Free web development course in 2022 with full support for be...
487 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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How to use forms in html | how to create form in html | web...
2K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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How to use tables tag in html |Insert table in html website|...
381 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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How to use list in html | how to insert order, unorder list ...
945 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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How to use image tag in html | how to insert pic in html | w...
1K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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How to use anchor tag in html |how to link in html | web dev...
684 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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Basic html tag heading, paragraph, bold, br, hr | web develo...
657 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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How to create html file | basic structure html | basic tags ...
721 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 first class https://youtu.be/yrDisKLL5GQ second class https://youtu.be/DVW_dki_j-Q In this video, I am telling about how to create an HTML file and open it vs code. The basic structure of the HTML file I discussed in this video and basic elements and tags, meta tag, head tag, body tag, title tag, and much more. If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. #webdevelopmentcourse #basictutorialsforbeinners #htmlcss #fullcoursehtmlcss #metatag #headtag #bodytag #titletag #basicstructureofhtml Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

What is inline and block-level elements in html | web develo...
636 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am telling about what is #inline elements and #block-level elements in html inline elements that elements and tags that are started side by side not the next line and block-level elements and tags that are started a new line also even no content is available in the element if one word is present in block-level elements and I need to require a new tag but not new line but block-level elements are automatically push me the next line but it is not a problem I can handle this problem through CSS. What is inline elements html? Inline and block-level elements in html #Webdevelopmentcourse #htmltutorails #basichtmlconcepts #inlinehtml #blocklevelhtml If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

Ids and classes in html | how to get id and class in html| w...
8K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am telling about what is id and classes in html full explain. The HTML id attribute is used to specify a unique id for an HTML element. You cannot have more than one element with the same id in an HTML document. Using The id Attribute The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. The value of the id attribute must be unique within the HTML document. The id attribute is used to point to a specific style declaration in a style sheet. It is also used by JavaScript to access and manipulate the element with the specific id. The syntax for id is: write a hash character (#), followed by an id name. Then, define the CSS properties within curly braces {}. In the following example, we have an h1 element that points to the id name "myHeader". This h1 element will be styled according to the #myHeader style definition in the head section: Using The class Attribute The class attribute is often used to point to a class name in a style sheet. It can also be used by JavaScript to access and manipulate elements with a specific class name. In the following example we have three div elements with a class attribute with the value of "city". All of the three div elements will be styled equally according to the .city style definition in the head section: #Webdevelopmentcourse #htmltutorails #basichtmlconcepts #idshtml #classesinhtml If you interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of this You tube channels to Provide technologies updates, freelancing and short courses Videos and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Khk52RtLgVgInstagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

How to use Semantic tags in html | semantic tags in html | w...
3K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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How to use entities in html | what is entities in html | web...
313 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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css introduction | what is css in web development |web devel...
7K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
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What is css selectors and how to use it | web development co...
1K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video I am telling about what is CSS selectors and how to use them. There are many types of selectors but the most common and very important selector are given below in this video please watch this video completely and subscribe to my channel for more videos. 1. CSS elements selectors 2. CSS Id selectors 3. CSS class selectors 4. CSS groping selectors Element selectors: The element selector selects HTML elements based on the element name. Id selectors : The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element.The id of an element is unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element. To select an element with a specific id, write a hash (#) character, followed by the id of the element. The class selectors:- The class selector selects HTML elements with a specific class attribute.To select elements with a specific class, write a period (.) character, followed by the class name. The grouping selectors:- The grouping selector selects all the HTML elements with the same style definitions.Look at the following CSS code (the h1, h2, and p elements have the same style definitions): #Webdevelopmentcourse #csstutorails #basiccssconcepts #styletagcss #idselectors #selectorsincss #classselectors #groupingselectors #elements selectors If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

How to use inline, internal, and external CSS | web developm...
2K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am telling about how to use CSS in web development and why we use CSS . Please watch this video for complete tutorials. Three Ways to Insert CSS. 1. Inline CSS 2. Internal CSS 3. External CSS INLINE CSS: inline style may be used to apply a unique style for a single element. To use inline styles, add the style attribute to the relevant element. The style attribute can contain any CSS property. INTERNAL CSS: An internal style sheet may be used if one single HTML page has a unique style. The internal style is defined inside the style element, inside the head section. EXTERNAL CSS: With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file. Each HTML page must include a reference to the external style sheet file inside the link element, inside the head section. #Webdevelopmentcourse #htmltutorails #basichtmlconcepts #inlinehtml #inlinecss #internalcss #externalcss If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

How to use css fonts |fonts in html css | web development co...
2K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am telling about how to use CSS fonts and describe completely what is fonts and how to use them very easy method. #Webdevelopmentcourse #htmltutorails #csstutoriasconcepts #ccshtml If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

Background color, bgimage, boarder radius css tutorials | w...
6K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am telling about what is CSS background image, border, width and height, border-radius and much more #Webdevelopmentcourse #htmltutorails #csstutoriasconcepts #ccshtml If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

