What is the Grammar-Translation Method of Teaching ESL/EFL?:...
6K views · Nov 30, 2022 eslactivity.org
Blog post for more information on language teaching methods including the grammar translation method: https://eslspeaking.org/approaches-methods-language-teaching/ Teaching a foreign language can be a challenging but rewarding job that opens up entirely new paths of communication to students. It’s beneficial for teachers to have knowledge of the many different language learning techniques including ESL teaching methods so they can be flexible in their instruction methods, adapting them when needed. Sometimes that means using something like the grammar/translation method. Keep on watching for the Grammar-Translation Method! It's an old-school language teaching approach that all language teachers should be aware of. Want to find more Low-prep/No-prep ESL activities? Check out my book: https://amzn.to/3uAchAM https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingEnglish #teachingenglishwithjackie Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:11 What is the grammar-translation method? 0:35 Where to find the grammar-translation method 0:56 Origins of the G.T. method 1:03 What's the goal? 1:19 Focus on vocabulary and grammar 1:49 Today = Communicative approach 2:05 Conclusion Transcript: Hi, this is Jackie from esleaking.org. Today I'm going to talk about, What is the grammar-translation method of teaching ESL/EFL/teaching English , whatever you call it. The grammar-translation method is very old school and it's kind of fallen out of favour. You'll actually find very few teaching English programs or schools that follow this method. I've personally really never seen that in my years of teaching English. You might run across it in kind of a translation program or if someone is studying, for example, biblical Hebrew or biblical Greek. The teachers might teach in this way but that's kind of the only place you actually might see it. But, it's good to know where we've come from to the newer methods but this is kind of where it all got started. So it actually derived from Latin and Greek teaching methods from hundreds of years ago. The goal was to read and translate foreign texts. People would get started with reading actually quite complicated texts and they kind of dig deep into like the grammar of each sentence and then the different vocabulary words, conjugations and that kind of thing. The focus was on studying vocabulary lists and then also going into very detailed explanations about the grammar points. The focus was not on communication and pronunciation and it was quite common that these people who use that method could study a foreign language for years and maybe never be able to actually communicate with someone even in a simple way, despite being able to read and understand very very complicated materials in that language. These days, the focus is way more on communication so being able to convey your message and talk to somebody, go to a store and order something, tell a taxi driver where you want to go, those kinds of things which is often why you won't really see the grammar-translation method. All right, so for some tips and tricks and games and activities for teaching in kind of the newer way be sure to check out 39 No-Prep/Low-Prep ESL Grammar Activities. Tags: esl, teaching esl, english, learning english, english teacher, learning language, ESL kids, TEFL classroom, classroom tips, TEFL, efl, tefl, teaching English, teaching teenagers english, teaching kids english, ESL teaching jobs, TESOL, no prep lessons, low prep lessons, easy lesson plan, simple lesson plan, esl writing, esl reading, reading language, reading english, CLT, TPR, Audio-Lingual, Direct teaching method, grammar translation, grammar translation method

What is the Audio Lingual Method of Teaching English? | Appr...
