun speaking and listening ESL activity related to advice. Keep on watching for all the details you need to know about this popular English activity for children, teenagers or adults. ------- • Check out this blog post for more details on this advice-giving activity https://eslspeaking.org/esl-speaking-listening-agony-aunt/ • If you liked this video, find my teaching playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0Q8kr18oQKFDBcKGvNh_av3em-Byajj ------ 101 ESL Activities for Teenagers and adults: https://amzn.to/3PaD7q2 https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #eslactivities ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp for this listening and reading activity: 0:00 Intro 0:16 What is Agony Aunt? 0:45 My go-to problem for university students in Korea 1:30 What students have to do 2:27 Conclusion Transcript for Agony Aunt: So you know something that everyone likes doing is giving advice. Everyone knows how to solve other people's problems, right? So that's why I love to do this activity with my ESL or EFL students. it's called agony aunt and it's just an advice column that was in newspapers, I guess in Canada or the USA. And people write in with their problems and then the agony aunt gives advice to these people and tries to solve their problems for them. This is ideal for the unit in the textbooks that you can find should and shouldn't for giving advice. The way it works is that I come up with a problem, something that's common kind of in the country that you're teaching and age-appropriate as well. I taught university students in Korea mostly so my problem was there were these high school students or high school student that was studying for the, it's called the seuneung exam. I guess it's kind of like the SAT that students would take in their grade 12 year and it basically determines their entire future. So anyway, it was a student in grade 12 preparing for this exam and they were exhausted. They weren't sleeping. They weren't eating. They were losing a bunch of weight and basically, they were just in really rough shape and they were so worried about their score on the test. Their parents were hassling them to study more and it was just a big mess. I'd put students into groups and then I'd give them something like 10 to 15 minutes and I'd give them some time to write advice to this student, what they would say to this person. And it was such a great one to do because all my students had been through that same process at some point in their lives even as recently as the previous year. So they all had good things to say to that student. And then once that was done, they would read out their advice to the class and then I would generally choose which advice I thought was best. And I mean, it was very subjective so just kind of whatever advice was kind of some solid advice and they did a good job using should and shouldn't and yeah, they did quite a good job presenting it. That kind of thing. I would just say like, I really liked team A over here. Their advice was really great and they did a good job presenting. Good work! But I would also say, oh but from team B, I liked this idea that you said. Something like that. Just try out this activity, agony aunt for when you're teaching about advice. Tags: ESL listening and reading activity, listening activity, advice game, advice activity, listening game, reading activity, reading game, agony aunt examples, problem pages agony aunt, agony aunt, agony aunt game, agony aunt activity, classroom reading game, classroom listening game, teaching listening, teaching reading,

Dialogue substitution, a Quick ESL reading and speaking acti...
5K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
If you want to help your students out with remembering new vocabulary words, then check out this ESL dialogue activity. Instead of just reading an ESL dialogue mindlessly, students have to fill in the blanks with keywords that you’ve given them. Teaching English with dialogues is one of my favourite ways for students to see new words or grammar points in context. This TEFL activity is a nice way to increase the difficulty of a simple ESL conversation dialogue that you can often find in textbooks. Try this out for dialogues for ESL students and you'll notice a difference in how engaged students are when reading it. This is the basic instructions for the Dialogue substitution activity, for the full video watch here: https://youtu.be/NB_NXSR4_4g ------- • Full blog post with worksheets and more: https://amzn.to/3dYOAJX • Don't forget to check out @JustTeach(byLittleMary) video about more speaking activities: https://youtu.be/z1MWlSmQb7E ------ Want to find more activities for teaching ESL, including dialogue substitution? Check out: https://amzn.to/3dYOAJX https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #shorts ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript for Dialogue Substitution: Today I'm going to talk about dialogue substitution. It's one of my favourite ESL reading and speaking activities. Have you ever experienced this in your class? It happens to me all the time/ You know, there are those little dialogues in the textbooks that are often kind of like the lead-in to the rest of the unit. I put students into pairs and I tell them, okay read the dialogue with your partner. And just blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and they're finished. And then I say, okay so that guy Bob and I asked a question about Bob from the dialogue and everyone's like what? Who's Bob? And they actually, legitimately have no idea who Bob is. What Bob did. What Bob said. Even though they had just finished reading it with their partner. Do you know what the problem is? It's not with my students, it's with me because I didn't give them a reason to actually read carefully. Instead, remove some of the key words! Tags: esl,esl activities,learning games,teaching esl,teachers,teaching activities,teaching prompts,fun activities,games,english,English for beginners,learning english,esl games,english teacher, esl activities for adults, esl activities for teens, shorts, short, youtube shorts, shorts for teachers, dialogue substitution, quick esl, quick esl reading, quick esl speaking, esl speaking, esl reading,

