Never Compare Your Inside to Their Outside
That Gratitude Guy - Monday Morning Minute: Never Compare Your Inside to Their Outside There is an old saying about walking in another person’s moccasins…. When you compare your inside to another persons outside, you are doing yourself a grave injustice. In the last several years, I have developed a coaching practice to help people navigate life from the perspective of gratitude. I have been consistently amazed how the majority of people look on the outside, and it is a completely different picture on the inside. So many people put on a brave face, but when you peel back the layers of the onion, they really struggle. Gratitude and embracing an attitude of gratitude is such a great way to ensure you don’t go down the path of making that unfair comparison. You will never know completely what is going on in someone else’s life, so you might as well just be as grateful as you can for yours. And besides, if you want to help someone, make sure your house is in order first….. A gratitude journal will keep you focused on all of your blessings every day, and that’s a good thing.