7K views · Nov 30, 2022 eslactivity.org
The audio-lingual approach encourages students to develop habits that support language learning. Students learn primarily through pattern drills, particularly dialogues, which the teacher uses to help students practice and memorize the language. These dialogues follow standard configurations of communication. Keep watching this video to learn all about the Audio Lingual Method of Teaching English ------- • Check out this blog post for more details on the different approaches in learning styles: https://eslspeaking.org/approaches-methods-language-teaching/ • If you liked this video, watch my 4 Types of Learning Styles With Ideas video here: https://youtu.be/zc3F-gfHE80 • If you want to learn more about Audio Linguslism, watch this video by @internationaltefltraining https://youtu.be/905Lgz-K00U ------ Check out my Tips for Teaching ESL/EFL book: https://amzn.to/3PgRsla https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #teachingenglishwithjackie #learningenglishwithjackie #audiolingualmethod ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslactivity.org -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript for the Audio Lingual Method of Teaching Language: I'm going to talk about what is the audio-lingual method of teaching or learning a language. So this method is a little bit old school. However, you still will see it these days on many of the language learning apps because it really is an ideal way to learn a language if you're by yourself, just kind of in a few minutes of spare time that you might have. So there are a few key features of it but the main thing it tries to do is form a habit. It uses patterns, drills, and dialogues to try to achieve this. So there are four different types of dialogues. The first one is repetition. The teacher would say a pattern and then the students would repeat it. And then the next type of dialogue or pattern is inflection. This is where the teacher would say the pattern and then they would have the students repeat it and then they would change one word within that pattern and students would repeat it. The next kind of dialogue is replacement. This is more student-led. The teacher would say a pattern and the students repeat it and then they would change one word in that pattern and then say it out loud for themselves. Finally, the last one is restatement. This is where the teacher would say a sentence and then students would have to say that sentence or that pattern in a different way. Okay, so that's kind of the basics of the audio-lingual method. It begins with speaking and listening and then it later moves into writing or reading. Please leave a comment and tell me if you've ever learned a language or seen any language apps that would kind of use this audio-lingual method and how it worked out for you. Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:35 Four types of patterns 0:38 Repetition 0:44 Inflection 0:59 Replacement 1:12 Restatement 1:22 Conclusion Tags: Audio Lingual Method of Teaching English, audio lingualism, audio lingual, teaching method, approach method and technique in teaching english, approaches of language teaching, audio lingual method, audiolingual, english teaching methodology, method of language teaching, method of english teaching, types of teaching approaches, methods and techniques of teaching,

What is the Direct Method of Teaching ESL/EFL? | Approaches ...
55K views · Nov 26, 2022 eslactivity.org
Blog post for different approaches and methods in ESL/EFL teaching: https://eslspeaking.org/approaches-methods-language-teaching/ In the direct method, all teaching occurs in the target language, encouraging the learner to think in that language. The learner does not practice translation or use their native language in the classroom. Practitioners of this method believe that learners should experience a second language without any interference from their native tongue. Keep watching to learn more about the direct method for teaching languages! Want to find 101 ESL Activities for Teenagers and Adults? Check out my book: https://amzn.to/3E5ziyy https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking/ https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingEnglish #teachingenglishwithjackie #directmethod Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:14 What is the direct method? 1:14 Learning language as a baby 1:50 Ultimate goal of the direct method 2:20 Conclusion Transcript for direct method of teaching English: Hi, this is Jackie from esleaking.org. Today I'm going to talk about what is the direct method of teaching ESL or EFL. The direct method focuses exclusively on listening and speaking and not on grammar. It's kind of the antithesis to the grammar-translation method that's quite old school. Grammar translation basically focuses on reading and then translating texts from another language into another language. You have a lot of vocabulary lists, and a lot of grammar and there's no focus on pronunciation or oral communication so basically you can read very complicated texts and even translate them but it's very difficult for most people to even speak a word of that other language that they've studied. The direct method was developed in response to this grammar-translation method and the focus is on actually being able to communicate. Classes are conducted in an immersion-style so the teacher is only speaking the target language. They're not using the student's original language. It kind of replicates how very young children are taught. When you're a baby, you don't know anything and your parents or whoever are talking to you in a language and babies first listen, then they gradually begin speaking. Parents don't teach their children explicit grammar rules. Children just kind of pick it up as they go along. Same with vocabulary acquisition, they don't necessarily study big vocabulary lists when they're a baby or very young child but they pick it up as time goes on. This method kind of tries to replicate that natural way so listening and then speaking and you kind of just intuitively learn more vocabulary and more grammar as time goes on. The ultimate goal of this method is for people to think and speak in a foreign language. The goal is for people to not translate inside their heads. So for example, if I say, I'm hungry and I think oh, what is that in korean, oh PAY-GO-Pa. The goal is to not translate, that is to skip that step and just if I'm in Korea, I just think first PAY-GO-PA, I'm hungry but I don't need to think in English first, I'm hungry and then translate it into my head. All right, so that's the very very brief overview of the direct method of teaching English. If you want some ideas or tips about how to incorporate this into your classes, be sure to pick up my book 101 ESL Activities for Teenagers and Adults and please hit like subscribe and share with your friends. Alright until next time. Tags: esl, teaching esl, english, learning english, english teacher, learning language, ESL kids, TEFL classroom, classroom tips, TEFL, efl, tefl, teaching English, teaching teenagers english, teaching kids english, ESL teaching jobs, TESOL, teaching method, teaching tips, Direct method teaching, CLT, TPR, Audio-Lingual, Audio Lingual, how to teach, how to teach English, direct method, low prep teaching, no prep teaching, easy language learning, language learning,

TPR (Total Physical Response) | Approaches and Methods in La...
