Variables in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorial ...
18K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
In this video, we will learn about variables in JavaScript. Variables are containers for storing data. They can be used to store any type of data, such as numbers, strings, objects, or functions. We will learn how to declare variables, assign values to variables, and access the values of variables. We will also learn about the different types of variables in JavaScript, such as local variables, global variables, and constant variables. Here are some of the topics that will be covered in the video: What is a variable? How to declare a variable How to assign a value to a variable How to access the value of a variable Different types of variables in JavaScript Scope of variables Variable naming conventions This video is a great introduction to variables in JavaScript. It is suitable for beginners who are new to JavaScript or who want to learn more about variables.
!['Video thumbnail for Variables in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorial in Hindi [Part 02]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/MxHsRVSsPAEGPhfO/MxHsRVSsPAEGPhfO_upload_t1688563178-ZhcJFx.jpg)
Variables in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorial ...
166 views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
In this video, we will learn about variables in JavaScript. Variables are containers for storing data. They can be used to store any type of data, such as numbers, strings, objects, or functions. We will learn how to declare variables, assign values to variables, and access the values of variables. We will also learn about the different types of variables in JavaScript, such as local variables, global variables, and constant variables. Here are some of the topics that will be covered in the video: What is a variable? How to declare a variable How to assign a value to a variable How to access the value of a variable Different types of variables in JavaScript Scope of variables Variable naming conventions
!['Video thumbnail for Console in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorial in Hindi [Part 04]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/DpmOBaboOcXbMZvI/DpmOBaboOcXbMZvI_upload_t1688563557-wFhimL.jpg)
Console in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorial in...
6K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
The console in JavaScript is a debugging tool that allows you to interact with the browser's JavaScript environment. You can use the console to print out the values of variables, execute JavaScript code, and debug your scripts. The console is a powerful tool that can help you troubleshoot JavaScript problems. It is also a great way to learn more about how JavaScript works. This video will discuss the following topics: How to open the console in a web browser The different methods available on the console object How to use the console to print out the values of variables How to execute JavaScript code in the console How to debug your scripts using the console
!['Video thumbnail for Console Methods in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorial in Hindi [Part 05]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/MuRKZbxmNnKNTwDs/MuRKZbxmNnKNTwDs_upload_t1688564050-BRtgze.jpg)
Console Methods in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tut...
4K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
The console object in JavaScript provides a number of methods that can be used to interact with the browser's debugging console. These methods can be used to print out the values of variables, execute JavaScript code, and debug your scripts. Some of the most commonly used console methods include: console.log() - Prints out the specified message to the console. console.info() - Prints out a message to the console with a blue background. console.warn() - Prints out a message to the console with an orange background. console.error() - Prints out a message to the console with a red background. console.debug() - Prints out a message to the console with a gray background. console.trace() - Prints out a stack trace to the console. console.clear() - Clears the console. console.group() - Groups messages together in the console. console.groupEnd() - Ends a group of messages in the console.
!['Video thumbnail for Conditionals in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorial in Hindi [Part 06]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/dSrdxlpkkUxjPPKk/dSrdxlpkkUxjPPKk_j1688563588060-tc1ifz_t1688563700_base.003.jpg)
Conditionals in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutori...
4K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Conditional statements in JavaScript allow you to make decisions based on the value of a condition. There are three main types of conditional statements in JavaScript: If statements - An if statement executes a block of code if the condition is true. Else statements - An else statement executes a block of code if the condition is false. Else if statements - An else if statement executes a block of code if the condition is true, and if the previous else if statements are false. Conditional statements are a powerful tool that can be used to control the flow of your JavaScript code. They can be used to: Display different messages based on the user's input. Perform different actions based on the value of a variable. Validate user input. Control the flow of a loop.
!['Video thumbnail for if-else Conditionals in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 07]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/LtGCNkiLcoLxrLCM/LtGCNkiLcoLxrLCM_upload_t1688564071-jymlZn.jpg)
if-else Conditionals in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScrip...
