American Party Slang | Learning English with Jackie
66K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org
American Slang can be a bit funny at first. Have you ever heard someone exclaim “that party was rad,” or “She's such a party animal” and wonder what it really means? They are English slang expressions! Check out this video to find out more about American English Party slang. ------- • Full blog post here about more American Slang: https://eslspeaking.org/american-english-slang/ • If you liked this content, watch another American Slang video here : https://youtu.be/K7iMsh56h2Y • Don't forget to check out @BusinessEnglishwithChristina video with more American English Slang: https://youtu.be/Vgzmci2cAJc ------ American English Slang: Dialogues, Phrases, Words & Expressions for English Learners: https://amzn.to/3wxyTkP https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #englishidioms #learningenglish #learnenglishonline ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript: Hey everybody, this is Jackie from eslspeaking.org.Today I'm going to talk about party slang. So who doesn't want to learn more American or Canadian English slang? Probably everybody. Here are my favourite things that you might want to use at a party or to describe a party. Number one: party animal. This is a person that loves to party every Friday night, every Saturday night, maybe Tuesday night, and Thursday night. They're going to a party, they're drinking lots, they're talking, they're always having fun at parties. Here's an example sentence. You could say, "Oh, my sister is such a party animal," or, "My ex-boyfriend was such a party animal but i didn't like it so we broke up" because maybe you didn't like to party but he liked to party and he was a party animal so that's why you broke up. Number two, this is how you describe someone who's had way too much to drink. You could say they're wasted. They've drunk so many alcoholic drinks. They've had too many beers too many glasses of wine and you could say, "That guy—he's very drunk," or, "I got wasted last night. I had too many drinks last night." Number three, these words you could use to describe anything that was really, really fun or really, really great. The two words are epic and rad. I really like these words a lot so you could say, "That party was epic." That means that the party was amazing or very, very fun. Or, you could say, "That party was so rad," which means the party was great or you had a really good time at the party. This one is also related: a blast. So if someone says, "How was the party?" You could say, "I had a blast." That means I had a really fun time. If you had a party you could say "I hope everybody had a blast at my party." All right, so this one, you know, sometimes at a party some people have had way too much to drink and maybe this person is like sleeping on your couch or at a restaurant they're just kind of like sleeping under the table, whatever, something like that. You could say that person is passed out or blacked out. It's not good. It's very very bad actually because your friends or your boyfriend or girlfriend will have to help you get home. You cannot go home by yourself because you're just kind of like sleeping and you've had so much to drink. So you could say, I blacked out last night. I can't remember what happened at that party." Or, "My boyfriend is passed out over there. I'm so embarrassed." Something like that. All right, the next one. This is at a party with illegal drugs, not alcohol. Maybe there's also alcohol but this is involving drugs. For example, marijuana or cocaine. I don't know, I don't want to list them all but you maybe know them so this is how you describe someone who's been taking illegal drugs. You could say they are high or stoned. You could say, "Last night, I got so high. It means that you smoked so much marijuana. Or, you could say, "She's so stoned. she's acting very crazy." Something like that. Okay, so those are my party slang words for you. I hope that you enjoyed this video. If you did, please hit like, subscribe and leave a comment below and please tell me your favourite party slang that you like to use. And also be sure to check out my book on Amazon: American English Slang. You'll find lots of good stuff and learn how to talk like an American or a Canadian. I'm from Canada so either way. Same same America and Canada, almost the same in terms of slang. --- Tags: learning english,english slang,fun slang,usa party slang,slang words usa,slang usa,english slangs,english slang words,english party slang,canada party slang,stoned,drunk,stoner,American PartySlang,American slang,Funny american slang,

IELTS speaking exam tips: Get a higher band score for IELTS ...
5K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org
Full blog post: https://eslspeaking.org/ielts-speaking-top-5-tips-need-know/ If you’re looking for some tips for IELTS speaking then you’re certainly in the right place. We’re going to give you the details you need to know about this English proficiency exam, including the IELTS speaking rubric, along with the best tips for improving your score. This video can help you get a band 7 or 8 on the IELTS speaking exam. Want to find more tips on how to improve your IELTS speaking score? Check out: https://amzn.to/3oQnTeQ Even more ESL content: https://eslspeaking.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en Tags: esl, esl activities, IELTS Speaking, IELTS, fun activities, games, English, English for beginners, learning English, ESL games, English teacher, English, learning language, Classroom games, ESL adults, TEFL, TEFL activities, TEFL classroom, learn English daily, TEFL game, game, IELTS exam, exam, english exam, english test, english tips, tips for learning, study tips, 0:00 Introduction 0:01 IELTS SPEAKING EXAM TIPS 0:09 TOP 10 TIPS FOR THE IELTS SPEAKING EXAM 0:48 BE YOURSELF 1:23 RELAX AND SLOW DOWN! 2:03 ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU NEED CLARIFICATION 2:34 STAY ON TOPIC 3:06 DON'T GO BACK AND CORRECT YOURSELSF 3:41 NEVER MEMORIZE ANYTHING 4:26 GIVE MORE DETAILS 5:19 USE IDIOMS AND EXPRESSIONS 5:39 USE A VARIETY OF GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURES 6:02 PRACTICE THE FORMAT OF THE IELTS