22K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org
Teaching a foreign language can be a challenging but rewarding job that opens up entirely new paths of communication to students including TPR (total physical response). It’s beneficial for teachers to have knowledge of the many different language learning techniques including ESL teaching methods so they can be flexible in their instruction methods, adapting them when needed. That's where TPR or total physical response can come in. This is when students are expected to use their bodies to act out new words that they're learning. For example, sit down or stand behind your friend. TPR works particularly well for teaching young learners, especially beginners. Watch along for all the details you need to know about the most popular foreign language teaching methods. Some of the ones covered are the communicative approach, total physical response, the direct method, task-based language learning, suggestopedia, grammar-translation, the audio-lingual approach and more. This video dives deep into using TPR (total physical response) in the language learning classroom. --------------------------- Learn about another language teaching method (grammar-translation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4wITfj_v-A -------------------------- More information about total physical response for language teaching: Check out: https://eslspeaking.org/total-physical-response-tpr/ ------------------------- Want to find out more about TPR? Tips for Teaching ESL/EFL: https://amzn.to/3o9kFCj https://eslspeaking.org/total-physical-response-tpr/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie #tpr #teachingenglishwithjackie #teachingenglish #esl ------------------------------ More details about using TPR with @Teacher Michael https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrxgmh9SfQM ------------------------------ Tags: TPR, total physical response, TPR total physical response, total physical response, TPR, language teaching approach, language teaching approaches, language teaching method, language teaching methods, teaching young learners, teaching esl, teaching english to kids Transcript: Hi everybody, this is Jackie Bolen from eslspeaking.org. So today I'm going to talk about a teaching strategy, TPR or total physical response. This is basically where you give a command or a directive and then students have to physically act it out. It could be something like touching your head or picking up your book, putting your pencil on the desk, opening your book, etc. It combines language learning plus physical movement. It can make, in a lot of ways language learning more memorable. It takes it from the brain, only in the brain, kind of this abstract thing, learning a language and it turns it into something physical and tangible as well. I think it uses different pathways in the brain and yeah, it just makes it more memorable. It's best for young learners. I would use this often in definitely like preschool or kindergarten classes or with elementary school students. They love standing up, moving around the classroom, and doing stuff like this. Something that I love using TPR with is prepositions: in, on, under, behind, etc. I would have the students go with a partner in most cases and I would say stand behind your partner. Who's in front, who's behind and touch your partner's right arm, something like that. So that's not an example of prepositions but that's a command. One game that works really well for a total physical response is Simon says. I'm sure you know it. So you say Simon says, touch your arm. Simon says stand on one leg. And students have to do it but if you say to stand on one leg and someone does it, they are out of the game because you didn't say Simon says. Try that out. That's kind of a nice way to use TPR in your classes. Another situation in which I'd use TPR with young children and would use it as a routine to start off my class. I love doing a routine. I talk about the weather. I talk about the day of the week. I talk about what time it is and how people are doing. And then I might give some simple commands like stand up, sit down, turn around, touch something yellow, etc. Why use TPR? Well, it gives some energy to the class. I find that when students are sitting down for too long it gets tiring, it gets boring, so yeah people just need a bit of a break from that. So standing up and actually doing something physical can be a nice way. And I love that this combines something physical with also language learning. It also makes vocabulary, new vocabulary more memorable. Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 0:10 What is TPR? 0:27 Why use total physical response? 0:47 Ideal for young learners 1:01 What about TPR with adults? 1:24 Ideal for teaching prepositions 1:48 Simon says and TPR 2:11 Routines and TPR 2:33 Why use total physical response? 3:11 Conclusion

What is the structural approach to teaching language? | Appr...
