ESL Halloween Activities
'Video thumbnail for Halloween Vocabulary Quiz | ESL Halloween Games'
Halloween Vocabulary Quiz | ESL Halloween Games
Halloween Vocabulary Quiz | ESL Halloween Games

13K views · Nov 22, 2022

Want to do an easy vocabulary quiz? Try our Halloween vocabulary quiz for ESL students! How well do you know Halloween words? Activities like this ESL Halloween games are great for ESL students to check how well they know words about a topic! It is also a fun way to learn new Halloween general knowledge and vocabulary. Stay tuned to our channel to try out more fun ESL activities to help your lesson prep. Tell us how many questions you or your students answered correctly in this Halloween vocabulary game. Also, be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more ESL activity videos and resources. ------- • Full blog post for ESL Halloween Games, Activities, Worksheets & Lesson Plans: ------- Other types of ESL vocabulary quiz or test • English Sports Vocabulary Quiz : • Thanksgiving Trivia Quiz : ------ Want more fun and engaging activities for ESL Students? Check out my book: #teachingenglishwithjackie #learningenglishwithjackie # #eslactivities #classroomgames #esl ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- • Play another Halloween What Am I? Quiz from @Little Dreamers Education : Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:08 Instructions 0:17 Question 1 0:36 Question 2 0:57 Question 3 1:17 Question 4 1:38 Question 5 1:59 Question 6 2:19 Question 7 2:40 Question 8 3:00 Question 9 3:21 Question 10 3:44 Outro Answer Key Q1) What is the orange vegetable that people love to buy for Halloween? (pumpkin) Q2) When is Halloween celebrated? (October 31) Q3) What do kids say on Halloween after knocking on a neighbour's door? (trick or treat) Q4) What do neighbours give to trick or treaters on Halloween? (candy) Q5) Who is the scary woman dressed up in black that rides broom? (witch) Q6) What do you call the spirit of a dead person? (ghost) Q7) Where does Dracula sleep in? (coffin) Q8) This scary house is known to have ghosts. What is the name of this house? (Haunted House) Q9) What is the name of this animal? (bat) Q10) What is a witch's pot called? It is used for brewing potions. (cauldron) Tags: Halloween quiz, ESL Halloween game, esl Halloween quiz, Halloween vocabulary, Halloween general knowledge quiz, Halloween what am i, Halloween spooky words, Halloween trivia

'Video thumbnail for Halloween Trivia Game | 30 Questions for Halloween (Medium-Difficult)'
Halloween Trivia Game | 30 Questions for Halloween (Medium-D...
Halloween Trivia Game | 30 Questions for Halloween (Medium-Difficult)

