Embedded Linux Explained!
Embedded Linux has become an upcoming field in electronics and computer science with plenty of opportunities to build really powerful and intelligent systems. In this video, let's learn what Embedded Linux is and what are the possible applications that Embedded Linux Devices can bring about. Related Links below: https://embeddedinventor.com/a-clear-cut-explanation-to-embedded-linux/ ****************************************************************************** Link to our website: https://embeddedinventor.com/ Video 1:What is an Embedded system? Related Links below: https://youtu.be/Vt7kXpAaqGo https://embeddedinventor.com/what-is-an-embedded-system/ Video 2: A clear cut explanation to IoT Related Links below: https://youtu.be/e3Fr3Owg9Bs https://embeddedinventor.com/internet-of-things-what-is-it/