An English phrase we should stop using: Hey guys | Learning ...
3K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org
This is a phrase that most people are guilty of, including me! We should try to stop saying "Hey guys" when speaking English. Watch the video to find out why it's not ideal to say, "Hey guys" and to find out some of the best English words, phrases, and expressions to replace it with. ------------------- • Watch my American English Slang playlist: : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0Q8kr18oQILo6cb9p6XmaoiZfLZyk2R • 15 English Phrases You Should Avoid Using by: @Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons https://youtu.be/rAuPwvMgMbE ------------------- If you want more English-speaking tips visit my blog here: eslspeaking.org Want to find more low or No Prep ESL activities? Check out: https://amzn.to/3KbTtgU -------------------- https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #teachingenglishwithjackie #20questions #eslgames Transcript: Hi everybody, this is Jackie from eslspeaking.org. So today I'm going to talk about something that admittedly I am also guilty of. It's a phrase that should be banned from people's vocabularies. Basically, you should never say this again. It is, are you ready? Hey guy. Hey guys, people use it in English to refer to everybody: men, women, children, trans people, literally everybody. But guys actually refer to only men so why are we referring to like children and women and trans people as guys? It's so ridiculous and I mean I say it too but every time I say it on the inside I'm like, oh why did I say that? So here are better things you can say instead of hey guys. You could say, hey everybody, or you could say, hey friends. Or you could just even not give people a label or a title. You could just say: what's up, what's going on, hello, hi, Any of those things are totally fine. What are you not gonna say? That's right, hey guys. Let's ban hey guys from anything we say ever again and that would make me so happy. And I'm gonna also double down on my efforts to avoid saying it as well. All right, if you like this video please hit like, subscribe, tell your friends and remember just never ever say, hey guys. Okay until next time, bye everybody. Tags: English phrase, hey guys, English words, English grammar, English phrases, What not to say, phrase hey guys,

How to do a self-introduction in English with 3 Easy steps |...
24K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslactivity.org
Want more resources for learning English besides self-introductions? Check out my blog: https://eslspeaking.org/category/learn-english/ Do you have a job interview or an English conference coming up? You will probably need to do a self-introduction! In this video, I let you in on 3 steps on how to introduce yourself in English. It's actually super easy to do a self-introduction in English if you follow these steps, so don't worry about it and just check out the interview! Want to find 1001 English Expressions and Phrases? Check out my book: https://amzn.to/3LwjBCw https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #learningEnglish #selfintroduction #learningenglishwithjackie Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:22 Tip: Keep it brief 0:45 Step 1: Name and occupation 0:51 Step 2: Professional skills and accomplishments 1:04 Step 3: Conclusion (why you're the best person for the job) 1:20 Summary 1:39 Conclusion Transcript for how to do a self-introduction in English: Hi everybody, this is Jackie from eslspeaking.org. Today I'm going to talk about how to do a self-introduction. You may have to do a self-introduction at a job interview, at a conference, something like that. So there are three very simple steps that you can follow but first, I just want to give you a quick tip: keep it brief. If someone says, please introduce yourself, nobody wants a whole page. They'll be super bored. Basically, people want like three or four sentences that should take like 30 seconds. If you start talking longer than 30 seconds, people just like you might see their eyes glaze over, they'll lose a bit of focus, and they're not that interested. So anyway, here are the three steps in the self-introduction. So you can give your name and occupation: hi my name is Jackie Bolen and I'm an English teacher. You can talk about your professional skills and accomplishments: I am a certified English teacher. I've done the Celta and the Delta courses and I've been teaching English for 15 years to a variety of students and levels. And then finally the conclusion. If you're at a job interview, you probably want to say why you're the best candidate for that job: I would be a great candidate for this job because i have a lot of experience and i'm excited about teaching English students. All right so that's about it. Remember the three things: your name, occupation, and then your professional skills and accomplishments but don't list everything, keep it brief and then finally the conclusion (why you are the best person for the job or the opportunity or at the conference, why someone should follow up with you, etc.) If you want some more tips for speaking English well be sure to check out my book, 1001 English Expressions and Phrases. Please hit like, subscribe, and leave a comment below and I will catch you next time. Bye, everybody. -------- Tags: esl, English, learning English, learning English easy, Learning English for teenagers, Learning English for adults, Study tips, self introduction, self intro, interview, Studying English, study abroad, studying abroad, English interview, English learning, quick tips, quick English, tips for English speaking, English speaking, American English, Canadian English, how to do a self introduction

