The First 100 Days
It’s That Gratitude Guy with The Monday Morning Minute The First 100 Days After this pandemic runs its course, will you be one of the people that hits the ground running? The people that develop a plan for the first 100 days will be ready. If you want a power assist to help you with your 100-day plan, you might want to look to gratitude. Gratitude is always there to keep you focused on the task at hand. We can’t change the past, but we can acknowledge that it was tough. Maintaining a gratitude mindset will help you to focus on the future. Start working on your 100-day plan now, use this time wisely, and you will reap the benefits down the line. A gratitude mindset will be like having training wheels to help you as you peddle your bike forward. Good luck with your plan and understanding the power of gratitude. I’m That Gratitude Guy, Remember…. Be Grateful & Never Quit Every week I deliver several videos about the power of gratitude and how it can help you. You can expect to get videos that illustrate how an "attitude of gratitude" can help you through virtually any challenge that you might face. Please check-in frequently to keep building your gratitude muscle, and to see and hear how this amazing belief can transform, re-focus, and re-frame your life into one of appreciation and thankfulness. You will look at your life much differently and will feel a level of joy that escapes so many people as they cope with the trials and tribulations of everyday life. "Gratitude turns what you have into enough" Website: