Working Days Between Two Dates in Power BI (NETWORKDAYS 🗓️)
Calculate how many working days between two dates in Power BI. The NETWORKDAYS function in DAX enables you to find the working days difference between two dates in Power BI. There are a few things to be careful of when using NETWORKDAYS in Power BI. These are demonstrated in the video. Video timings 00:00 Calculate working days between two dates 01:22 Working days difference with DAX 04:30 NETWORKDAYS is inclusive of dates 05:40 Add additional non-working days Find more great free tutorials at; https://www.computergaga.com *** Online Excel Courses *** The Ultimate Excel Course – Learn Everything ► https://bit.ly/UltimateExcel Excel VBA for Beginners ► http://bit.ly/37XSKfZ Advanced Excel Tricks ► https://bit.ly/3CGCm3M Excel Formulas Made Easy ► http://bit.ly/2ujtOAN Creating Sports League Tables and Tournaments in Excel ► http://bit.ly/2Siivkm