Excel Formulas Part 4: Basic Excel Functions Including SUM, COUNT and AVERAGE
An introduction to basic Excel functions including SUM, AVERAGE and COUNT. When you learn Excel formulas, understanding how to write and edit Excel functions takes you up another level. Most formulas in Excel use functions for the hard tasks. A function is simply a built-in formula. Excel has over 450 of them, and this video introduces you to the basics. Enrol in the complete Excel Formulas course and become an expert in formulas in just a few hours. Over 100 formula examples - http://bit.ly/2ujtOAN This video is the fourth in our series to learn Excel formulas. It is aimed at beginners to Excel formulas to get to an intermediate level quickly and easily. Previous video - Excel formulas to calculate percentages - https://youtu.be/YYx1d_p_d4o Next video - Reference sheets and other workbooks - https://youtu.be/GJxY2yu9l9c Find more great free tutorials at; https://www.computergaga.com *** Online Excel Courses *** The Ultimate Excel Course – Learn Everything ► https://bit.ly/UltimateExcel