207K views · Nov 22, 2022

Want to do a fun Halloween Trivia Quiz? Try our Halloween theme general knowledge quiz with 30 questions and 5 bonus questions. How well do you know about Halloween? Activities like this Halloween trivia quiz are great for checking how well you know about a topic! It is also a fun way to learn new Halloween general knowledge and vocabulary. Tell us how many questions you or your students answered correctly in this Halloween general knowledge trivia game. Also, be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more quiz activity videos and resources. ------- • ESL Halloween Games, Activities, Worksheets & Lesson Plans: ------- Other types of general knowledge quiz • 10 General Knowledge Quiz for Kids (medium-difficulty) : • General Knowledge Quiz for Kids (difficult 10 Questions) : ------ Want more fun and engaging activities for ESL Students? Check out my book: #teachingenglishwithjackie #learningenglishwithjackie # #eslactivities #classroomgames #esl ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- • Play another Halloween Trivia Quiz by @Quiz Roll Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:22 Question 1 0:37 Question 2 0:52 Question 3 1:06 Question 4 1:20 Question 5 1:35 Question 6 1:50 Question 7 2:04 Question 8 2:19 Question 9 2:33 Question 10 2:48 Question 11 3:02 Question 12 3:17 Question 13 3:31 Question 14 3:46 Question 15 4:00 Question 16 4:15 Question 17 4:30 Question 18 4:45 Question 19 4:59 Question 20 5:13 Question 21 5:28 Question 22 5:42 Question 23 5:57 Question 24 6:12 Question 25 6:26 Question 26 6:41 Question 27 6:55 Question 28 7:10 Question 29 7:25 Question 30 7:39 Bonus 1 7:54 Bonus 2 8:08 Bonus 3 8:23 Bonus 4 8:37 Bonus 5 8:52 Outro Answer Key Q1) What month is Halloween? (October) Q2) What’s the name of the flying mammal that is associated with Halloween? (bat) Q3) What do bats and vampires have in common? (both suck human blood & only come out at night) Q4) What is the carved pumpkin or root vegetable lantern called? (Jack-o'-lantern) Q5) When was Halloween first celebrated in America? 1840s) Q6) If you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, who do you see? (future wife or husband) Q7) What does the word “Halloween” mean? (hallowed evening) Q8) What vegetable did the Irish carve to make Jack-o’-lanterns? (turnips) Q9) Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable? (fruit) Q10) What do kids say when they knock on a neighbour's door to gather candies? (trick-or-treat) Q11) What are some of the most popular Halloween candies in America? (Snickers, KitKats, Tootsie Rolls, Hershey bars, Twix, Reese's cups, M&M's) Q12) What is the famous dog character people like to dress up as on Halloween? (Scooby-doo) Q13) Complete this famous Halloween chant. double, double, toil, and trouble) Q14) What is a popular movie about witches, wizards, tin man, a scarecrow, a lion, and a girl? (The Wizard of Oz) Q15) There will be revenge upon people who open the ____ of a mummy. (coffin) Q16) In which country did Halloween originate? (Ireland) Q17) What vegetable has the power to ward off vampires? (garlic) Q18) What happens to a person who is bitten by a vampire? (also turns into a vampire) Q19) What is the word that means fear of Halloween? (Samhainophobia) Q20) What is the first name of Dr. Frankenstein? (Victor) Q21) What do Halloween colours, orange and black, signify? (orange: harvest / black: death) Q22) What type of creature can you find inside Egyptian pyramids? (mummies) Q23) What date is Halloween celebrated? (October 31st) Q24) Who is the famous magician who died on Halloween? (Harry Houdini) Q25) Who celebrated Halloween first? (the Celts) Q26) What colour cat is associated with Halloween? (black) Q27) What’s another name for werewolves? (Lycanthropes) Q28) What are the physical characteristics of a werewolf? (unibrow, hairy palms, carved fingernails, etc.) Q29) How many calories are in an average trick-or-treat bag? (11000) Q30) How many pounds of candy corn are produced yearly? (35 million) B1) There are both good and bad witches in the movie The Wizard of Oz. (True) B2) Halloween is a more commercially successful holiday than Valentine's day. (True) B3) The day with the highest annual candy sales is October 31st. (False) B4) It is illegal to dress up as a priest or nun in Alabama, USA. (True) B5) The most popular children’s costumes are ghosts and monsters. (False) Tags: Halloween quiz, Halloween game, Halloween vocabulary, Halloween general knowledge quiz, Halloween trivia

'Video thumbnail for History of Halloween for Kids | Fun Facts About Halloween'
History of Halloween for Kids | Fun Facts About Halloween
History of Halloween for Kids | Fun Facts About Halloween