Proofreading and Editing (A Grammar Activity for ESL Student...
23K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
One of the best ones that focus on reading and writing skills is proofreading and editing. It’s hard for our students if we lead right into the main lesson without giving them a chance to warm up their brains, and start thinking, talking, reading and writing in English. It’s also the perfect opportunity to do some review of the things I’ve taught in previous classes. ------------------- • Sentence Correction Activity for ESL Students: https://youtu.be/zDxIX_0ULVI • 3 Fun Grammar Activities ESL by: @Just Teach (by Little Mary) https://youtu.be/G1UGXC7Efco ------------------- • Check out my blog if you want to find more information about Proofreading and editing https://www.eslactivity.org/proof-reading-editing-esl-warm-up/ Check out my 39 No-Prep/Low-Prep ESL Grammar Activities and Games book: https://amzn.to/3Qc33Ty -------------------- https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #proofreading ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript for ESL proofreading and editing: One of the most important, but overlooked skills is proofreading and editing. To be honest, if you are a business person or you're a teacher, you have any kind of job you probably have to write things. And if you can't proofread and edit your own work, nobody will really take you seriously. If you write a business email that's full of mistakes, who's going to take you seriously. Or, if you're a teacher and you're writing a bunch of report cards and there are a bunch of mistakes in them, the parents are going to wonder who is actually teaching my kids. That's why I love to teach my ESL or EFL students how to proofread and edit. I know it's a little bit old school. It's a little bit boring. However, it is a very important skill. So the best way to do it is to have a little checklist, and this will, of course, depend on the level of the students. But some very basic things to add on there are punctuation including like periods, commas, question marks, capital letters, and subject-verb agreement like they-are he-is. Things like that. Of course, spelling, and overused words like great, awesome, and good. There are so many better adjectives and descriptive words that you can use to replace that. So those are the most basic ones and then it can get into way more complicated things as well, depending on the level. Okay, so that's it. Don't overlook proofreading and editing with your students, even if it's a little bit boring. Push through and do it with them because it actually is a very important skill. If you need some more ideas for teaching English, please be sure to check out my book 39 No-Prep, Low-Prep ESL Grammar Activities and please hit like, subscribe, and let me know if you teach proofreading and editing to your English Learners. Leave a comment below. Okay, until next time, bye everybody. Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:10 Why is it important? 0:49 Use a checklist 1:25 Conclusion Tags: Grammar Activity, grammar activity for esl, esl grammar activity, proofreading warmup, editing warmups, proofreading and editing,esl proofreading,editing worksheet, daily warm up answer key,daily editing practice,2nd grade editing worksheets, editing paragraph exercises with answers,

Top 30 ESL Classroom Games and Activities | Teaching ESL to...
425K views · May 2, 2023 eslspeaking.org
Here are my top 30 ESL Classroom Games and Activities for students of any age! This is a must-watch for ESL teachers. Keep on watching for 30 of the best ESL classroom games. ------- • Check out my blog for the ultimate resource on ESL games and activities: https://www.eslactivity.org/ • Watch my playlist here for more ideas on what to teach your classes! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0Q8kr18oQKbg2gr0CIt-ibFPl8f4oCL ------ Check out my book: 101 ESL Games for Kids https://amzn.to/3IlYxjV https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #teachingenglishwithjackie #eslactivities #eslgames -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 0:04 Line Up Activity 0:58 SOS Whiteboard Game 2:00 Apples to Apples ESL Vocabulary Game 3:05 Password ESL game for Teenagers 4:12 3 Things activity 5:36 Pictionary ESL game for Teenagers 6:30 Dialogue Substitution a speaking and reading activity 8:07 Dictation 9:55 Error Correction Relay Race 11:30 Menu's an Esl food activity for all ages 12:21 Ball Toss 13:04 Agony Aunt listening and reading activity 15:27 Flip Chart 16:21 Memory Circle 17:48 Five Senses 20:34 Fly Swatter 21:44 Idiom Activity 22:43 Surveys 23:29 Secret Job 24:33 Two Truths and a Lie 25:07 Postcards 26:34 Proofreading and Editing 28:00 Round Robin Story 29:19 Is That Sentence Correct 29:54 Show and Tell 31:05 Me Too! 32:08 I'm an Alien 32:59 Word Association 34:33 Word Challenge Whiteboard Race Tags: esl, esl games, english as a second language, ESL Classroom Games and Activities, esl games and activities, Teaching ESL to English Learners, fly swatter vocabulary game, apples to apples adults version, fun tutoring activities, fly swatter game, type of sentences games, types of sentences games, warm up worksheets, word association exercises, esl brains, ball tossing game, teens in classroom, esl review, teaching english to teens, teaching english to adults, teaching english to kids, esl idiom games, esl reading lesson plan,