ESL Warm-Ups and Icebreakers
'Video thumbnail for ESL Warm Up Game Odd One Out | Odd 1 Out Worksheet Activity for English Learners'
ESL Warm Up Game Odd One Out | Odd 1 Out Worksheet Activity ...
ESL Warm Up Game Odd One Out | Odd 1 Out Worksheet Activity for English Learners

31K views · Nov 23, 2022

ESL Warm Up Game: Odd One Out is one of my favourite activities. If you’re looking to get your classes started off on the right foot, then keep watching to find out more about this TEFL warmer game. It's ideal for anyone as a way to review key vocabulary words from previous English lessons. It will take only a few minutes to make an odd one out worksheet, tailored specifically to what you want your students to review. ------- More ESL activities • Error Correction TEFL Relay Race : • ESL Warm Up Activities for ESL Learners by: @The Language Lady : ------ Want to find more activities and games for teaching ESL, including Odd One Out? Check out: Full blog post for this Odd 1 Out game: #esl #eslactivities #teachingenglishwithjackie ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 0:34 What you need for Odd One Out 0:50 Why play Odd One Out? 1:05 More about Odd One Out 2:04 How to play Odd One Out 3:21 More ESL Warm Up Games! Transcript: Odd one out is one of my favourite ESL warm-up activities. If you're looking to get your class started off on the right foot, then keep watching to find out more about it. The best part of this vocabulary warm-up exercise is that it requires no materials and you can make it up in a minute or two before class starts. Every English teacher should have at least a few of these activities in their back pocket. Keep on watching for all the details you need to know about odd one out, one of the best games to play in class. You need groups of words and this activity should take five minutes and it's for beginners to low beginners. If you're looking for an ESL warmer to review vocabulary, then consider odd one out. It's easy to set up, the students like it, and it works equally well for children as well as adults. You can even use a simple version of this one for an ESL kindergarten game. Odd one out is an ESL warm-up game that can be used to review vocabulary from the previous classes. You can write up a few sets of vocabulary words on the board or put them on the PowerPoint. I use four in each group with one of them being the odd one out. Some examples: orange, yellow, apple, banana. Yellow is the odd one out because it's not a fruit. Table, book, chair, desk. Book because it's not a piece of furniture. Fish, cat, dog, zebra. Zebra isn't a pet or a fish doesn't have legs. Then the students have to choose which one doesn't fit and then explain why it doesn't. You can do this just for fun or add an element of competition to it. If this is a competition, you can have students write down the odd word and then the explanation. When they're done, they put up their hands, and you can check. This makes a nice trivia type of warmer activity. Before class begins, make four to six groups of four words, with one of them being unlike the others. You may want to come up with some groups of words that have more than one possible answer. Put students in pairs and they have to choose the odd word from each group and also write or say why they chose it. For example, yellow is not a fruit. I don't require full sentences for this explanation but just a word or two. Have students raise their hands when they complete all sets and the teacher can check their answers. If correct, that group is the winner. If not, they are out of the running. I usually make a rule that I'll only check each group once in order to prevent random guessing. There are some fun online games for choosing the one that doesn't match. In the description are some of the best options. Did you like this odd one out game? Then you're gonna love this book 39 ESL Warm-Ups for Teenagers and Adults. It'll help you get your classes started off on the right foot, guaranteed. It really does make a difference to your students whether you start with a warm-up or if you just jump into the heart of the lesson. Keep in mind that some of your students may not have spoken a single word of English since your last class. Ease them into things with a quick warm-up. Most of the ESL warm-ups in this book can be used to review material from previous classes, similar to how this activity can be used to review old vocabulary words. It's an ideal way to keep things fresh and interesting in your classes for teenagers and adults. Do you have a favourite warm-up game or activity that you like to use with your students? Or, how do you review vocabulary with your students? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts. Tags: odd one out game, 5 minutes warm up classroom activities, Game worksheet, in out game

'Video thumbnail for Just a Minute ESL Speaking Activity: Try out this Fun TEFL Speaking Warm-up Activity'
Just a Minute ESL Speaking Activity: Try out this Fun TEFL S...
Just a Minute ESL Speaking Activity: Try out this Fun TEFL Speaking Warm-up Activity

