Valentine's Day ESL Games, Activities, Questions, Quizzes, and More
'Video thumbnail for Would You Rather? Valentine's Day Edition Questions'
Would You Rather? Valentine's Day Edition Questions
Would You Rather? Valentine's Day Edition Questions

5K views · Feb 9, 2023

Want to do a fun would you rather brain break game about Valentine's Day? Try our Would You Rather Valentines Edition activity! How easy were the Would U Rather questions to answer? Activities like this Valentine's Day would you rather game are great for children to practice creative thinking, analyzing their thoughts, and debating about a topic! It is also a fun way to practice using comparative adjectives and certain vocabulary. Stay tuned to our channel to try out more would you rather questions to help your lesson prep or simply have fun! Tell us which question was your favourite. Were any of the questions hard to choose one option? Let us know in the comments! Also, be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more fun activities. ------- • Check out my book! 500+ Would You Rather Questions for adults: • Full blog post for 30 Valentines Day Would You Rather Questions ------ Other types of Would You Rather games • Would You Rather? Questions Food Edition : • Would You Rather Questions for Kids : ------ Image by Freepik and Pexel ------ #teachingenglishwithjackie #learningenglishwithjackie # #eslactivities #classroomgames #esl ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- • Play another Valentine's Candy Would You Rather Game by  @PhonicsMan: Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:19 Question 1 0:35 Question 2 0:52 Question 3 1:08 Question 4 1:23 Question 5 1:40 Question 6 1:56 Question 7 2:11 Question 8 2:28 Question 9 2:44 Question 10 3:00 Question 11 3:16 Outro 3:31 Outro 3:34 My book! Would You Rather 1. Would you rather have your birthday on Valentine's Day or on Christmas? 2. Would you rather receive a present or roses? 3. Would you rather go stargazing with your partner or make a scrapbook with your partner? 4. Would you rather stay in Paris or Ney Work on Valentine's Day? 5. Would you rather make a heart-shaped pizza or bake something sweet? 6. Would you rather eat breakfast in bed together or cook dinner together? 7. Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero? 8. Would you rather do get 100 roses or 100 pieces of chocolate? 9. Would you rather write a love letter to your valentine or make a playlist for your valentine? 10. Would you rather dye your hair pink or red for Valentine's Day? 11. Would you rather go to a Japanese restaurant or an Italian restaurant on Valentine's Day? Tags: would you rather, would you rather Valentine's Day, would you rather Valentines, would you rather questions, would you rather game, would you rather questions for couples, would u rather, choices video, challenge questions, dinner night game, esl game, esl activities

'Video thumbnail for History of Valentine's Day | Fun Facts About Valentine's Day'
History of Valentine's Day | Fun Facts About Valentine&#...
History of Valentine's Day | Fun Facts About Valentine's Day

2K views · Feb 9, 2023

Want to learn about Valentine's Day? Watch our Valentine's Day Fun Facts video. Did you learn anything new about Valentines Day? Watching videos like Valentine's Day English Lesson is a great way to teach your kids or ESL students about the holiday! It is also a fun way to learn general knowledge and new vocabulary about Valentines. Tell us what new information you learned about this romantic holiday. Also, be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more holiday teaching resources like history, vocabulary, quizzes, activities, and lesson plans. ------- • ESL Valentine's Day Activities + Games, Worksheets, Vocabulary, Lesson Plans: ------- Other types of ESL Holiday Activities • Valentine's Day Would You Rather Questions : • What is a New Year's Resolution? : ------ Want more fun and engaging holiday activities for ESL Students? Check out my book: #teachingenglishwithjackie #learningenglishwithjackie # #eslactivities #classroomgames #esl ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- • Watch another Valentine's Day history video by @HISTORY : Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:20 What is Valentine's Day? 1:05 History of Valentine's Day 2:22 Fun Facts About Valentine's Day 2:24 Fun Fact 1 2:40 Fun Fact 2 2:47 Fun Fact 3 2:59 Fun Fact 4 3:06 Fun Fact 5 3:13 Outro Transcription What is Valentine's Day? Valentine's Day is a holiday people celebrate on February 14. It is also called Saint Valentine's Day. People celebrate this day by giving valentine cards to loved ones. Some people also like to give candy, chocolate, and flower (especially rose). History of Valentine's Day There are many legends regarding the history of Valentine's Day. The most popular legend talks about a priest in Rome called Saint Valentine. The Roman Emperor Claudius II banned his soldiers from getting married. The emperor believed men to be better soldiers if they did not get married. However, forbidding marriage couldn't stop the love between couples. So, Saint Valentine secretly and illegally helped couples get married. Saint Valentine eventually gets caught, and he gets killed for this reason. A few days before getting killed, St. Valentine writes a love letter to a girl he loved. This is why people now write valentine cards. Fun Facts About Valentine's Day 1) Now you know Valentine's Day was named after a person named Valentine. But in history, there were actually at least two (probably more) St. valentine, and we don't know exactly which Valentine inspired this holiday! 2) February 14 officially became Valentine's Day, a holiday associated with love, in the 1300s! 3) Valentine's Day cards are called 'valentines.' The first valentine was sent in the 15th century. It was a love poem written by a duke for his wife. 4) Valentines day became part of popular culture in the 1840s. 5) Every year, almost 250 million roses are grown for Valentine's Day. Tags: History of Valentine's Day, Valentines Day history, Valentine's day, Valentine's day for kids, all about Valentines, Valentine's day story, what is Valentine's day, Valentine's day for esl, valentine's day facts