7K views · Nov 22, 2022 teachinginkoreanuniversity.com
The structural approach teaches all four central language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It’s a technique that teachers can implement with many other language teaching methods. Proponents of the structural approach understand language as a set of grammatical rules that should be learned one at a time in a specific order. It focuses on mastering these structures, building one skill on top of another, instead of memorizing vocabulary. Watch the full video to learn more about what the structural approach really is! ------- • Check out this blog post for more details on the structural approach, plus three more teaching method https://eslspeaking.org/approaches-methods-language-teaching/ • If you liked this video, find my teaching playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0Q8kr18oQKFDBcKGvNh_av3em-Byajj ------ Check out my Tips for Teaching ESL/EF book: https://amzn.to/3PgRsla https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #teachingmethod ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp for the structural approach: 0:00 Intro 0:09 What is the structural approach to teaching language? 0:28 The structural approach is all about grammar 0:40 An example of the structural approach 1:04 Outro Transcript for the structural approach to teaching languages: What is the structural approach to teaching language? So the structural approach is all about teaching grammar rules in a specific order. Most ESL textbooks are designed this way actually. If you go to a level one textbook, you'll see the very, very simple grammar things in that first textbook and then the subsequent grammar rules will often build upon what has been previously taught. It's all about grammar in this correct order. It's not about memorizing vocabulary or lists. Vocabulary just kind of comes as a natural byproduct of learning these grammar rules. An example is that students will have to master the "to be" verb. So I am, he is, they are, in the simple present before moving on to the present continuous which uses the be verb as a helper verb. That's just one quick example. You wouldn't jump into the present continuous before teaching the simple present. All four skills are covered in this. That's about it for the structural approach. You can kind of still see it in many different approaches and methods of teaching English. It just makes sense that you would cover the easier things first before the more difficult things. Tags: The structural approach, structural approach, methods in teaching, language teaching method, first day of class, class planning, Language Teaching, CLT, TPR, listening, speaking, reading, writing, structural approach to teaching language, methods in teaching English, methods in English, teaching grammar, English grammar,

What is the Bilingual Method of Teaching English? | Approac...
