Timeless Values
It’s That Gratitude Guy with The Monday Morning Minute Timeless Values Do manners ever go out of style? I am struck by how many values have gone by the wayside. What happened to a good handshake, eye contact, a genuine smile and a great face to face conversation? I noticed recently in a restaurant, every single customer was on their cell phone…not one actual conversation. I think each generation thinks the next one is more messed up than theirs…. Technology marches forward at a dizzying pace. But, what about timeless values. I think the best approach is a combination of what’s new and what is old. Respect, manners, gratitude, common courtesy, appreciation, humility, and kindness will always stand the test of time. I think those, and other positive qualities will be the timeless values that we can always embrace from one generation to the next. I’m That Gratitude Guy, Remember…. Be Grateful & Never Quit! Every week I have the privilege of delivering an important message about the incredible power of gratitude. Check in once a week to see and hear how this amazing belief can transform, re-focus, and re-frame your life into one of appreciation and thankfulness. You will look at your life much differently, and will feel a level of joy that escapes so many people as they cope with the trials and tribulations of everyday life filled with struggles and challenges. I promise you, this power will change your life. http://www.thebrooker.com