American English Phrases
'Video thumbnail for A Lot on My Plate (English idioms and phrases) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day'
A Lot on My Plate (English idioms and phrases) | Learn Ameri...
A Lot on My Plate (English idioms and phrases) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day

2K views · Nov 23, 2022

A lot on my plate is a way to describe someone that has a lot going on or has a lot of responsibilities. Check out the video to find out more about this popular English idiom. A lot on my plate meaning: Many responsibilities. A lot on my plate origin: First used in the 1900's. Refers to a plate that's heaping full of food and difficult to balance when carrying it to a table. Now, imagine those are your responsibilities! A lot on my plate examples: "I have a lot on my plate with work and school." "She has a lot on her plate at work these days. She's managing three projects." Want to find out more? Check out: The Big Book of American Idioms: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #learningenglishwithjackie #englishidioms #idioms #idiomsandphrases Tags: a lot of my plate, a lot of my plate meaning, meaning of a lot on my plate, a lot on my plate idiom, idiom a lot on my plate, what does a lot on my plate mean, meaning of lot on my plate, lot on my plate, a lot on his plate, a lot on her plate, a lot on their plates Transcript: Hey, it's Jackie. The idiom for today is, a lot on my plate. A lot on my plate. It basically means you have many responsibilities or lots of jobs or tasks that you need to get done. Think about a waiter or waitress in a restaurant. They have a lot of plates and the plates are full and they're heavy and they're trying to juggle them and carry them all without dropping anything. That's what a lot on your plate means. It's difficult to do because you have all of these things going on. Here are some examples. I have a lot on my plate. I have both work and school. Number two: She has a lot on her plate. She's managing three different projects at work. Number three: You must have a lot on your plate with work and your new baby. Alright, if you like this idiom, please be sure to check out my book on Amazon: The Big Book of American Idioms.

'Video thumbnail for Thanks for your Help (A popular English expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day'
Thanks for your Help (A popular English expression) | Learn ...
Thanks for your Help (A popular English expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day

8K views · Nov 23, 2022

Thanks for your help. It's a common English expression. Check out this video for all the details about when and how to use it. Thanks for your help. Some examples: "Thanks for your help today! I appreciate it!" "You're welcome! It was my pleasure." Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #learningenglishwithjackie #learnenglish #englishphrasesforbeginners #englishforbeginners Transcript: Hi, everybody. This is Jackie from Today's expression is, thanks for your help. So if someone does something very kind for you, you can say, "Thanks for your help." The other person will say, "You're welcome." You can also add, thanks for your help yesterday. Thanks for your help today.

'Video thumbnail for That's Very Kind of You (a popular English expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day'
That's Very Kind of You (a popular English expression) |...
That's Very Kind of You (a popular English expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day

764 views · Nov 23, 2022

That's very kind of you. It's a common way to express thanks or appreciation to someone for an act of kindness. Check out the video to find out all the details. That's very kind of you. Some examples: -"Can I help pack your groceries?" -"Yes, thank you, that's very kind of you." -"Your new haircut looks great!" -"Thanks, that's very kind of you to say!" Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #learningenglishwithjackie #englishphrases #englishphrasesforbeginners #learnenglish Transcript: Hi, this is Jackie from Today's expression is, that's very kind of you. That's very kind of you. If somebody does something nice for you, like for example, you have many bags of groceries and you're coming home and someone sees you struggling and they say, "Can I help you carry your bags?" and you can say, "That's very kind of you." Or, if someone says, "I can babysit your son for you this weekend." You can say, that's very kind of you. The other person might say, "You're welcome," or, "No problem."

'Video thumbnail for You're the Best (A Popular English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day'
You're the Best (A Popular English Expression) | Learn A...
You're the Best (A Popular English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day

1K views · Nov 23, 2022

You're the best. It's a common English expression that people use to express thanks or appreciation to someone. Check out this video for all the details you need to know about it. You're the best. Some examples: -"Thanks for taking that shift. You're the best!" -"You're the best. I couldn't have done it without you." Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #learningenglishwithjackie #englishexpressions #englishforbeginners #englishforbeginner Transcript: Hi everybody, it's Jackie from Today's expression is, "You're the best." You're the best. If someone goes out of their way to help you in a big way, for example, maybe you have many bags of groceries, and you're having a very difficult time carrying them into your house and somebody says, "Can I help you?" You could say, "You're the best! Thanks so much." Or, maybe if you are a kid and your mom makes you the most delicious meal, your favourite meal, you could come home and say, "Mom! I love you. You're the best." So it's just a way of thanking somebody for doing something extra, or something big.