56K views · Nov 23, 2022

Just a minute game is one of my favourite ESL speaking activities. It's perfect for a warm-up at the beginning of your class. It's also a nice speaking game for kids. The Just A Minute TEFL Speaking Game is a fun “Toastmasters” kind of ESL speaking activity. I like it because it gets students working on speaking fluently, without worrying too much about accuracy. Check out the video to find out all the details you need to know about this one-minute speech topic activity that’s perfect for English learners who are at an intermediate or advanced level. Quick tip for Just a Minute ESL: If you want to turn Just a Minute into more of a conversation or listening activity instead of just a speaking one, you can get each “listening” student in the group to ask 1-2 follow-up questions to help ensure active listening. I actually prefer this because it gives the other students in the group a reason to listen, instead of just sitting passively doing nothing. ------- More ESL activities • Error Correction TEFL Relay Race : • Ideas for Speaking Activity in English - (ESL Activities) by: @Yearn 2 Learn Y2L : ------ Full blog post for Just a Minute: #esl #eslactivities #teachingenglishwithjackie ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 0:20 How to play Just a Minute ESL activity 2:26 Why this is a great speaking activity 2:54 Check out 101 ESL activities book Transcript: Hi, this is Jackie from Today I'm going to talk about one of my favourite ESL speaking activities called just a minute. This is the ultimate activity for intermediate or advanced students to work on speaking and speaking fluency. I put students into groups of four and then I write many different topics on the board. Just things that students could talk for one minute about without stopping, so for example, like a favourite restaurant, high school memory, favourite sport, a tv show that they like, a game that they play, their family, just those kinds of common topics that anybody could actually talk about. So, in groups of four, I get students to give themselves a number one, two, three, or four. Then I say okay number ones, you're going first. Then I scrunch up a ball of paper and I give it to one of the students kind of in the front rows and they throw the ball at the whiteboard with all the little topics on it and whatever the ball hits, that's the first topic. Each of those people is kind of put on the spot, the number ones in each group. They have to talk for 60 seconds without stopping about that topic. I put a timer up on the PowerPoint screen and it counts down. And I just say this is your challenge: you must talk for one minute without stopping. It can be a little bit challenging for some students but most students are kind of able to do it as long as the topic is familiar enough so don't choose any obscure things or this will be much too difficult. So the other three members in the group: number two, three, and four have to listen to that person talking and then they have to think of one or two interesting follow-up questions for that person once the minute is done and they stop talking. So this is kind of optional but it's the best way to encourage active listening so if you don't do this the other members of the group will be thinking about those topics on the board what they're going to say, planning out their own speeches, etc. and it becomes not a speaking and listening activity it just becomes a solely speaking activity. So once that first person is done with a one-minute speech and then the follow-up questions, number two goes so they throw the scrunched up paper at the board and then the second topic. That person talks for one minute, follow-up questions and then number three and number four go. I also love this activity because it requires no preparation and no materials. It's quite useful for the students generally, they like it and yeah it's a great way to fill up like 20 or 30 or even 40 minutes in your class. In some cases, if you have some discussion about the topics or kind of elicit some answers about what people said about each thing and the teacher can ask some follow-up questions to the people as well. Be sure to check out my book 101 ESL Activities for Adults. Tags: Just a minute game, Speaking activity topics, Just a minute, topics for speaking activity, adults, just a minute, just a minute activity,esl just a minute, just a minute esl, teaching english speaking, teaching esl speaking,esl speaking adults,esl speaking teenagers, warmer,esl warmers

'Video thumbnail for ESL Warm-Up Activities with Jackie Bolen and Jennifer Smith | Lets talk TEFL Podcast'
ESL Warm-Up Activities with Jackie Bolen and Jennifer Smith ...
ESL Warm-Up Activities with Jackie Bolen and Jennifer Smith | Lets talk TEFL Podcast

