MIND-BLOWING Fried Italian Grilled Cheese - Mozzarella in Carozza

1K views Feb 28, 2025

Mozzarella in carozza translates into "mozzarella in a carriage." Mozzarella in carozza is an Italian fried grilled cheese sandwich, and it's sure to become your new favourite grilled cheese sandwich! It's easy to assemble and fry this epic Italian grilled cheese sandwich, and you'll love the crispiness and warm gooey cheese! Get the recipe: https://www.cookingwithanadi.com/recipes/italian-mozzarella-in-carozza This recipe is part of the #cucinaitaliana collaboration exploring various regions of Italian cuisine! Check out the other incredible recipes by YouTube cooks participating in this collaboration for more Italian recipe inspiration! 1) Debbie Esplin Food https://www.youtube.com/c/DebbieEsplin  @DebbieEsplinFood 2) Cooking Around the World (John): https://www.youtube.com/c/CookingAroundTheWorld @CookingAroundtheWorld 3) Cooking Secrets for Men (Charlie): https://www.youtube.com/c/CookingSecretsForMen; @CookingSecretsforMen 4) My Ajji's Kitchen (Sandee): https://www.youtube.com/c/MyAjjisKitchen; @MyAjjisKitchen 5) Boris Backt Und Kocht: https://youtube.com/@borisbacktundkocht; @borisbacktundkocht 6) The Sunday Dinner Chef (Tom): https://www.youtube.com/@THESUNDAYDINNERCHEF-uw1qh @The Sunday Dinner Chef 7) Cooking With the Spicy Queen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKgz3gjttDNrZ0rjkuGGFUw @cookingwiththespicequeen 8) Cooking with Denise 999: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwlMCG52Wm9Uxj6VQxpDWKg @cookingwithdenise999 Get the live to cook challenge and my 5 tips to making cooking fun: https://www.cookingwithanadi.com/resources Shop the merch: https://www.cookingwithanadi.com/merch SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: https://cutt.ly/pjrdIQ8

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