'Video thumbnail for How's your day going? (A Popular English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day'
How's your day going? (A Popular English Expression) | L...
How's your day going? (A Popular English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day

20K views · Nov 23, 2022

How's your day going is a common way to start a conversation in English. Check out this video for all the details you need to know about it! How's your day going? Some examples: -"Hi there, how's your day going?" -"My day is good, thank you for asking." Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #learningenglishwithjackie #learnenglish #howtolearnenglish #englishphrasesforbeginners Transcript: Hey, it's Jackie from Today's expression is, how's your day going? How's your day going? It's asking how are you but it's specific for that day. Some good answers are: - How's your day going? It's good. - How's your day going? Oh, not bad. Do not give a long, detailed answer: I ate breakfast, then I went for a walk, then I had lunch, then I walked my dog, and then I saw my friend. Nobody cares. Just give a short answer. How's your day going? Good. How about you?

'Video thumbnail for Long Time, No See (A Popular English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day'
Long Time, No See (A Popular English Expression) | Learn Ame...
Long Time, No See (A Popular English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day

2K views · Nov 23, 2022

Long time, no see is a common English expression that you can use when you haven't seen somebody in a while, maybe for a few months. Check out this video to find out how to use it! Long Time, No See examples: -"Hey Becca, long time, no see!" -"Yeah, it's been a while. How are you doing?" Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #learningenglishwithjackie #learnenglish #englishexpressions #englishphrases Transcript: Hi everybody, it's Jackie from Today's expression is, long time no see. Long time no see. You can use it if you haven't seen someone in a long time, maybe one month or two months, six months, something like that. So you're at school, at your university and you see someone who was in your class months ago but you haven't seen lately. Wow, long time no see! And they'll say, yeah it has been a long time, Alright, so that's today's expression. Long time no see, if you haven't seen somebody in a few months.

'Video thumbnail for What's Up? (A Popular English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day'
What's Up? (A Popular English Expression) | Learn Americ...
What's Up? (A Popular English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day

7K views · Nov 23, 2022

What's up? It's a common English expression that basically means, "Hello. How are you?" Check out this video for all the details you need to know. What's up? Some examples: -"Hey Jackie, what's up?" -"Not much, just headed to work. How about you?" Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #learningenglishwithjackie #englishphrasesandvocabulary #learnenglish #learningenglish Transcript: Hi, it's Jackie from Today's expression is, "What's up?" If someone says, "What up?," do not say, "good," or, "I'm good." That is not a good answer. If someone says, "What up?", you can say, "nothing," or, "not much." So what's up? Oh, nothing. What's up? Not much. How about you? It's very informal. Do not use it for maybe your professor or your grandmother but use it for your friend is best. What's up? Not much.

'Video thumbnail for How are You? (A Common English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day'
How are You? (A Common English Expression) | Learn American ...
How are You? (A Common English Expression) | Learn American English in 1 Minute a day

13K views · Nov 23, 2022

How are you? It's a common English expression when you want to ask how somebody is doing. It's also another way to say hello or to greet somebody. Check out the video for more details. How are you? Some examples: -"It's good to see you! How are you today?" -"I'm good, thank you for asking. How are you?" Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: Even more Ideas for the TEFL Classroom: #learningenglishwithjackie #englishforbeginners #englishforbeginers #learnenglish Transcript: Howdy, it's Jackie from So today we're going to talk about, "How are you?" Now, if someone says, "How are you?" Do not say, "I'm fine, thank you. And you?" It sounds terrible. If someone says, "How are you?," you could say, "I'm good. How about you? or, "I'm not bad," or, "I'm okay. How about you?" Alright, so if someone says, "How are you?," do not say, "I'm fine, thank you. And you?" It sounds ridiculous. You could say, "I'm good. How about you?

'Video thumbnail for English Expression: How Can I Help You? | Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day'
English Expression: How Can I Help You? | Learn American Eng...
English Expression: How Can I Help You? | Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day

1K views · Nov 23, 2022

How can I help you is a common English expression that someone at a shop or store might say when they don't know what you want. Here's an example: How can I help you? "Welcome to our coffee shop, how can I help you today?" "You look a bit confused with the homework today. How can I help you with it?" Learn more at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out another English expression here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn English here: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- More English expressions from @mmmEnglish --------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript: Hi everybody. It's jackie from So today's expression is, "How can I help you?" "How can I help you?" So if you're at a store and someone doesn't know what you need, they might say, "How can I help you?" You could say, "I'm looking for this type of shoe in size seven." Or if you're at a bank, someone could say, "How can I help you?" You could say, "I'd like to open an account." Or, if you're at the police station they might say, "How can I help you?" You could say, "I saw a crime happen. I'd like to report it." All right, so that's today's expression. "How can I help you?" If you like this video, please hit like, subscribe, leave a comment, and also be sure to check out my book on amazon: 1001 English Expressions. Bye, everybody. #speakenglish #learnenglishwithjackie #speakenglisheasy #ieltsspeaking #speakenglishwithvanessa #mmmenglish #englishwithlucy