What is css color and how to use it | web development cour...
874 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am telling about what is CSS color and how to use it is a very simple method to use CSS color but the methods are different three are three methods to use CSS color in any website that is given below. 1st method this method is known as color by name this method only pick randomly color name it is very simple. Example: color: green ; 2nd method this method is known as color by RGB this method is simple and in this method, you pick the color number r, g, and also b RGB stand for (red,green, blue) Example : Color :RGB( 14,55,25) 3rd method is known as color by hex code there are many websites available on the internet like color picker.com Example : Color : #y58573 #Webdevelopmentcourse #htmltutorails #csstutoriasconcepts #ccshtml If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

What is box model in CSS padding, margin, and border | web ...
655 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am telling about what is CSS box model is margin, padding, and border and understand the basic structure of the box model in CSS please watch this video and hit the like and subscribe button. The Box model in CSS. In CSS, the term "box model" is used when talking about design and layout. The CSS box model is essentially a box that wraps around every HTML element. It consists of: margins, borders, padding, and the actual content. The image below illustrates the box model: Explanation of different parts : • Content - The content of the box, where text and images appear • Padding - Clears an area around the content. The padding is transparent • Border - A border that goes around the padding and content • Margin - Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent The box model allows us to add a border around elements, and to define space between elements. #Webdevelopmentcourse #htmltutorails #csstutoriasconcepts #ccshtml #Box-modle #boxmodleincss #margin #padding' #content #border If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

How to make text animation using html and css | animated tex...
429 views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 using this website for animation video links https://giphy.com/ WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am telling you about how to make animated text using only HTML and CSS this is very easy to make animation using CSS and HTML and your website looks awesome. #Webdevelopment #htmltutorails #basichtmlconcepts #csstutorials #animationincss #textanimationincss #htmlcssprojects #cssanimation #usingcssanimation If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

My First Portfolio Website in 2022 || Html CSS javaScript we...
4K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 WhatsApp Group link please join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GD1RWHFZyAV6i4EAThPw7S HTML AND CSS BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-0nGGdFhDVo4byh5q9t7H4TdpPni0lL/view?usp=sharing Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video I am telling about my first portfolio website in 2022 it is only made for HTML CSS and javascript and look awesome. #webdevlopement #portfoliowebsite #make portfolio website #html CSS website #website creation offer If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

How to use VS Code for web development | complete detail web...
14K views · Jun 30, 2023 codingpakistan.com
Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 VS CODE DOWNLOAD LINK https://code.visualstudio.com/ In this video, I am telling you about how to use VS Code for web development and complete details about VS code and some important questions please complete watch this video and create a beautiful website. And how to download and install vs code and add extension “go live”, and much more. If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos and tutorials for free of cost. ----------Content of this video---------- 00:00 Video intro 01:00 Download Vs code 03:12 How to install Vs code 05:06 File open methods in vs code 07:22 Vs code interface and some important features 10:43 Start coding for beginner 12:25 Add extension Go-live 16:25 Outro -------------------------------------------------------- #akitexpert #downloadvscode #installvscode #webdevelopmentcourse #freewebdevelopement Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage

Top 10 Projects For Beginners To Practice HTML and CSS Skill...
220 views · Jul 6, 2023 codingpakistan.com
This video tutorial lists 10 projects that beginners can use to practice their HTML and CSS skills. The projects are all relatively simple, but they are a great way to learn the basics of HTML and CSS. The projects include: A personal portfolio website A simple blog A website for a fictional business A landing page for a product or service A responsive website A website with an image slider A website with a contact form A website with a navigation bar A website with a footer A website with a CSS animation The video also provides tips on how to complete each project. If you are a beginner who is learning HTML and CSS, then I recommend checking out this video tutorial. It is a great way to learn the basics of these languages and to practice your skills.

how to make a form in html language
328 views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
in this video i am telling about the how to make a simple form in html language.. and also see my html playlist..... link given below.... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA/playlists and my channel link.... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA hello my friends. this is my youtube channel please subscribe my channel and also liked my channle for yuor learning . this is my whatsapp np 03421771232

how to use a img element in HTML language
1K views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
in this video i am telling about the images in html and how to insert images in html language ...... hello my friends. this is my youtube channel please subscribe my channel and also liked my channle for yuor learning . this is my whatsapp np

how to use links in html language
6K views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
in this video i am telling about the links in HTML language and how to use please watch this video till the end ... hello my friends. this is my youtube channel please subscribe my channel and also liked my channle for yuor learning .

how to use a list in html language
2K views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
in this video i am telling about the lists of html and how to use lists in html language there are three types of html lists hello my friends. this is my youtube channel please subscribe my channel and also liked my channle for yuor learning .

how to use heading elements in html language
955 views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
hello my friends. this is my youtube channel please subscribe my channel and also liked my channle for yuor learning . please go to the my html play list link is here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA/playlists and this is my youtube channel link please subscribe my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA

how to use paragraph , bold and italic in html
1K views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
hello, my friends. this is my youtube channel please subscribe to my channel and also like my channel for your learning.

