Teaching English in South Korea
'Video thumbnail for What are the Top University Jobs in South Korea | The Best Uni Jobs in Korea'
What are the Top University Jobs in South Korea | The Best U...
What are the Top University Jobs in South Korea | The Best Uni Jobs in Korea

6K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

Find out what the best university jobs in Korea have in common. The factors to take a look at are salary, number of hours worked, overtime opportunities, housing allowance or housing, location and a few other things. Check out the video to find out what the best university jobs in Korea are like and also to get a few quick tips about how to get one of these coveted jobs. Want to know more? Check out: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/category/everything-korea/ How to Get a University Job in South Korea: https://amzn.to/3gYEefb Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie Tags: South Korea (Country), best uni jobs korea, top uni jobs korea, uni jobs korea, university jobs korea, uni job south korea, how to get a uni job korea, interview south korea uni, south korea esl, esl south korea, korea esl, teach esl south korea, teaching esl south korea, uni jobs in south korea, uni jobs in korea, korea uni jobs, korean university jobs, korean uni jobs, korean uni job, korean university job, rok,south korea, esl korea, Teaching English, How to teach

'Video thumbnail for Will the CELTA help you get a University Job in Korea? | Celta South Korea for a University Job'
Will the CELTA help you get a University Job in Korea? | Cel...
Will the CELTA help you get a University Job in Korea? | Celta South Korea for a University Job

3K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

Find out whether or not the CELTA will help you get a university job in South Korea. The fact is that there are far more important factors than having a CELTA or TEFL certificate to get a uni job in Korea. The more important thing is a Master's degree and some years of teaching experience. However, something like the CELTA can actually help in some situations. Check out the video to find out all the details you need to know about doing the CELTA before applying for a university job in Korea. Want to know more? Check out: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/university-jobs-in-korea/ How to Get a University Job in South Korea: https://amzn.to/3gYEefb Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie Tags: CELTA, South Korea (Country), uni job korea, university job korea, uni job south korea, celta korea, celta south korea, delta korea, delta south korea, cambridge celta korea, cambridge celta south korea, teaching esl korea university, teaching esl university korea, british council, british council korea, british council celta korea, south korea celta, korea celta, korea delta,south korea delta, uni jobs south korea, uni jobs korea, korea university job, tefl, tesol, esol, esl

'Video thumbnail for University Jobs in Korea with only a BA | University Jobs in South Korea and Degrees Required'
University Jobs in Korea with only a BA | University Jobs in...
University Jobs in Korea with only a BA | University Jobs in South Korea and Degrees Required

40K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

Find out all the details you need to know about university jobs in South Korea and whether or not it's possible with just a BA. In general, most uni jobs in Korea require a Master's degree and you'll have a very difficult time finding a job with only a bachelor's degree. However, there are some uni jobs Korea that are possible to get with just a BA. Find out all the tips, tricks and advice for making that happen! Want to know more? Check out: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/university-job-in-south-korea-3/ How to Get a University Job in South Korea: https://amzn.to/3gYEefb Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie Tags: South Korea (Country), uni job korea ba, uni job korea bachelors, unigwon job, unigwon, university job korea ba, university job korea bachelors, esl korea bachelors, university korea bachelors degree teaching esl, teaching esl korea university, teaching english, teaching english korea, esl korea, uni job korea, uni job south korea, south korea uni job, korea uni jobs, korean university job, teaching english south korea, rok, How to get a teaching job, English job, esl, esl job

'Video thumbnail for What teaching in Korea is really like | South Korean University Jobs, Hagwon Jobs in the ROK & More'
What teaching in Korea is really like | South Korean Univers...
What teaching in Korea is really like | South Korean University Jobs, Hagwon Jobs in the ROK & More