'Video thumbnail for English Expression: What Can I Do For You? | Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day'
English Expression: What Can I Do For You? | Learn American ...
English Expression: What Can I Do For You? | Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day

1K views · Nov 23, 2022

What Can I Do For You? is a popular English expression. It's a polite way to offer help to someone, particularly for someone working at a job with customers. Here are some examples: "Welcome to our bank. What can I do for you today?" (I'd like to open a bank account). "I can see you are browsing that area. What can I do for you?" (I'm looking for a size large in this t-shirt). Learn more at: ---------------------------------------------------- Check out another English expression here: --------------------------------------------------- Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: #englishexpressions #learnenglishwithjackie #ieltsspeaking #toeflspeaking #toeic #mmmenglish #englishwithlucy ----------------------------------------------- Learn to speak English here: ----------------------------------------------- More useful English expressions from @Mark Kulek ----------------------------------------------- Transcript for what can I do for you: Hi everybody, it's Jackie from So today's phrase is, "What can I do for you?" What can I do for you? That means that if you're at a store or a bank, the police station, so many places and someone isn't sure what you need help with, they will say, "What can I do for you?" And you can say, I'm looking for a pink sweater. Or, I need to open an account. Or, I need to report that my wallet was stolen. Any answer is possible. But, it's a very polite way for someone at a store or office, a bank, or an organization to ask, "What do you need?" "What can I do for you?" So if you like this expression, please hit like, subscribe, leave a comment below and also be sure to check out my book on Amazon: 1001 English Expressions.

'Video thumbnail for Could You Give Me a Hand? ( A Common English Expression)| Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day'
Could You Give Me a Hand? ( A Common English Expression)| Le...
Could You Give Me a Hand? ( A Common English Expression)| Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day

606 views · Nov 23, 2022

A common English expression is, "Could you give me a hand?" It means that you are asking someone to give you some help. Learn more at: Could You Give Me a Hand? "I'm having trouble reaching the top shelf. Could you give me a hand?" "I don't really understand this part of the homework. Could you give me a hand?" ------------------------------------------- Check out another English expression: ---------------------------------------- Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: #learnenglishonline #learningenglishwithjackie #learningenglish #learnenglish #mmmenglish #englishwithlucy #englishexpressions ------------------------------------ Learn how to speak English: ----------------------------------- More common English phrases from @English with Lucy ----------------------------------- Transcript for could you give me a hand: Hey, it's Jackie from So today's expression is, "Could you give me a hand?" It's not actually a hand. Could you give me a hand means, "Can you help me? I need help." So I would say to my friend, "Can you give me a hand?" My friend says, "Oh sure, no problem." Or, "Could you give me a hand?" "What do you need?" Then you could say, "Would you help me move next weekend?" Something like that. Alright, so today's expression is, "Could you give me a hand?" It's very, very useful when asking for help or just about anything. And it's also very polite. Please hit like, subscribe, leave a comment if you like this video and be sure to check out my book on Amazon: 1001 English Expressions.

'Video thumbnail for English Expression: Could You _____? | Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day'
English Expression: Could You _____? | Learn American Englis...
English Expression: Could You _____? | Learn American English in 1 Minute a Day

230 views · Nov 23, 2022

Could you ______ (help me, turn down....) is a common English expression. Check out the video to find out how to use, "Could you" easily. Learn more at: Could You __________? "Could you help me learn guitar?" "Could you turn the heat down please?" --------------------------------------- More English expressions here: ---------------------------------------- Want to find out more? Check out: 1001 English Expressions and Phrases: #speakingenglish #learningenglishwithjackie #englishexpressions #englishphrases #speakenglishwithvanessa ----------------------------------- Learn English here: ----------------------------------- More important English expressions from @Speak English With Vanessa -------------------------------- Transcript: Hi everybody. It's Jackie from So today's expression is, "Could you...(something)?" If you are asking someone to do something, or you want to ask a favour, you could say: "Could you open the window?" "Could you turn down the temperature?" "Could you help me?" "Could you teach me how to play tennis?" There are so many possibilities but could you is a very polite way to ask for help or to ask somebody to do something. If you like this English expression, please hit like, subscribe, leave a comment, and also be sure to check out my book on Amazon: 1001 English Expressions. Until next time, bye everybody.