Create a Reverse FIND Formula - Return Text after Last Delimiter
In this video, we extract the text after the last occurrence of a delimiter by creating a reverse find formula. Master more than 150 of the best functions in Excel https://amzn.to/3Rg87Go The formula in this video includes the LEN, RIGHT, FIND and SUBSTITUTE functions to achieve the reverse string search. Everything is explained as we build the formula piece by piece and explain how it can be adapted. The FIND function is typically used with LEFT or MID to help extract text from a cell. But this looks from left to right. The reverse find formula in this video will have the effect of looking right to left for the delimiter. Find more great free tutorials at; https://www.computergaga.com *** Online Excel Courses *** The Ultimate Excel Course – Learn Everything ► https://bit.ly/UltimateExcel Excel VBA for Beginners ► http://bit.ly/37XSKfZ Advanced Excel Tricks ► https://bit.ly/3CGCm3M Excel Formulas Made Easy ► http://bit.ly/2ujtOAN