3K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

Okay, so you want to be an English teacher in Korea? Here are all the details you need to know about what teaching English in South Korea is really like, including how to get that much-coveted university gig. Keep watching this ultimate guide for everything you’ve ever wanted to know and more, including all the details you need to know about teaching in a Korean public school or hagwon (cram school)! ------- More information about teaching in South Korea: • Teaching in Korea: How Much Money You Actually Make: https://youtu.be/h79wRmIyhMY • How I became a teacher in South Korea by @Adrienne Hill: https://youtu.be/8Am1OWuH74g ------ Do you want to know more about teaching in South Korea? Then check out my blog about teaching English in a Korean university here: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie #esl #teachinginkorea #teachingenglishwithjackie ------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 0:37 Serious teacher? 2:05 It's mostly kids 2:46 Salaries are stagnant 4:15 Bali bali! 5:33 It's a real job 6:22 It's easy to make friends 7:03 Conclusion Transcript for Teaching English in Korea: Hey everybody, this is Jackie from eslactivity.org. So a lot of people ask me questions about what teaching in Korea is really like. They want the inside information if they're deciding if they want to go to Korea or maybe go to some other country. I taught English in South Korea for 10 years. I worked at hogwans for a couple of years and then I taught in South Korean universities for about another eight or nine years so I think I have a pretty good idea about what it's really like. This is kind of my behind-the-scenes tour of what it's like. First of all, teaching ESL in Korea. If you're a serious teacher, I would say maybe South Korea is not really the place for you. Most people get their start teaching in hogwans, which is kind of like the version of the Japanese cram schools that you might have heard of already. A hagwon is basically just like a private school for people who want to learn English. It's mostly kids and it's a big business so it's run by a business person usually, not an educator. Their sole mission is to keep the parents happy. My second thing for teaching ESL in South Korea. It's mostly kids so if you like teaching kids, Korea might be the place for you. However, adult jobs are few and far between. I mean there are university jobs, and there are some adult hagwons but probably I want to say that maybe 95% of the teaching jobs in Korea are for children. In some cases, very young children so preschool kids, even like three or four years old. If you don't love kids, Korea might not be the place for you. My third one. So let's talk salary. you're not gonna get rich teaching in Korea. When I went to Korea for the first time...when did I go? Like 2002, 20 years ago. That seems like a long time ago I don't really want to think too deeply about that. But in 2002, my starting salary was 2.2 million and kind of by the time I left Korea, about five years ago my salary was up to like over three million won a month, which wasn't bad. I mean, I could save money and I did some overtime at my university. I did a bit of private teaching so I was able to save a good amount of money. However, starting salaries today are still 2, 2.1, 2.2 million. The starting salaries are the same today for hagwon teachers or public school teachers than they were 20 years ago. Number four. Korea they have this phrase in Korean, bali bali which means quickly quickly. And it really is like that. Everything is last minute, everything happens super quickly, and everything is rushed. I mean, I personally loved it. So if I moved into a new place and I wanted internet, I just make a phone call and someone's at my house five minutes later, hooking up the internet. Or I'm hungry and I want some fried chicken and have some beers with my friends, 10 minutes later someone's at my house with fried chicken. I mean certain things were good. So teaching in Korea is a real job and I mean I made this mistake when I went through my first year teaching at a hagwan. I thought it would be like this kind of glorious vacation in some other exotic country. However the reality is I only got two weeks of vacation so I was actually at school for eight hours a day, 40 hours a week for 50 out of the 52 weeks of the year. and there's kind of no way around that. Alright and finally if you're an expat in korea, it's super easy to make friends. So everybody's new, everybody's kind of coming and going, everyone's open to making new friends so it will be a great experience for you. And there are lots of different expat clubs and that kind of thing so it kind of was the experience of a lifetime and I have no regrets about going there and then how long I stayed there.

'Video thumbnail for Teaching English in South Korea with Jennifer from the Let's Talk TEFL Podcast | Teach ESL Korea'
Teaching English in South Korea with Jennifer from the Let&#...
Teaching English in South Korea with Jennifer from the Let's Talk TEFL Podcast | Teach ESL Korea