5K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
If-else conditionals are a type of conditional statement in JavaScript that allows you to make decisions based on the value of a condition. If the condition is true, the code within the if statement will be executed. If the condition is false, the code within the else statement will be executed. The if-else conditional statement is a powerful tool that can be used to control the flow of your JavaScript code. It can be used to: Display different messages based on the user's input. Perform different actions based on the value of a variable. Validate user input. Control the flow of a loop. This video will discuss the following topics: The syntax of if-else conditional statements in JavaScript How to use if-else conditional statements to make decisions in your code How to use if-else conditional statements to control the flow of your code
!['Video thumbnail for else if Conditionals in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 08]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/hZiZfjMvRhjnwjQz/hZiZfjMvRhjnwjQz_j1688563764583-9lqohg_t1688563835_base.003.jpg)
else if Conditionals in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScrip...
25K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Else if conditionals are a type of conditional statement in JavaScript that allows you to make multiple decisions based on the value of a condition. If the first condition is true, the code within the if statement will be executed. If the first condition is false, the code within the else if statement will be executed, and so on. The else if conditional statement is a powerful tool that can be used to control the flow of your JavaScript code. It can be used to: Display different messages based on the user's input. Perform different actions based on the value of a variable. Validate user input. Control the flow of a loop. This video will discuss the following topics: The syntax of else if conditional statements in JavaScript How to use else if conditional statements to make decisions in your code How to use else if conditional statements to control the flow of your code
!['Video thumbnail for Loops in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 09]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/VZPyltWJWdPFZipf/VZPyltWJWdPFZipf_j1688563886977-pk6f0d_t1688563987_base.003.jpg)
Loops in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in ...
6K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Loops in JavaScript are a way to execute a block of code repeatedly. There are three main types of loops in JavaScript: While loops - A while loop executes a block of code as long as the condition is true. For loops - A for loop executes a block of code a specific number of times. Do-while loops - A do-while loop executes a block of code at least once, and then continues to execute the block of code as long as the condition is true. Loops are a powerful tool that can be used to automate tasks, process data, and perform repetitive operations. This video will discuss the following topics: The different types of loops in JavaScript How to use loops to automate tasks How to use loops to process data How to use loops to perform repetitive operations
!['Video thumbnail for Loops in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 09]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/FChlKdzYikFXbFWI/FChlKdzYikFXbFWI_j1688563897715-fxyubt_t1688564002_base.003.jpg)
Loops in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in ...
3K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Loops in JavaScript are a way to execute a block of code repeatedly. There are three main types of loops in JavaScript: While loops - A while loop executes a block of code as long as the condition is true. For loops - A for loop executes a block of code a specific number of times. Do-while loops - A do-while loop executes a block of code at least once, and then continues to execute the block of code as long as the condition is true. Loops are a powerful tool that can be used to automate tasks, process data, and perform repetitive operations. This video will discuss the following topics: The different types of loops in JavaScript How to use loops to automate tasks How to use loops to process data How to use loops to perform repetitive operations
!['Video thumbnail for While Loop in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 11]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/THliWHzJfWAYmrgq/THliWHzJfWAYmrgq_upload_t1688565662-HxaRpy.jpg)
While Loop in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorial...
7K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
A while loop is a control flow statement that executes a block of code repeatedly as long as a specified condition is true. The while loop is one of the most basic and commonly used loops in JavaScript.
!['Video thumbnail for ES5 and ES6 in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 12]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/hClhinHZUVEefKZL/hClhinHZUVEefKZL_j1688565685066-975pr5_t1688565761_base.003.jpg)
ES5 and ES6 in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutoria...
5K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
ES5 and ES6 are two versions of the ECMAScript specification, which is the standard that defines the JavaScript programming language. ES5 was released in 2009, and ES6 was released in 2015. ES6 introduces a number of new features to JavaScript, including: Arrow functions: Arrow functions are a new way to write anonymous functions. They are shorter and more concise than traditional function expressions. Classes: Classes are a new way to create objects in JavaScript. They are more powerful and flexible than the old-style object literals. Modules: Modules are a way to organize JavaScript code into reusable packages. They make it easier to share code and to avoid name collisions. Spread operator: The spread operator is a new way to spread the elements of an array or iterable object into another array or object. Template literals: Template literals are a new way to create strings that can contain embedded expressions. ES6 is not a backward-compatible with ES5, so if you want to use ES6 features, you need to use a JavaScript engine that supports ES6. However, most modern JavaScript engines do support ES6, so you should be able to use ES6 features in your code without any problems.
