It ALWAYS Gets Better
It's That Gratitude Guy with The Monday Morning Minute It ALWAYS Gets Better Recently, a friend of mine was going through a very tough time, and he called me looking for some help. The first thing that I thought, was how could I help, and what comfort could I offer? It turns out there wasn't much that I could say, except to hang in there and know that It ALWAYS Gets Better. No advice, no "you gotta", no "you should", no "you have to" or no "you need to". Sometimes all a friend needs is for you to just listen. No judgement……..Just listen. I did say that a focus on all of your blessings and abundance might help on some days, however, there are days when your only goal is to get to tomorrow, do something nice for yourself, and get to the next day. I think the most important message to communicate is that…. It ALWAYS Get Better I'm That Gratitude Guy, Remember….Be Grateful & Never Quit! Every week I have the privilege of delivering an important message about the incredible power of gratitude. Check in once a week to see and hear how this amazing belief can transform, re-focus, and re-frame your life into one of appreciation and thankfulness. You will look at your life much differently, and will feel a level of joy that escapes so many people as they cope with the trials and tribulations of everyday life filled with struggles and challenges. I promise you, this power will change your life.