13K views · Nov 22, 2022

Want to learn about the history of Halloween? Watch our History of Halloween for Kids video. Did you learn anything new about Halloween? Watching videos like Fun Facts About Halloween is a great way to teach your kids or students about the holiday! It is also a fun way to learn general knowledge and new vocabulary about Halloween. Tell us what new information you learned about Halloween. Also, be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more holiday teaching resources like history, vocabulary, quizzes, activities, and lesson plans. ------- • ESL Halloween Games, Activities, Worksheets & Lesson Plans: ------- Other types of ESL Halloween Activities • Halloween Trivia Game (30 questions & 5 bonus questions) : • Halloween Vocabulary Quiz : ------ Want more fun and engaging holiday activities for ESL Students? Check out my book: #teachingenglishwithjackie #learningenglishwithjackie # #eslactivities #classroomgames #esl ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- • Watch a Halloween history animation by @Past To Future Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:16 History of Halloween 1:45 When is Halloween? 1:55 Who Celebrated Halloween? 2:10 Fun Facts About Halloween 2:54 Outro Transcription History of Halloween Halloween was first celebrated by the Celtic people in Ireland and Scotland. At the time, the name of the celebration was called Samhain. Samhain was an event to celebrate the harvest and the start of winter. But it was also a time when people thought ghosts came out. People were very scared of ghosts. So, they dressed in costumes and lit bonfires to ward off evil spirits. Later, when the Romans invaded the Celts, they realized their celebration for the dead was around the same time as Samhain. So, the Romans combined the two festivals, and that tradition became modern-day Halloween. When is Halloween? October 31st Who Celebrates Halloween? Everyone around the world! But it's especially popular in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Fun Facts About Halloween Famous magician Harry Houdini died on Halloween in 1926. Halloween is one of the most commercially successful holidays in North America. Americans purchase around 600 million pounds of candy each year for Halloween. Trick or Treating became part of American popular culture by 1951. Originally, Jack-o’-lanterns were carved from turnips instead of pumpkins. Tags: History of Halloween, Halloween's history, Halloween traditions, Halloween for kids, Halloween history, all about Halloween, Halloween stories

'Video thumbnail for Ideas for Fun ESL Halloween Lessons | Top 10 Halloween ESL Games and Activities for All Ages'
Ideas for Fun ESL Halloween Lessons | Top 10 Halloween ESL G...
Ideas for Fun ESL Halloween Lessons | Top 10 Halloween ESL Games and Activities for All Ages

28K views · Nov 22, 2022

If you’re looking for some fun ESL Halloween activities and game ideas, then you’re in the right place. We have all the top ideas, along with lesson plans, worksheets and more. Make Halloween this year extra special with these top picks for English learners. ------------------- • History of Halloween for Kids : ------------------- • Check out my blog if you want to find more information about Halloween ESL Games, Activities, Lesson Plans & More 63 ESL Holiday Games and Activities book: -------------------- #esl #learningenglishwithjackie #halloweenactivities ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript for Halloween ESL Activities and Games: Let's talk about my favourite ESL Halloween activities. The first activity you can do is a costume contest. Encourage your students to dress up, give a few prizes, and have some fun with it. That leads me to the second Halloween activity which is having a party. So there are a ton of games you can do, scary movies, music, food, snacks, that kind of thing if you're able to have a Halloween party. And get students to help you plan it, of course. The third one is trick-or-treating. This is a fun one to do if students can go from classroom to classroom and then in each classroom, they can collect a little treat or a piece of candy, something like that. The next one is a haunted classroom. Students can help you decorate your classroom and then other classrooms can participate as well. And then you can do kind of a little walk about, where students go from classroom to classroom, checking out the scary sights. The next Halloween activity is a scary story or a creepy story. If you tell students, tell me a scary story, it's not going to be a great activity to do. If someone told me to tell a scary story, in English, on the spot I maybe would struggle with it a little bit even though I speak English perfectly. If you give students a bit of time to prepare their story and they can write it down, the activity will go much more smoothly. The next one is a pumpkin carving contest. If you can get your hands on some pumpkins in the country that you're living in buy a few of them and then maybe put students in groups of three or four or five and they can come up with a decoration a pattern and then carve their pumpkin. Better yet, make it a contest. The next one is charades or Pictionary. If you teach students a bunch of Halloween vocabulary, consider playing charades or Pictionary to review that vocabulary. This is also a great activity for a Halloween party. The next one is what am I. So you maybe have played that little party game before where there's a Post-It note with a word or a person or an animal written on it and then you put it on your back. And then you have to ask yes or no questions to the other people at the party to find out who or what you are. You can do this with Halloween words as well. The next one is a candy-tasting contest. Bring in some blindfolds, and bring in some candies that are popular in the country where you live. The best ones I find are things like Skittles or M&Ms that are already just like a single piece. However, you can use chocolate bars and just kind of cut them up into little tiny pieces before you get to class. And then I divide the students up into teams, maybe like three or four different teams. And one student from each team comes and sits in a chair, puts on a blindfold and then they would each try three different candies. The next one is guessing the pumpkin weight. So buy a big pumpkin, bring it into class, and then students have to submit a guess as to how much it weighs. And then on the day before Halloween or on Halloween, I'll reveal the weight and the winner. Okay, so those are my top 10 ESL Halloween activities. Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:08 Costume contest 0:23 Halloween party 0:38 Trick or treating 0:57 Haunted classroom 1:12 Scary or creepy store 1:36 Pumpkin carving contest 1:53 Charades/Pictionary 2:08 What am I? 2:29 Candy tasting contest 3:20 Guess the pumpkin weight 3:44 Conclusion Tags: Ideas for Fun ESL Halloween Lessons, Halloween ESL Games and Activities, halloween activities for adults,halloween esl games,halloween games for english learners,esl halloween activities,halloween games esl,halloween activities esl,halloween esl activities,halloween speaking activities, english learning, halloween classroom, esl games,