!['Video thumbnail for Functions in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 13]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/YSONZrmWbMdIALDV/YSONZrmWbMdIALDV_j1688565768021-qdimuy_t1688565856_base.003.jpg)
Functions in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials...
10K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Functions are one of the most important concepts in JavaScript. They allow you to encapsulate code into reusable blocks, which can make your code more organized and easier to understand.
!['Video thumbnail for ES5 and ES6 Functions in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 14]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/zVYEQVbxXBKyGNtq/zVYEQVbxXBKyGNtq_j1688565843504-n47fnm_t1688565944_base.003.jpg)
ES5 and ES6 Functions in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScri...
4K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
ES5 and ES6 are two versions of the ECMAScript specification, which is the standard that defines the JavaScript programming language. ES5 was released in 2009, and ES6 was released in 2015. Functions are one of the most important concepts in JavaScript, and ES6 introduces a number of new features for functions, including: Arrow functions: Arrow functions are a new way to write anonymous functions. They are shorter and more concise than traditional function expressions. Default parameters: Default parameters allow you to specify a default value for a function parameter. This can make your code more concise and easier to read. Rest parameters: Rest parameters allow you to collect an unknown number of arguments into an array. This can be useful for functions that need to accept a variable number of arguments. Spread operator: The spread operator allows you to spread the elements of an array or iterable object into another array or object. This can be useful for functions that need to accept an array or iterable object as an argument. In this video, we will discuss the key differences between ES5 and ES6 functions, and we will show you how to use some of the new features of ES6 functions in your JavaScript code.
!['Video thumbnail for Arrow Functions in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 15]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/nuvljLUeRUIdpyvX/nuvljLUeRUIdpyvX_j1688565927818-5tc2ln_t1688565991_base.003.jpg)
Arrow Functions in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tut...
10K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Arrow functions are a new way to write anonymous functions in JavaScript. They are shorter and more concise than traditional function expressions, and they have some additional features, such as the ability to capture the current value of this. The syntax for an arrow function is as follows: Code snippet const arrowFunction = (parameters) => { // code block to be executed }; Use code with caution. Learn more The parameters are the arguments that the function can take. The code block is the body of the function, which is the code that will be executed when the function is called. Arrow functions are a powerful tool that can be used to simplify your JavaScript code. They can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as: Calculating a factorial Formatting a string Validating user input Generating random numbers Logging events In this video, we will discuss the basics of arrow functions in JavaScript. We will show you how to define arrow functions, how to call arrow functions, and how to use arrow functions to perform a variety of tasks.
!['Video thumbnail for Return in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 16]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/xmDZrvkVMYZQURNE/xmDZrvkVMYZQURNE_upload_t1688566116-YKMnyR.jpg)
Return in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in...
4K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
The return statement in JavaScript is used to exit a function and return a value. The value that is returned can be any type of value, including a number, a string, an object, or even another function. The return statement can be used in any function, but it is most commonly used in functions that are designed to return a value. For example, the following function is designed to return the factorial of a number: Code snippet function factorial(number) { if (number === 0) { return 1; } else { return number * factorial(number - 1); } } Use code with caution. Learn more In this function, the return statement is used to return the value of the factorial calculation. The return statement is also used to exit the function when the factorial calculation is complete. The return statement is a powerful tool that can be used to control the flow of your JavaScript code. It can be used to exit functions, return values, and even break out of loops.
!['Video thumbnail for Arrays in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 17]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/EvVtBVTlrRZQsuBs/EvVtBVTlrRZQsuBs_j1688566135129-xbwtbo_t1688566206_base.003.jpg)
Arrays in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in...
43K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Arrays are one of the most important data structures in JavaScript. They are used to store a collection of elements, such as numbers, strings, objects, or even other arrays. In JavaScript, an array is defined using the [] square brackets. The elements of the array are separated by commas. For example, the following code defines an array of numbers: Arrays can be accessed using a variety of methods, such as push(), pop(), unshift(), and shift(). These methods allow you to add, remove, or modify the elements of an array. Arrays are a powerful tool that can be used to store and manipulate data in JavaScript. They are used in a wide variety of JavaScript applications, such as web development, game development, and data science. In this video, we will discuss the basics of arrays in JavaScript. We will show you how to define arrays, how to access the elements of an array, and how to use the methods of an array.