8K views · Nov 23, 2022

Jackie and Jennifer talk about ESL Warm-Ups on the Let's Talk TEFL podcast, including reasons why you might want to use warmers in TEFL classes and six of their favourite warm-up activities and games. Start your English class the right way with these fun, engaging, and student-centred ESL warm-ups! ------- • If you liked this video and want more ideas for your ESL Classroom, check out my Let's Talk TEFL playlist: • Watch ESL Warm Ups! No Preparation Needed! from @Tasnim Salah : ------ Want 39 No-Prep/Low-Prep ESL Speaking Activities for Teenagers and Adults Check out my book: #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #eslwarmup ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:25 Jackie talks about taking the IELTS Speaking Test 1:55 Jen talks about her Sochi visit 4:14 Why do we use ESL Warmups? 4:34 Reason number one for using ESL Warmups: Students have not spoken English at home 5:43 Reason number two for using ESL Warmups: It's a low stress beginner class 6:24 How to deal with late students 9:09 All about review and how important it is to review 10:25 Informal Assessment 10:58 Creating interest and setting the context for the lesson 11:56 Jut a Minute Warmup Activity (find the stand-alone video here: 13:05 Flash Card 20 Questions 15:20 The Alphabet Game 17:24 Odd One Out (find the stand-alone video here: 19:09 Conversation Starter (find a whole video on Conversation Starters here: 22:46 ESL Tic-Tac-Toe 25:09 Where to find more activities for ESL learners 26:20 Where to see Jackie and Jennifer -------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to the podcast "Let's Talk TEFL" here: More ESL Warm-Ups: ESL Warm-Ups for Kids: ESL Warm-Ups for Teenagers and Adults: Find Jennifer at: Podcast info: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: ------------------------------------------------------- Tags: esl speaking,esl speaking activity,esl speaking game,how to teach speaking,esl,tefl,teaching speaking,english speaking,toastmasters,warm up game,warm up activity,esl warm up,esl warm up game adults,just a minute,just a minute activity,esl just a minute,just a minute esl,teaching english speaking,teaching esl speaking,esl speaking adults,esl speaking teens,esl speaking teenagers,elt,tesol,esol,esl warmer,esl warmers,teaching english speaking to adults, podcast, Podcast YouTube, ESL Warm-Up Activities,

'Video thumbnail for A Quick ESL Warm-Up Activity: A to Z Game | Try out this TEFL Alphabet Vocabulary Game'
A Quick ESL Warm-Up Activity: A to Z Game | Try out this TEF...
A Quick ESL Warm-Up Activity: A to Z Game | Try out this TEFL Alphabet Vocabulary Game

56K views · Nov 23, 2022

If you’re looking for a fun, Quick ESL Warm-Up Activity that you can use with your English learners, then this A to Z game is one of our favourites. This TEFL alphabet game is a nice way to review vocabulary from previous lessons or to do help students activate prior knowledge about a topic. It’s simple, requires nothing in the way of materials and also doesn’t require anything in the way of preparation. If you’re a teacher, I’m sure you’ll want to have a few games like this alphabet one in your back pocket! ------- Try out another quick warm-up activity for ESL • TEACHING ENGLISH YOUNG LEARNERS HOW TO MAKE LESSONS FUN by: ------ Learn more about the ESL alphabet game: Want to find more warm-up games for teaching ESL besides this A-Z warmer? Check out: #esl #eslactivities #teachingenglishwithjackie ------------------------------------------------------- More ESL Warm-Ups: -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp for this Quick ESL Warm-Up Activity: 0:00 Intro 0:11 When to use this warmup activity 0:45 How to play this activity 1:37 How students can win at this game 1:44 How to challenge your students with this activity 2:21 Check out my book "39 ESL warm-ups" for more warm-up activities! Transcript for the A-Z ESL Game: Today I'm going to talk about a very quick ESL warm-up activity called the a to z alphabet game. I'll generally use this as a warm-up activity if I think that students have already studied the topic before, so for example, jobs or animals. Unless students are like absolute, absolute beginners they probably already know a lot of animals, a lot of like clothes vocabulary, or a lot of jobs, those kind of basic things that are in all the ESL textbooks. So this activity is a nice way to help students activate their prior knowledge before adding on new things. It kind of just helps them make connections in their brain and make the new words more memorable. I put students into groups of two or three and then on a piece of paper I have them write the alphabet, so like a, b, c, d, down to z. Then I give students a topic, for example, animals and then I give them a time limit so one or two minutes is usually good. Maybe one minute is actually a little bit short, probably like two minutes to three minutes and then students have to write down as many animals as possible. For each letter, they only need to think of one that starts with that letter. They can't have, for example, ant and armadillo. They can only choose one: armadillo and then if they can't think of a B, they can skip to C: cat. They can go to fish or tiger. I don't require them to do it in strictly alphabetical order. They can just kind of jump around on the list wherever they want and then at the end of two minutes I get students to count up how many words they have. The winner is the group that has the most words. If you want to kind of increase the difficulty of this and push students, the more advanced students, to come up with more interesting words and you have a small class where it's easy enough to check, I get students to say their words, group by group. If any of the words are the same, they don't count so students have to think of unique words for each letter. Instead of just writing like ant, they'll maybe think of armadillo or instead of just like that. Maybe they can think of a bobcat or something more interesting that they already know. Tags: Quick ESL Warm-Up Activity, esl alphabet, esl activities, vocabulary warmup, warm up game, esl alphabet games, esl letters, teaching esl, teachers, teaching activities, English, esl games, Classroom games, ESL adults, ESL kids, TEFL classroom, TEFL game, quick games, quick esl, teaching tips, quick teaching, alphabet, alphabet games, How to teach English