38K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
The Bilingual Method allows the teacher and students to use two different languages; one is the target language to be learned and the other is their native language which is used to achieve the target language English. Watch the full video to learn what the Bilingual Method is and the pros and cons of teaching this method. ------- • Check out this blog post for more details on the bilingual approach to teaching: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/bilingual-method-of-teaching/ • If you liked this video, watch my Presentation practice production (PPP) video here: https://youtu.be/5JTdBLKNyWg • If you like my teaching method videos, you might enjoy: How to teach an ESL class (English as a Second Language) by @Etacude English Teachers https://youtu.be/oYCNd_NPvkE ------ Check out my Tips for Teaching ESL/EF book: https://amzn.to/3PgRsla https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #teachingmethod ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript for the Bilingual Method: I'm going to talk about the bilingual method of teaching a language is. First of all, what is the bilingual method? It's when you use two languages in a class to teach a language. So for example, if you're teaching in Korea, the students would use Korean as their mother tongue and then you would also be using English in that class. So how does it work? Well, the explanation is in Korean or Japanese—the grammar rules and the vocabulary but then the rest of the class is conducted in English. What are some of the pros of the bilingual method? Well, first of all, it can help students achieve fluency because most of the class is conducted in English. There's just a little part, the explanation part that is conducted in the mother tongue but then they're spending the rest of the class focused on English. It can save time so if you are explaining a complicated grammar rule (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2SRvoaB6f4&) or a vocabulary item just using a little, little bit of their native language or having maybe a co-teacher or something like that, that would use a simple explanation in the native language. The next pro is accuracy. So this can help students achieve greater accuracy because they've had a good explanation of what the grammar point is. Or, what that vocabulary item is. The next pro is that it's easy to teach. This means that a lot of teachers can use this method. For example, if someone is not that confident in English but they are teaching English, they might not be able to explain quite complicated grammar rules in English. That's not that easy to do actually, but if they can explain it in their own native language that can really help them and can help the students. What are some of the cons of the bilingual method? First of all, it can lead to a bit of confusion if you're switching between English and then another language. Maybe students aren't sure about exactly when they should be using each language and they may try to use their native language when they actually should be using English in kind of the production phase of the class. Another con is that it's better for beginners, rather than higher-level students. Beginners may want a class where the teacher is explaining grammar things in their native language. The next issue is there might be some pronunciation issues. This can lead to people kind of like learning English through their own alphabet which is a bit of a struggle sometimes. So learning English through English is actually a great way to prevent that because they're always separate and they would never be taught together. And the next thing is that you can kind of find some examples of blended language. So this is where students will kind of use a mix of two different languages at the same time. Like English or Korean instead of just walking into class and then they know it's all English, all the time. That's the bilingual method. There are certainly some pros and certainly some cons. Timestamp Bilingual method 0:00 Intro 0:09 What is the bilingual method? 0:30 How does the bilingual method work? 0:42 Bilingual method pros 2:03 Bilingual method cons 3:39 Conclusion Tags: Bilingual Method, What is the Bilingual Method, the Bilingual Method of Teaching English, bilingual approach, types of bilingual, bilingual method, advantages of bilingual method, disadvantages of bilingualism, what is bilingual, new methods of teaching english language, methods in teaching, language teaching method, first day of class, class planning, Language Teaching, methods in teaching English, methods in English, teaching grammar

What is the Test Teach Test Approach to Teaching ESL/EFL? | ...
19K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
Teaching a foreign language can be a challenging but rewarding job that opens up entirely new paths of communication for students. The Test Teach Test style of language teaching is ideal for directly targeting students’ needs. It’s best for intermediate and advanced learners and definitely don’t use it for total beginners! ------- • Check out my blog post about other teaching methods in more detail here: https://eslspeaking.org/approaches-methods-language-teaching/ • Check out another video on Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching right here: https://youtu.be/g0BVbASTnDE • Language teaching methods: The Audiolingual method @Prof Samad : https://youtu.be/_VyDYn2HNvw ------ Tips for Teaching ESL/EFL to Teenagers, University Students, and Adults: https://amzn.to/3uzYoCz https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #languageteaching ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp for What is the Test Teach Test Approach to Teaching ESL/EFL: 0:00 Intro 0:10 What is TTT? 1:05 Example with the simple past 2:04 Conclusion