Practice Speaking English in 10 easy steps | Learning Englis...
10K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslactivity.org
Learn how to practice speaking English in 10 easy steps by watching this video. We’re going to give you the rundown on everything you need to know to practice getting your English skills up, even if you don’t speak English as your first language. So keep watching for all the information about learning to speak English well! ------- • Full blog with worksheets and more: https://eslspeaking.org/category/learn-english/ • If you liked this video, learn how to do a self-introduction here: https://youtu.be/MkPugKMgu2M • Watch how to practice speaking English alone with @English Speaking Success : https://youtu.be/9gpmxN5SlNM ------ Want 1001 English Expressions and Phrases? Check out my book: https://amzn.to/3LwjBCw https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #speakingnglishwithjackie speakingenglishwithjackie #eslwarmup ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:12 Tip #1: Join a meetup group 0:43 Tip #2: Get a language exchange partner 0:53 Tip #3: Pay a tutor 1:15 Tip #4: Sing in English 1:27 Tip #5: Think in English 2:03 Tip #6: Talk to yourself in English 2:22 Tip #7: Focus on fluency 2:32 Tip #8: Listen and repeat 2:50 Tip #9: Phrases and Collocations 3:28 Tip #10: Read in English 4:00 Outro Transcript for Practice Speaking English: Hi, this is jackie from esleaking.org. Today I'm going to talk about my top 10 tips to practise speaking English. Tip number one is to join a meetup group. If you live in a place like Canada or USA or England where people speak English as their first language, whatever your hobby is, just join that meetup group and go on a hike with people, go out to eat, whatever your hobby is and that you like doing. Just join in with some English speakers doing that as well. Get a language exchange partner. So if you speak Korean, find somebody who wants to speak Korean and you can learn from each other. The next one is you can pay a tutor. It's great just chatting with friends or going to a meetup group but if you want some serious English teaching and English conversation help with English speaking practice, paying someone might be the best way for you. You can find a person in the country where you're at or online. There are a million different options for that. The fourth thing you can do is sing in English. You can often find some popular songs with lyrics on YouTube. Play it loudly, sing along and learn the lyrics as well. The next one is to think in English. To the best English students, or the best students of any language actually think in that original language. They don't necessarily think in their first language and then translate. Try to get out of the habit. So just when you're out walking around the street or you're at home doing things you can just kind of talk to yourself a little bit. Just get in the habit of speaking and thinking in English. The next tip is quite related. It is talking to yourself and having a little chat with yourself all the time. Just think like, I'm making dinner now and then I'm gonna go see my friend Jenny and then when you're getting ready for bed just think, I'm gonna brush my teeth now and then I'm gonna go to bed. The next one is to focus on fluency. English students often get very worried about making mistakes. Don't worry too much about it. Worry more about getting your point across and then speaking quickly. Number eight: listen and repeat. If you have a favourite tv show or a podcast you can listen to a sentence or two, press pause and then repeat. This is a nice way to practice English if you're alone. Tip number nine is to learn phrases and collocations. If you learn each word individually, I mean you can learn well that way but the better way is to learn phrases. So for example something like, how are you. Tip number 10 is to read in English. I know this isn't related to speaking or doesn't seem like it's related to speaking but it actually is. The best english speakers read a lot and they listen to a lot as well. So find something that's interesting to you. It could be something online: a newspaper a magazine, maybe like a novel, maybe even a kid's book, something like that and then read regularly. So those are my ways to practice speaking English. Tags: speaking English, learning English, How to speak English, How to speak English easy, Reading in English, Learning English easy, ESL speaking, English speaking success, English phrases, English collocations, English fluency, Singing in English, ESL, Tutoring online, English tutor online, Reading an English book, Listening in English, Talking in English, English,