4K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

Jackie Bolen and Jennifer Booker Smith introduce themselves and talk about teaching English in Korea. Jackie asks Jennifer all kinds of interesting questions about her years in Korea, working as an ESL teacher in public schools, hagwons and as a teacher trainer. Watch this video to find out everything you need to know about teaching English in South Korea ------ • ESL Speaking Lesson Plan Template: https://eslspeaking.org/esl-speaking-lesson-plan-template/ • Writing Lessons: How to Teach Writing Skills to ESL Students : https://youtu.be/Dzue9mIZRzo ------- Subscribe to the podcast "Let's Talk TEFL" here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1774520/episodes/8461026 How to Get a University Job in South Korea: The English Teaching Job of your Dreams: https://www.amazon.ca/How-Get-University-South-Korea/dp/1503199827 Find Jennifer at: https://www.teachtravellearn.com/ Podcast info: https://www.eslactivity.org/podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie #esl #teachinginkorea #teachingenglishwithjackie ------------------------------------------------------- More ESL Speaking resources: https://eslspeaking.org/ -------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp for Teaching English in Asia: Tags: Teaching English in South Korea, teaching English in Korea, Teach ESL Korea, hagwons, Teaching in Asia, life in Korea,rok, teaching university, teaching tips, ESL tips, English Teacher, esl podcast, podcast, TEFL, teaching TEFL, Teaching English College, teaching English, TEFL podcast, Podcasts about teaching, Teaching podcast,

'Video thumbnail for Day in the life teaching in a South Korean University |  Is there really 5 Months of paid Vacation?'
Day in the life teaching in a South Korean University | Is ...
Day in the life teaching in a South Korean University | Is there really 5 Months of paid Vacation?

5K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

The ultimate guide to teaching ESL in a South Korean university. Find out how many classes you teach in a day, if you have office hours, the basic salary and of course, whether you really get 5 months of paid vacation. Is teaching in a South Korea university the ultimate ESL teaching job in the world? Watch the full video to find out. ------------------- • What teaching in Korea is really like: : https://youtu.be/Pv9dUu610Ow • Day in the Life Teaching English in Seoul, South Korea with Katie Clare by: @International TEFL Academy https://youtu.be/w5dnEZJe-Xw ------------------- For more details about teaching English abroad, read my blog post: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/teaching-english-in-korea-universities/ Want an in-depth guide on how to land that Korean Teaching job? Then check out: https://amzn.to/36hSQ67 -------------------- https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #teachingenglishwithjackie #teachingabroad #teachinginkorea Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 0:09 Jackies experience teaching in South Korea 0:18 What a typical day teaching in a South Korea is like 1:08 A huge perk of the job 1:47 English conversation classes 2:45 Does working as an English Teacher give you freedom? 3:15 Outro Transcript for Day in the Life of an English Teacher in Korea: Hey, this is Jackie from mylifeteachinginakoreanuniversity.com. So I taught English in South Korean universities for 10 years. I'd like to share with you kind of a day in the life of teaching in a South Korean university. So basically, I would have classes starting around 8 a.m and then the last class I might have would be like 5 or 6 p.m. In that day, I would have generally two to three classes that were 1.5 to say two hours long. There were some three-hour classes which were a bit gruelling but generally, it was around two hours in length and then during the week, I would have some office time, some grading, some prep etc. So generally I would teach between 12 and 15 hours a week and then I would have say about equal that, say like 10 to 15 hours of prep and grading. It's a pretty sweet job, about 30 hours a week or even less once you get some experience doing it and then you'll spend less time doing prep because you can kind of recycle your lesson plans from year to year. The best thing about a Korean university job is that you have two, 16 week semesters or well 15 to 16 week semesters and then the rest is vacation time. So if you do the simple math, 2 times 16 is 32 weeks. That leaves 20 weeks. So those are generally paid vacation times which is pretty crazy when you consider it. What other job would give you five months of paid vacation? Probably nowhere, which is why Korean university jobs are some of the most coveted ESL teaching jobs in the world. All right, so what did I actually teach? The vast majority of native English speakers in Korean universities will teach English conversation classes. So freshman students have to take one year of English conversation as mandated by the Korean government so that would be like two, two-hour classes or something like that. The students will be in any major, not just English majors so you'll teach some great students mostly in the humanities or like film, that kind of thing but you'll also teach some very low-level students so think like mechanical engineering or computer science. They have gifts and other things not related to English in most cases so it could be a bit of a struggle but it was not an especially difficult job to do. There are also other classes. For example, writing. You might teach English majors presentations and public speaking, business English, medical English, it kind of just depends on the university if the native English speaker would be teaching that class or Koreans would be teaching that class. The best thing about my job is that I had a ton of freedom. So in most cases, you can choose your own textbook, you can write your own tests, and give your own homework assignments. Basically, nobody's looking over your shoulder unless you actually don't come to class, you don't submit your grades, you don't give tests at the appropriate times, that kind of thing. That's kind of a big no-no but as long as you follow the basic rules, nobody is actually checking on you that much so do your best. Plan your lesson, show up for class every day, and give homework assignments, but besides that yeah, you have a ton of freedom for how you actually want to conduct your classes. All right, so if you have any questions about teaching in a Korean university, just comment below and i'd be happy to do another video or answer them in the comments below for you. If you would like to get one of these sweet jobs, check out my book on Amazon: How to Get a University Job in South Korea. Alright, until next time, bye everybody.