'Video thumbnail for Just a Minute ESL Speaking Activity: Try out this Fun TEFL Speaking Warm-up Activity'
Just a Minute ESL Speaking Activity: Try out this Fun TEFL S...
Just a Minute ESL Speaking Activity: Try out this Fun TEFL Speaking Warm-up Activity

4K views · Nov 23, 2022

Just a minute is one of my favorite ESL speaking activities. It's perfect for a warm-up at the beginning of your class. The Just A Minute TEFL Speaking Game is a fun “Toastmasters” kind of ESL speaking activity. I like it because it gets students working on speaking fluently, without worrying too much about accuracy. Check out the video to find out all the details you need to know about this one-minute speech topic activity that’s perfect for English learners who are at an intermediate or advanced level. Quick tip: If you want to turn Just a Minute into more of a conversation or listening activity instead of just a speaking one, you can get each “listening” student in the group to ask 1-2 follow-up questions to help ensure active listening. I actually prefer this because it gives the other students in the group a reason to listen, instead of just sitting passively doing nothing. Try out this Just a Minute English speaking activity for intermediate or advanced learners today. I'm sure your students will enjoy it as much as mine do. Want to know more about Just a Minute, a fun ESL speaking activity? Check out: ( 39 No-Prep/Low-Prep ESL Speaking Activities for Adults: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: Tags: esl speaking, esl speaking activity, esl speaking game, how to teach speaking, esl, tefl, teaching speaking, english speaking, toastmasters, warm up game, warm up activity, esl warm up, esl warm up game adults, just a minute activity, esl just a minute, just a minute esl, teaching english speaking, teaching esl speaking, esl speaking adults, esl speaking teenagers, elt, tesol, esol, esl warmer, esl warmers, teaching english speaking to adults, esl games for teenagers

'Video thumbnail for TEFL Warmer Activity for kids: I'm an alien | Easy ESL Warmups for the classroom'
TEFL Warmer Activity for kids: I'm an alien | Easy ESL W...
TEFL Warmer Activity for kids: I'm an alien | Easy ESL Warmups for the classroom

22K views · Nov 22, 2022

A fun TEFL Warmer Activity that is one of my favourites and perfect for classroom warmups is, "I'm an alien". This is a quick activity that requires nothing in the way of preparation. Plus, it's a versatile ESL warm-up and can be used with lots of different topics. And the best part? The students think it’s fun and will love to participate. Before you know it, you’ll have a ton of hands in the air, hoping to add some words into the mix. Watch the whole video for how you can use it as a quick warm-up or lead-in for your English lesson with kids. You'll love, "I'm an Alien" and your students will too! ------- • Full blog post for I'm an Alien ESL activity for kids with worksheets and more: • If you liked this video, watch another fun activity for ESL kids here: • Don't forget to check out @Mooncake English for more warm-up activities: ------ Want 101 ESL Activities for kids? Check out my book: #esl #eslactivities #classroomgames ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript: Hi, this is Jackie from Today I'm going to talk about one of my favourite, very simple ESL activities for kids called I'm an alien. So this is ideal if you are talking or teaching about something that you think students already know a good bit of information about, for example, Christmas. If you're doing a Christmas-themed lesson then I would pretend that I'm an alien and then I would say Christmas, what's Christmas? And then students would start shouting out there's Santa and then there's reindeer and you get presents. And then I would say who's Santa, what's Santa, what's a reindeer, why do you get presents, what do you get, where are the presents and I would just ask so many questions. So basically you're pretending that you've never been to earth and you don't know any information about the basic topic. Why would you do this? It's because it helps students activate this prior knowledge that they have so anything that you teach students subsequently is more memorable. Alright, so that is my very, very simple warm-up activity for kids. If you want some more ideas, be sure to check out my book 101 ESL Activities for Kids. Also, be sure to hit like, and subscribe, and I will catch you next time. Bye, everybody. Tags: TEFL Warmer Activity, Warmup activity, TEFL, ESL, ESL for kids, ESL for beginners, esl lessons for kids, topics for kids, I'm an alien, alien, alien theme, games for kids, classroom ideas, classroom game ideas, warmup games, classroom warmups, esl lesson plan, lesson plans, lesson plan for kids, lesson plan templates, teaching English, teaching English to kids, English teacher, English teaching plan, Tasnim Salah, Mooncake English, TEFL Lemon