How to Practice English Listening | 7 tips for learning Engl...
5K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
Are you wondering how you can practice your English listening? This is the ultimate resource video for English listening tips, so continue watching for 7 tips on how to get your listening practice in check. ------- • More tips for improving listening skills: https://eslspeaking.org/category/learn-english/ • If you liked this video, watch my Practice Speaking English in 10 easy steps video here: https://youtu.be/bqRfmkIMZJk • Want more English practice? Watch 32 Minutes of English Listening Practice for Beginners by @Learn English with EnglishClass101.com : https://youtu.be/bEB8-SWMYhI ------ Still wanting to learn? Check out 11001 English Expressions and Phrases: https://amzn.to/3LwjBCw https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #learningenglishwithjackie englishwithjackie #eslspeaking ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 0:13 Watch TV or movies 0:44 Podcasts 1:02 Meetup group or expat club 1:20 Prepare for TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS listening 1:37 Read and listen 2:08 Take a class and record it 2:26 Read more 2:46 Conclusion Transcript for Practice English Listening Today I'm going to talk about the top seven ways to practice English listening. Number one is maybe the best one. The most interesting one, in my opinion, is to watch tv or movies. Subtitles are kind of the question with this and I would say, it really depends on your level. If you're able to watch an English tv or movie without subtitles and still understand almost everything, that's probably the best option. If that isn't possible, turn on the subtitles but don't turn off your brain. Be sure to listen carefully. Number two: podcasts. I love to listen to podcasts when I'm exercising, cooking dinner, cleaning my house, or even just hanging out with my cat Lucy at nighttime. So find a podcast that you're interested in. It can be for English learners or if you're advanced enough, it can just be a regular podcast and then listen regularly. Number three is to join a Meetup group or an ex-pat club where English is the language of choice. Go to that club and then talk to people. This will help you improve your listening skills. Number four is to prepare for something like the IELTS or the TOEFL or TOEIC listening test. Get a preparation book and then prepare for that test. Those books are great. It will help you listen for specific things in a very targeted way. Alright, number five is to read and listen. By this, I mean if you're watching a movie or tv show, you can read the subtitles and then also listen. If everything is happening too fast for you, play one or two sentences, pause, and then think about what you just heard and read the subtitles. Press start and one or two more sentences and then stop and then think about what you just heard. If you want to level up, repeat what you just heard as well and then get some speaking practice. The next one is to take a class and then ask the teacher if you can record the class on your phone. This is a way to go home and then get some additional listening practice. You may not have caught everything in the class but you can go back and then listen more slowly to what you heard. The seventh way to practice English listening is to read more. I know these tips are about listening but if you read more, you'll expand your vocabulary and English grammar and then what you hear will make more sense. You'll be able to pick out more of the words that you hear and understand more of the grammar constructions. Alright, so those are my top 7 tips for English listening. If you want some more help with English, be sure to check out my book 1001 English Expressions and Phrases. Tags: English listening, Tips for learning, Tips for English, Tips for learning English, how to learn English, English class, English test, Listening, Podcast, esl, esl for kids, esl for teens, esl for adults, English listening practice, practice English, How to practice English, learning English, ielts, toefl, toeic, elts test, toefl test, toeic test, listening test,

American Party Slang: Epic and Rad | Learning English with J...
506 views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
"Wow, this Halloween party is going to be epic!" Have you ever heard someone say that and wonder what it really means? Watch this Short and find out! This is one example of American party slang. Want more examples? Watch the full video here:https://youtu.be/ZKB1GMdrLS4 ------- • American English Slang: Dialogues, Phrases, Words & Expressions for English Learners: https://amzn.to/3wxyTkP ------ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #shorts ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Tags: epic, rad, epic halloween party, learning english,english slang,fun slang,usa party slang,slang words usa,slang usa,english slangs,english slang words,english party slang,canada party slang,stoned,drunk,stoner,American PartySlang,American slang,Funny american slang,

American Party Slang: Party Animal | Are you a party animal...
120 views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
Are you going to be a "party animal" for Halloween tonight? Or have you ever heard someone say that and wonder what it really means? Watch this Short and find out! This is one example of American party slang. Want more examples? Watch the full video here:https://youtu.be/ZKB1GMdrLS4 ------- • American English Slang: Dialogues, Phrases, Words & Expressions for English Learners: https://amzn.to/3wxyTkP ------ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #shorts ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript: Hey everybody, this is Jackie from eslspeaking.org. Today I'm going to talk about party slang. Party animal. This person is a person that loves to party every Friday night, every Saturday night, maybe Tuesday night, and Thursday night. They're going to a party, they're drinking lots, they're talking, they're always having fun at parties. Here's an example sentence. You could say, my sister is such a party animal. Or, my ex-boyfriend—he was such a party animal but I didn't like it so we broke up. Because maybe you didn't like to party but he liked to party. And he was a party animal so that's why you broke up Tags: party, halloween party, party animal, how to speak english, cool english slang, learning english,english slang,fun slang,usa party slang,slang words usa,slang usa,english slangs,english slang words,english party slang,canada party slang,American Party Slang,American slang,Funny american slang,