What Was I Thinking?

134 views May 1, 2024
publisher-humix dgbrooke52

Hi, It’s That Gratitude Guy with today’s 2-minute gratitude video: What Was I Thinking? Be sure and listen for today’s Gratitude Tip of the Day. You know the old saying about if I had a dime….. Well, if I had a dime for how many times I’ve said What Were You Thinking? I have made some incredibly boneheaded moves in my life, and I suspect most of us could say the same thing. So, how does embracing a life of gratitude impact those boneheaded moves? Gratitude keeps us consistently focusing on what we have versus what we don’t have. When we focus on what we have, we tend to forget about some of those moves that resulted in a person saying ….What Was I thinking. Additionally, gratitude encourages us to focus on the positive, and in this case, maybe it is the lesson we learned. After all, it’s pretty hard to learn lessons when every thing goes according to plan. Now the gratitude tip of the day: Use gratitude, and a gratitude journal to keep you focused on what you have and the lessons you’ve learned. It will give you a very positive mindset, and that’s a good thing. Lastly, thank you for watching my videos, and to purchase a gratitude journal for you or a friend, just click on the Amazon link below. I’m That Gratitude Guy, and remember….Be Grateful & Never Quit! http://www.thebrooker.com Every day I have the privilege of delivering an important message about the incredible power of gratitude. Check in once a day to see and hear how this amazing belief can transform, re-focus, and re-frame your life into one of appreciation and thankfulness. You will look at your life much differently, and will feel a level of joy that escapes so many people as they cope with the trials and tribulations of everyday life filled with struggles and challenges. I promise you, this power will change your life.