Excel VBA Intersect Method Explained with Two Examples
In this video, we explain the Intersect method of Excel VBA and provide two examples of its use. Learn Excel VBA - online course for beginners - http://bit.ly/37XSKfZ The Excel VBA Intersect method checks to see if a specified range intersects with another range. We can then use it return information about this intersection. Easily the most common scenario to see or use the Intersect method is with the worksheet Change event in VBA. In this video, we demonstrate two examples of the Intersect method with the Worksheet Change event. These are examples that relate to real-world practices. Learn Excel VBA - online course for beginners - http://bit.ly/37XSKfZ Find more great free tutorials at; https://www.computergaga.com *** Online Excel Courses *** The Ultimate Excel Course – Learn Everything ► https://bit.ly/UltimateExcel Excel VBA for Beginners ► http://bit.ly/37XSKfZ Advanced Excel Tricks ► https://bit.ly/3CGCm3M