'Video thumbnail for Teaching in Korea: How Much Money You Actually Make. Can you REALLY get free rent?'
Teaching in Korea: How Much Money You Actually Make. Can you...
Teaching in Korea: How Much Money You Actually Make. Can you REALLY get free rent?

10K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

So you want to teach English in Korea? In this video I discuss salary, cost of living and more. Keep on watching to find out how much money you can actually make teaching English in South Korea. Is teaching in a South Korea university the ultimate ESL teaching job in the world? Find out the real deal here! ------------------- • Day in the life teaching in a South Korean University: https://youtu.be/GEXwml1bkNE • A DAY IN THE LIFE // English teacher in South Korea by: @taylerwithane https://youtu.be/bBiTR_enpwY ------------------- Full blog post: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/teaching-english-in-south-korea/ Want an in depth guide on how to land that Korean teaching job? Then check out: https://amzn.to/36hSQ67 -------------------- https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie?lang=en #teachingenglishwithjackie #southkorea Transcript: Hey everybody, this is Jackie from esleaking.org. So today I'm going to talk about how much money you can actually make teaching English in Korea. It's kind of a tricky issue because salaries have not really increased say for the past 20 years. 20 years ago, the salaries were kind of 1.8 to like around 2.5 million and today the salaries are much the same. They kind of start around 2 million Korean Won and then go up to say like 3 million won at universities. However, you do get free rent which isn't bad. If you're a pretty frugal person your apartment gets paid for, which you potentially can save a good bit of money plus health care is really cheap as well. However, the cost of living is certainly not cheap as it once was I first came to Korea in 2003 I think it was. I remember in 2002 and I remember a roll of Korean sushi called gimbap was a thousand won. By the time I left, which was about 2018 a roll of gimbap was 3000 won. Same with taxis, haircuts, eating out at restaurants, all that kind of stuff. Prices had almost doubled or tripled from when I first came to Korea until when I left. However, the salary stayed the same. The good news is that you can do private teaching if you're really serious about making some money. Koreans are willing to pay 30 or 40 or 50 000 Korean Won which is roughly like roughly equivalent to maybe 40 USD per hour. So if you get some private teaching going on, you can really increase your salary quite a bit. The other option is to work at a university and there'll be plenty of overtime opportunities available so you can turn your three million won per month salary into six million or seven million or eight million, especially during the vacations if you do something like summer or winter camps. So let's talk about savings. I'm sure what you really want to know. Basically, any English teacher without a ton of effort can probably save 500 USD per month. It's relatively easy enough. You can cook at home, you get your free apartment, healthcare is really cheap, transportation is probably cheaper than say compared to like Canada or the USA when it comes to public transport. Lots of people walk everywhere, you can have some like cheap fun, you can drink beers at the 7-eleven with your friends, go to the karaoke room, go out for some barbecue. It's not too expensive when compared to eating out in Canada or the US. So 500 a month would be the minimum if you're pretty frugal and work at a hogwan or public school you could save up to a thousand USD per month but that's like watching your pennies pretty carefully and not going out too much. However, if you're serious about the cash, definitely get a university job and then work some overtime and if that's the case you could get up to saving like three or four, 5000 usd per month which is quite lucrative so university jobs are kind of the gold standard when it comes to making good money in South Korea. However, they're not that easy to find you need to have a master's and also some serious experience and then other qualifications to go along with that. So if you want some tips and tricks on how to get a university job in south korea, check out my book on Amazon: How to Get a University Job in South Korea by Jackie Bolen. Alright, I hope you enjoyed this video. If you have any questions or comments, please just drop a line below and please hit subscribe if you like this video. Tags: Teaching in Korea, teaching english to korean speakers, teach english korea, teaching esl in south korea, South Korea, Teaching English in Korea, Life in Korea, hagwon, rok, teaching esl korea, esl south Korea, tefl korea, tefl in Korea, teach esl korea, Korean University Jobs, How to work in South Korea, ESL teaching jobs, TEFL teaching jobs, Korean University jobs, South Korean Jobs, Working in Korea, Teacher, How much do ESL teachers make,