'Video thumbnail for Top 5 ESL Warm Up Activities and Games | TEFL Warmers to Start off Your English Classes'
Top 5 ESL Warm Up Activities and Games | TEFL Warmers to Sta...
Top 5 ESL Warm Up Activities and Games | TEFL Warmers to Start off Your English Classes

36K views · Nov 22, 2022

If you’re looking to get your English classes started off in style, then watch this video for my favourite ESL warmers, including games and activities. These TEFL warm-up games and activities are ideal for easing students into English and preparing them for what's ahead. These ESL warm-up games are the perfect thing to do before jumping into the heart of the lesson. Help get your students ready to learn with these ESL warm up activities and games! It will help start your course off the right way when you teach English and help your students improve their language skills. Try out some of these ESL warm-up activities today. Want to find out more? Check out: 39 ESL Icebreakers: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #teachingenglishwithjackie #eslactivities Transcript: Hi everybody, this is Jackie from Today I'm going to talk about my top 5 esl warm-ups that I like to use at the beginning of class. My first one is just a minute. This is a speaking warm-up for the higher-level students. I like to write a bunch of different topics on the board. Maybe hobbies, sports, family, movies, TV etc. Any, really anything that you want. It could be current events, things in the news, etc. I put students into groups of four and they each have to number themselves one, two, three, or four. Then i get one of the students to take a piece of paper and scrunch it up into a ball and then throw it at the board and whatever word the scrunched-up ball comes closest to, all the number ones have to talk about that topic for one minute without stopping. So that's the challenge and then the other three people in the group have to listen and then ask one or two follow-up questions to the person who was talking. This gives the students a reason to listen of course, which is key in English conversation classes and then just repeat the process for numbers two, three, and four and that's it. The next one. If you are teaching a writing class, warm-ups can be a little bit trickier for this. But one thing that I like to do when teaching writing or academic writing is to have some free writing time. It's often the case that students or that textbooks, writing textbooks, focus on writing accuracy and structure. I have students buy a notebook and then I set aside the first five to ten minutes of each writing class and I give students a topic. Maybe high school days or plans for the future summer vacation. It could be family, there are a ton of writing prompts that you can find online. And then students have to write about it for five to ten minutes but the key is that they can't use their cell phone or a dictionary. The next one: conversation starters. If you're doing a class on whatever topic and you want students to have a little warm-up, if you say something like hey, so talk about your family with your partner for five minutes or, talk about your vacation plan, or your city for five minutes. Students sometimes... there is just not enough structure and maybe students are a little bit shy and they don't really know what to actually talk about with their partner. So to alleviate this, I give students some conversation starters related to the topic. I also encourage a free-flowing conversation with follow-up questions but I like to give students something just to hold in their hands in case they're stuck so that the conversation doesn't die. The next one. If I'm teaching very young learners like kindergarten, preschool, maybe grade one, grade two, or grade three, I'll use a routine to start off my class. I'll say something like, what day of the week is it and how is the weather today and what time is it and hey, what color is his shirt? Just some very very simple questions to review key concepts and vocabulary that we've done in class. It's a little bit comforting I think for kids too, that they know exactly how the class is gonna start and what's gonna happen and it's gonna be very similar questions each day. The next one. This is one you can do over the course of a semester, show and tell. So show and tell is not just for kids It can be for adults too. So I'll get maybe like one or two students each class to bring something from home. It could be an object, it could be a picture of something, whatever they want. It doesn't matter. They can maybe put the picture up on the PowerPoint and they can do maybe like a very short presentation, so one to two minutes, just explaining to their classmates about what this thing or this pet or this person or whoever is this important thing in their life. Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:12 Just a minute 1:10 Free writing time 2:40 Conversation starters 3:28 Routines to start the class 4:10 Show and tell 5:13 Conclusion