'Video thumbnail for Valentine's Day Vocabulary Quiz | Fun ESL Word Game'
Valentine's Day Vocabulary Quiz | Fun ESL Word Game
Valentine's Day Vocabulary Quiz | Fun ESL Word Game

3K views · Feb 9, 2023

Want to do an easy vocabulary quiz? Try our Valentine's Day vocabulary quiz for ESL students! How well do you know Valentines words? Activities like this Valentine's word game are great for ESL students to check how well they know words about a topic! It is also a fun way to learn new Saint Valentine's Day general knowledge and vocabulary. Stay tuned to our channel to try out more fun ESL activities to help your lesson prep. Tell us how many questions you or your students answered correctly in this Valentines day vocabulary game. Also, be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more ESL activity videos and resources. ------- • Full blog post for Valentine’s Day ESL Activities, Games, Worksheets & Lesson Plans: ------- Other types of ESL Valentine's Day activity videos • Would You Rather? Questions St. Valentine's Day Edition : • History and Fun Facts About Valentine's Day : ------ Want more fun and engaging activities for ESL Students? Check out my book: #teachingenglishwithjackie #learningenglishwithjackie # #eslactivities #classroomgames #esl ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- • Play a Valentine's Day picture vocabulary game from @ikenglish.ianakurtenok: Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:09 Instructions 0:18 Question 1 0:37 Question 2 0:58 Question 3 1:19 Question 4 1:40 Question 5 2:00 Question 6 2:20 Question 7 2:41 Question 8 3:02 Question 9 3:22 Question 10 3:44 Outro 4:02 My Book! Answer Key 1. When do we celebrate Valentine's Day? b) February 2. What do lovers give each other on Valentine's Day? c) card 3. Valentine's Day is named after a... a) saint 4. What is the most common type of sweet git on this day? d) chocolate 5. What's the most popular flower on Valentine's Day? c) rose 6. Which god is the symbol of Valentine's Day? a) Cupid 7. Some people call their loved ones sweet_____. d) heart 8. What do you call an arrangement of flowers? d) bouquet 9. Which bird is the symbol of Valentine's Day? c) dove 10. Which fruit is also known as the love apple? b) tomato Tags: Valentine's Day quiz, ESL Valentine's Day game, esl Valentines quiz, Valentine's day vocabulary, st. valentines general knowledge quiz, Valentine's day what am i, Valentines words, valentine's day trivia

'Video thumbnail for Top 5 Valentine's Day Idioms and expressions | ESL Holiday vocabulary'
Top 5 Valentine's Day Idioms and expressions | ESL Holid...
Top 5 Valentine's Day Idioms and expressions | ESL Holiday vocabulary

5K views · Feb 9, 2023

Have you ever wondered what "two peas in a pod" meant? In this video, I discuss Top 5 Valentine's Day Idioms. If you’re looking for some Valentine's Day Idiom words then you’re certainly in the right place. Let us know in the comments below what your favorite Valentine's Day Idioms or Holiday idiom is! ------- • Check out this blog post for more details on ESL Holiday Lessons including Activities, Worksheets & Lesson Plans: • If you liked this video, watch my "Valentine's Day Vocabulary Quiz" video here: • If you want more Valentine's Day idioms, then watch this video by @LoveEnglishwithLeilaSabrah ------ Check out my 63 ESL Holiday Games and Activities book: h #teachingenglishwithjackie #learningenglishwithjackie #idioms ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript: Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 0:09 A match made in heaven 0:17 Love at first sight 0:27 Kiss and makeup 0:41 Tie the knot 0:47 Two peas in a pod 1:03 Outro Tags: Valentine's Day Idioms, Valentine's Day Idioms and expressions, valentines day expressions, ESL Holiday vocabulary, popular valentines day phrases, falling in love, love languages, love language, how to say this in english, valentine's day word, valentines day expression, holiday idioms, valentines idiom, valentines day english, phrases for valentines day, holiday expressions sayings, abc valentines words,

'Video thumbnail for Would you rather go out to eat on Valentine's Day or make a special dinner at home | ESL #Short'
Would you rather go out to eat on Valentine's Day or mak...
Would you rather go out to eat on Valentine's Day or make a special dinner at home | ESL #Short

564 views · Feb 14, 2023

Would you rather go out to eat on Valentine's Day or make a special dinner together? It really depends on the mood. Let us know in the comments! Have some more fun with would you rather questions: 500+ Would You Rather Questions for adults: ------- #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #shorts #valentinesday ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript Tags: Dinner at home, home cooked meal, dinner date, dinner date ideas, dinner with a loved one, Would you rather short, would you rather educational, valentines day, valentines day short, valentines day celebration, how to celebrate valentines day, canadian valentines day, american valentines day, valentines day in English, would you rather, would you do this, shorts about valentines day, shorts for valentines,