'Video thumbnail for Korean University Interview Tip: Speaking Clearly | South Korean Uni Interviews'
Korean University Interview Tip: Speaking Clearly | South Ko...
Korean University Interview Tip: Speaking Clearly | South Korean Uni Interviews

3K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

A common mistake that people make during their interview for a university job in South Korea is that they speak too quickly and use complicated jargon, without keeping in mind who they are talking to. In general, the people interviewing you at a South Korean uni job may not speak English as their first language. Plus, they're judging whether or not the students will be able to understand you easily. That's why it's so important to speak clearly during your university interview in South Korea. Get the English teaching job of your dreams in South Korea by following this simple tip. Want to know more? Check out: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/university-jobs-in-korea/ How to Get a University Job in South Korea: https://amzn.to/3gYEefb Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie Tags: uni job korea, university job korea, uni job interview korea, uni job interview south korea, university job interview south korea, esl interview south korea, interview tip esl, interview tips, interview, South Korea (Country), korean university, south korea university job, English Interview tips, How to speak English, Speaking tips, How to teach, rok, south korea, korea, teaching english in korea, esl, Korean interview tips,

'Video thumbnail for Basic Requirements to Get a University Job in South Korea | Uni Jobs Korea Requirements'
Basic Requirements to Get a University Job in South Korea | ...
Basic Requirements to Get a University Job in South Korea | Uni Jobs Korea Requirements

22K views · Nov 23, 2022 eslactivity.org

Find out what the requirements are to get a university job in South Korea, including education, experience, eligible countries and more. It's not easy to get a uni job in Korea but the most important thing is making sure you are eligible by having the basic requirements down. Beyond that, it's up to what MA degree you have, along with experience teaching adults. Want to know more? Check out: https://teachinginkoreanuniversity.com/university-jobs-in-korea/ How to Get a University Job in South Korea: https://amzn.to/3gYEefb Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: https://eslspeaking.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@englishwithjackie Tags: Korea (Location), South Korea (Country), Work, uni job korea, university job korea, get a uni job korea, how to get a university job in korea, uni job south korea, university job south korea ,e2 visa requirements, e1 visa requirements, visa requirements, teach esl korea, e2 visa, e2 visa korea, e2 visa south korea, teaching english korea, teaching english south korea, teaching english in korea, teaching english in south korea, how to teach english in korea, teaching esl

'Video thumbnail for June 28 Live Stream (Uni jobs in Korea, Celta, Ma TESOL & More)'
June 28 Live Stream (Uni jobs in Korea, Celta, Ma TESOL &...
June 28 Live Stream (Uni jobs in Korea, Celta, Ma TESOL & More)

1K views · Nov 22, 2022 eslspeaking.org

Check out my first ever live stream! I answer some questions about university jobs in Korea, doing an MA TESOL for a career in teaching English abroad, the CELTA and DELTA teaching certificates, my favourite things about teaching in Korea, and more. Stay tuned! I will announce a contest for next week. You might be interested in: How much money can you really make teaching in Korea? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h79wRmIyhMY&t=1s What teaching in South Korea is really like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv9dUu610Ow Jackie on the socials: https://www.facebook.com/eslspeaking https://www.pinterest.ca/eslspeaking/ https://www.instagram.com/jackie.bolen/ #esl #teachingEnglish #southkorea #teachinginkorea #jackiebolen