!['Video thumbnail for Arrays Methods in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 18]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/slvlEfNKXzLJHrHP/slvlEfNKXzLJHrHP_upload_t1688566756-CGCgsS.jpg)
Arrays Methods in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tuto...
23K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Arrays in JavaScript have a number of methods that can be used to access, modify, and manipulate the elements of an array. Some of the most common array methods include: push(): Adds an element to the end of an array. pop(): Removes the last element from an array. unshift(): Adds an element to the beginning of an array. shift(): Removes the first element from an array. indexOf(): Returns the index of the first occurrence of an element in an array. lastIndexOf(): Returns the index of the last occurrence of an element in an array. slice(): Returns a new array containing a slice of the original array. concat(): Concatenates two or more arrays together. sort(): Sorts the elements of an array in ascending or descending order. These are just a few of the many array methods that are available in JavaScript. In this video, we will discuss the most common array methods and how they can be used to manipulate arrays
!['Video thumbnail for Objects in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 19]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/LcoCGHpMLkzkITnv/LcoCGHpMLkzkITnv_j1688568161964-blhyhb_t1688568256_base.003.jpg)
Objects in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials i...
55K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Objects are one of the most important data structures in JavaScript. They are used to store data in a way that is more complex than arrays. In JavaScript, an object is defined using the {} curly braces. The properties of an object are defined using the : colon. For example, the following code defines an object with two properties: Code snippet const person = { name: "John Smith", age: 30, }; Use code with caution. Learn more The person object can be accessed using its properties. The properties of an object can be accessed using the dot notation. For example, the following code will print the value of the name property of the person object: Code snippet console.log(person.name); // "John Smith" Use code with caution. Learn more Objects can be accessed using a variety of methods, such as hasOwnProperty(), in, and keys(). These methods allow you to check if an object has a property, iterate over the properties of an object, and get the list of properties of an object. Objects are a powerful tool that can be used to store and manipulate data in JavaScript. They are used in a wide variety of JavaScript applications, such as web development, game development, and data science.
!['Video thumbnail for Objects are Everything in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScript Tutorials in Hindi [Part 20]'](https://video-meta.humix.com/poster/AyqcfHOvPUCqhwgT/AyqcfHOvPUCqhwgT_upload_t1688634919-ARpByY.jpg)
Objects are Everything in JavaScript _ 2 Minute JS _ JavaScr...
5K views · Jul 5, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Objects are the foundation of JavaScript. They are used to store data, represent real-world entities, and encapsulate functionality. In fact, you could say that objects are everything in JavaScript. Here are some of the reasons why objects are so important in JavaScript: They are flexible. Objects can be used to store any type of data, including numbers, strings, arrays, and other objects. They are powerful. Objects can be used to represent real-world entities, such as people, animals, and cars. They can also be used to encapsulate functionality, making it easier to reuse code. They are easy to use. Objects can be defined and manipulated using simple syntax. In this video, we will discuss the importance of objects in JavaScript. We will show you how to define objects, how to access the properties of objects, and how to use the methods of objects. We will also discuss some of the advanced features of objects, such as object inheritance and object prototypes.

7 JavaScript Concepts That Every Web Developer Should Know
783 views · Jul 17, 2023 codingpakistan.com
JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is used to create interactive web pages. In this video, we will discuss 7 JavaScript concepts that every web developer should know. The concepts we will cover include: Variables: Variables are used to store data in JavaScript. Functions: Functions are used to group together code that can be reused. Conditional statements: Conditional statements are used to control the flow of execution of a program. Loops: Loops are used to repeat a block of code a certain number of times. Arrays: Arrays are used to store a collection of data. Objects: Objects are used to store data and methods in a structured way. Events: Events are used to respond to user interaction. These are just a few of the many JavaScript concepts that web developers should know. By understanding these concepts, you will be able to create more interactive and dynamic web pages.