'Video thumbnail for Top five Halloween American English Idioms | Improve your English Vocabulary with New Expressions'
Top five Halloween American English Idioms | Improve your En...
Top five Halloween American English Idioms | Improve your English Vocabulary with New Expressions

5K views · Nov 22, 2022

Have you ever wondered why a person says "scaredy cat"? In this video, I talk about 5 very common English Idioms that are Halloween-themed! Watch the full video with my top 5 idioms for Halloween to improve your English and impress your friends. ------------------- • Idiom Activity for ESL or EFL Students : ------------------- • Check out my blog if you want to find more information about American English Idioms Check out my 365 American English Idioms book: -------------------- #esl #learningenglishwithjackie #englishidioms #halloweenidioms ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript for Halloween Idioms: Here are my top five Halloween idioms. The first idiom is skeleton in the closet. This means an embarrassing secret. so If you're a politician or a famous person, you don't want your skeletons in the closet to come out because it could create a lot of embarrassment for you. My second idiom related to Halloween is ghost town. A ghost town is somewhere where there are no people. You might be driving and then you drive through a town and you see stores and buildings but there are no people. That is a ghost town. My third idiom is Night Owl. A night owl is someone who loves to stay up very late at night. I might say, my friend, Jill is a night owl. She never goes to bed before 3am. The fourth Halloween idiom is scaredy cat. My cat Lucy is scared of everything. She's scared of people, and she's scared of loud noises so I would say she is a scaredy cat. But that also can describe a person who is scared of many, many things. My fifth Halloween idiom is graveyard shift. This is someone who works at night. So I can say, my dad worked the graveyard shift when I was growing up. That means you start work at 10 or 11 at night and then you maybe finish work at seven or eight in the morning. That's it for my top five ESL Halloween idioms. Please check out my book, 365 Idioms. Until next time, bye everybody. Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:10 Skeleton in the closet 0:26 Ghost town 0:42 Night owl 0:54 Scaredy cat 1:12 Graveyard shift Tags: Halloween phrases, Halloween themed, Halloween sentences, American English Idioms, American English Idioms and phrases, American English phrases, how to speak english, idioms, phrases, english idioms, english phrases, american english, canadian english, learning american english, common english idioms,