Boost your Excel Efficiency with Monkey Tools | Ken Puls
In this meetup, Ken Puls will introduce you to his Monkey Tools add-in and show you how it can help boost your Excel efficiency. From storing your favourite Excel formulas and Power Queries to building Power Query backed data models with ease, this tool has something to offer every Excel analyst. Grab your copy of Monkey Tools in Excel today https://monkeytools.ca/ Who is Ken? Ken Puls is the president and Chief Training Officer at Excelguru Consulting Inc and co-author of "Master your Data with Excel and Power BI". He is a Microsoft MVP and has been recognised as a fellow of the Certified Management Accountants of Canada (FCMA) by his peers - an honour held by less than 5% of CMA's. Get involved and attend future London Excel Meetups - https://www.meetup.com/London-Excel-Meetup-Group/ Find more great free tutorials at; https://www.computergaga.com *** Online Excel Courses *** The Ultimate Excel Course – Learn Everything ► https://bit.ly/UltimateExcel