'Video thumbnail for ESL Valentine's Day Games and Activities | Fun Valentine's Ideas for the Classroom'
ESL Valentine's Day Games and Activities | Fun Valentine...
ESL Valentine's Day Games and Activities | Fun Valentine's Ideas for the Classroom

8K views · Nov 23, 2022

Valentine's Day is a great, fun-filled day you can bring into the ESL or EFL classroom! It is a great opportunity to help your students learn new vocabulary through games and activities. Watch along for my favourite picks for ESL Valentine's Day games and activities in the classroom! --------------------------- More fun ideas for the TEFL classrom: -------------------------- Want to find out more about Valentine's Day ESL? Check out: 63 ESL Holiday Games & Activities: #teachingenglishwithjackie #valentinesday #eslactivities #eslgames #teachingenglishabroad -------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------- More ideas for Valentine's Day ESL games from @ESL Kids Games -------------------- Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:12 Make some cards 0:34 Charades 1:00 Picture prompt 1:27 Write a love poem 1:52 Dictogloss 2:26 Conclusion Transcript for ESL Valentine's Day Games and Activities: It's Jackie from So if you want to celebrate Valentine's day with your students, here are some of my best ESL Valentine's day activities and games to consider trying out in your classes. Number one: make some cards. This is super fun and most students love getting out their coloured pencils and drawing some pictures, that kind of thing. They can make cards for other students in the class or their teacher, their friends, their parents, whoever they want. I leave it kind of open and don't make it mandatory for them to do anything like that so they can make cards, however many they want and they can give them to whomever they want as well. All right, the next one is charades. This is kind of better for more advanced-level students. Make up a bunch of sentences like getting chocolates, or sentences or phrases (going on a date or awkward first date, things like that). And then the students have to act it out and then the other students in their group have to guess what it is. I'm sure you played charades before but it's great for any holiday-themed ESL lesson. The next one is picture prompt ( This is a really nice way if students already know a good amount of vocabulary to help them activate their prior knowledge. So I put up Valentine's day scene and then I just elicit some information. What do you see in the picture? There are people on a date, or he gave her some chocolates. or there are flowers, there are valentine's day cards, etc., that kind of thing. And you can point out the things that you plan to cover in your lesson actually and that's a really nice warm-up activity you can do. The next one is a love poem. A haiku works really well. I explain what a haiku is, show students some examples and then get them to make a love poem. Of course, not everyone's in love with somebody and it's even for kids so I could say, okay make a love poem for your cat or your teacher or your mom or a friend or just whoever. It's just kind of for fun. It doesn't have to be serious and students can make it for whoever they want. The last one is dictogloss ( So this is a nice activity for higher-level students. I make up a passage talking about one of my experiences with Valentine's day or someone else's experience too you can use. I put students into pairs and then they each have a pen and paper. I read out the passage at a much faster than normal pace students have to take notes and then they can pair with their partners to try to recreate what they just heard. I repeat the process again: readings, taking notes, and students comparing. And then finally they can compare what they have with the original version. That's it for my ESL Valentine's day activities to try out in your classes. If you like these ideas please hit like, subscribe, leave a comment and then also be sure to check out the full blog post. I'll put the link below. There are a ton more ideas for Valentine's day.

'Video thumbnail for Would you rather get chocolate or flowers for Valentine's Day? | ESL #Short'
Would you rather get chocolate or flowers for Valentine'...
Would you rather get chocolate or flowers for Valentine's Day? | ESL #Short

12 views · Feb 9, 2023

Would you rather get chocolates or flowers for Valentine's day? Both sound like quite a treat, but I would love to hear your opinion! Have some more fun with would you rather questions: 500+ Would You Rather Questions for adults: ------- #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #shorts #valentinesday ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript Tags: Would you rather short, would you rather educational, valentines day, valentines day short, valentines day celebration, how to celebrate valentines day, canadian valentines day, american valentines day, valentines day in English, would you rather, would you do this, shorts about valentines day, shorts for valentines,

'Video thumbnail for Would you rather make something for your loved one or buy something? | Valentine's day ESL #Short'
Would you rather make something for your loved one or buy so...
Would you rather make something for your loved one or buy something? | Valentine's day ESL #Short

597 views · Feb 9, 2023

Would you rather make something for your loved one or buy something for Valentines day? Personally, I'm not very crafty so I will often buy something for my loved one, but what about you? Let us know in the comments! Have some more fun with would you rather questions: 500+ Would You Rather Questions for adults: ------- #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #shorts #valentinesday ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript Tags: Gift giving, valentines day present, valentines day gift, valentines day craft, Would you rather short, would you rather educational, valentines day, valentines day short, valentines day celebration, how to celebrate valentines day, canadian valentines day, american valentines day, valentines day in English, would you rather, would you do this, shorts about valentines day, shorts for valentines,