I Always Win
Hi, It’s That Gratitude Guy with today’s 2-minute gratitude video: I Always Win Be sure and listen for today’s Gratitude Tip of the Day. Recently, I was giving a gratitude presentation, and I typically do a drawing for a book or gratitude journal. As I normally do, I drew a business card out of the basket and named the winner. The young lady let out a holler, and strode to the stage to claim her prize. She immediately stated “I always win,” she then said. “All of my girlfriends hate me” Her comment really struck me, and I asked her if she realized how powerful her self-talk was? She said, “Oh yeah, I do that all of the time” It made me think about various friends I’ve had that when asked if they would like to go to the horse track, or Las Vegas, or Reno, always exclaim, “No thanks, I never win” The difference between saying “I always win” and “I never win” is just the same as using gratitude and a gratitude journal to frame your life. It consistently helps you to focus on what you have, and not what you don’t have. Now the gratitude tip of the day: Just for one day this week, really pay attention to your self talk, and see which direction it is leading you. You might be surprised Lastly, thank you for watching my videos, and to purchase a gratitude journal for you or a friend, just click on the Amazon link below.