Transcript for What is the Test Teach Test Approach to Teaching ESL/EFL: Hi, this is Jackie from eslspeaking.org. Today I'm going to talk about what is the test teach test approach to teaching English. So test teach test or TTT for short (if you hear that lingo somewhere) is basically when you have learners complete a task, or do a test without any help from the teacher. The goal of this first stage is for the teacher to gather information about what the learners know or don't know about that certain grammar point or vocabulary set or topic. After giving this test the teacher compiles the results and kind of takes a look at what students know and what students don't know and then the teacher teaches students what they need to know or kind of the gaps that they might have in their information about that certain topic. After that, the teacher gives another test or task to see if students have gained any new information about it. I'll give a quick example. It's quite useful for something like the simple past. Unless you teach absolute beginners, it's likely that your students already know a good bit about this grammar point because it's one of the first ones that they might see and even a very beginner ESL textbook. So most students could say, "Last night, I ate pizza." No problem but they might struggle with, "Last night I didn't ate pizza." It's not: ate last night. I didn't, it's the simple present form. Last night, I didn't eat pizza. They might also struggle with question forms. Last night, did you eat pizza? That's often quite difficult for students. For example, if you give a test you can maybe see, okay students know the simple past for regular verbs. They know the simple past for irregular verbs. However, they don't know the question forms or the negative forms. In that case, you could do a little bit of a teaching session and then give a test and then see my students have picked up that knowledge. Alright, if you want some more teaching tips, be sure to check out my book Tips for Teaching ESL or EFL to Teenagers, University Students or Adults. Tags: Test Teach Test Approach to Teaching ESL, Test Teach Test Approach to Teaching EFL, Test Teach Test Approach, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, TTT method, Language teaching, methods of teaching language, language teaching approaches, English teaching methods, esl teaching, EFL, Teach test, test, teaching English techniques,

What is the Presentation practice production (PPP)? | Approa...
9K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org
Presentation – Practice – Production, or PPP, is a method for teaching structures (e.g. grammar or vocabulary) in a foreign language. Watch the full video to learn how to teach the Presentation practice production method. It's the most common way to teach English or any other language and it's how most ESL/EFL textbooks are organized. Find out how how to use PPP in your English classes and how to plan this kind of lesson easily. ------- • Check out this blog post for more details on the PPP method, plus three more teaching method https://eslspeaking.org/approaches-methods-language-teaching/ • If you liked this video, find my teaching playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0Q8kr18oQKFDBcKGvNh_av3em-Byajj ------ Check out my Tips for Teaching ESL/EF book: https://amzn.to/3PgRsla https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #esl #teachingenglishwithjackie #teachingmethod ------------------------------------------------------- Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp 0:00 Intro 0:12 Step 1: Presentation 0:37 Step 2: Practice 1:04 Step 3: Production 1:29 Conclusion Transcript for PPP What is presentation practice production? It's also called PPP. It's a very common way to teach a language. The first step, presentation is when the teacher presents some aspect of the language. For example, the simple past. So you could talk about using the simple past, irregular verbs, regular verbs, question forms, negative forms. that kind of thing. And you could also give some situations in which students could use the simple past (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBsjFT_J9eo&). For example, talking about a memory, talking about their high school days, talking about a past vacation, what they did the previous night. Something like that. The next step is practice. This is when students will do some exercises in the textbook or a worksheet or something like that. The key is that it's very controlled. Students might just have to fill in a blank or make a sentence or answer a question. It's usually done through writing. When I get my students to do this, I have them first do the writing exercise and then they can pair with a partner and then we just check answers quickly together as a class. The final step is production. So this is a little bit freer. This is when I play a game or activity or I get students to have a discussion with a partner. And they are free to use the simple past in kind of whatever way they wish, as long as it makes sense and it's reasonably correct in terms of forms. Okay, so that is presentation practice production. It's often what you'll see in most ESL or EFL textbooks. If you like this video, please be sure to check out my book, Tips for Teaching ESL/EFL. I'll put the link up there and hit like, subscribe, and leave a comment and tell me whether you like this approach to teaching English or if you prefer something else. Tags: Presentation practice production, Presentation practice production method, Presentation practice production teaching, Presentation practice production way, PPP, PPP teaching, PPP method, methods in teaching, language teaching method, first day of class, class planning, Language Teaching, methods in teaching English, methods in English, teaching grammar, English grammar,