Good Days, Bad Days, Going Half Mad Days
It’s The Brooker - That Gratitude Guy with today’s 2-min. gratitude video & tip of the day: Good Days, Bad Days, & Going Half Mad Days A number of years ago, Jimmy Buffett wrote a song that included the lyrics…. I’ve Had Good Days, Bad Days, and Going Half Mad Days. The more people that I connect with when I talk about gratitude, I continue to be struck by how many people seem to struggle. When We get to talk one on one, we usually come to the conclusion, that life does indeed include good days, bad days, and going half mad days. The key is to get through the bad days and going half mad days. In fact that may be one of the better ways to gauge the measure of a person, and that is how they handle adversity. It’s so easy to be happy when everything is working. So during those tough times, use gratitude to frame your life and to keep you focused on everything that you have in your life. Try it….it really works Now the gratitude tip of the day……Think about how embracing gratitude could you on the tough days….. Lastly, thank you for watching my videos, and just below you will find an Amazon link to purchase a gratitude journal, and another video that talks about my coaching program. (You may have to click your back button to go back to my newsletter) Also, you can subscribe to my channel by clicking right here….