37K views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
In this video, we will be taking an introduction to the HyperText Markup Language (HTML). HTML is the basic scripting language used by web browsers to render pages on the world wide web. It defines the meaning and structure of web content, and is often assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. In this video, we will cover the following topics: What is HTML? The basic structure of an HTML document HTML elements HTML attributes HTML comments We will also create a simple HTML document together. By the end of this video, you will have a basic understanding of HTML and how it is used to create web pages.

how to create a nav bar using html and css
6K views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
how to create a nav bar using html and css

3K views · Jul 18, 2023 codingpakistan.com
In this video, we will learn about the most important HTML MCQs that are frequently asked in competitive exams. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including HTML elements, attributes, tags, and syntax. We will start by learning about the different types of HTML elements. There are two main types of HTML elements: block elements and inline elements. Block elements take up the entire width of the page, while inline elements do not. We will then learn about the different HTML attributes. Attributes are used to provide additional information about HTML elements. For example, the href attribute is used to specify the URL of a link. Next, we will learn about the different HTML tags. Tags are used to define the structure of an HTML document. For example, the <html> tag is used to define the beginning of an HTML document. Finally, we will learn about the HTML syntax. HTML syntax is the set of rules that must be followed when writing HTML code. For example, all HTML elements must be closed with a closing tag. This is just a brief overview of the most important HTML MCQs. For more information, please refer to the video.

How to make text animation using html and css | animated tex...
4K views · Jul 17, 2023 codingpakistan.com
How to make text animation using html and css

How to make/create Navbar Very easy method in 2022 | HTML an...
321 views · Jul 17, 2023 codingpakistan.com
My Blog Website Link https://www.akitexpert.com/ Playlist Web development Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrDisKLL5GQ&list=PLpLR4EBVned_sjbjvEN8s9W8nicJpDanw In this video, I am going to tell you how to create or make a navbar in HTML CSS very easy method in 2022 also beginners. If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these YouTube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. Please Follow On Social Media YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ahmed9698khan/ Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/ahmedkhan4422 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/aktechexpert/?ref=pages_you_manage #navbar #navigation menu #htmlandcss #howtomakenavbar #howocretenavbarhtml #navigationmenuinhtmlcss #akitexpert #akitexperthtmlcss #akitexpertnavbar #menubarhtmlcss

Programming For Beginners: 10 Best HTML Coding Practices You...
627 views · Jul 19, 2023 codingpakistan.com
HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It's the language that tells a browser how to display text, images, and other elements on a page. If you're new to programming, there are a few best practices you should follow when writing HTML code. Here are 10 of the best HTML coding practices you must know: Use semantic HTML elements. Semantic HTML elements are HTML elements that have a specific meaning. For example, the <h1> element is used for headings, the <p> element is used for paragraphs, and the <img> element is used for images. Using semantic HTML elements makes your code more readable and easier to understand for other developers. Use descriptive IDs and classes. IDs and classes are two ways to add unique identifiers to HTML elements. IDs are unique to a single element, while classes can be used to group multiple elements together. Using descriptive IDs and classes makes it easy to style and interact with your HTML elements in CSS and JavaScript. Use valid HTML. Valid HTML means that your code follows the rules of the HTML specification. Valid HTML is important for a few reasons. First, it makes your code more readable and easier to understand. Second, it helps to ensure that your code will be displayed correctly in all browsers. Third, some web hosts will not allow you to upload invalid HTML code. Comment your code. Comments are text that is not displayed in the browser. Comments can be used to explain your code, to debug your code, or to simply make your code more readable. Commenting your code is a good habit to get into, especially as your code becomes more complex. Use whitespace effectively. Whitespace is the space between HTML elements. Using whitespace effectively can make your code more readable and easier to understand. For example, you can use whitespace to group related elements together, to separate different sections of your code, and to add emphasis to your code. Use indentation. Indentation is the process of adding spaces or tabs to the beginning of lines of code. Using indentation can make your code more readable and easier to understand. For example, you can use indentation to show the logical structure of your code. Use consistent naming conventions. Naming conventions are a set of rules for naming HTML elements, IDs, and classes. Using consistent naming conventions can make your code more readable and easier to understand. For example, you can use a consistent prefix for all of your IDs and classes. Use well-organized code. Well-organized code is code that is easy to read and understand. There are a few things you can do to make your code more organized. First, you can group related elements together. Second, you can use whitespace effectively. Third, you can use indentation. Test your code. It's important to test your code regularly to make sure that it works as expected. You can test your code manually or use a testing framework. Testing your code is essential for ensuring that your web pages are displayed correctly and that your code is free of errors. Keep your code up to date. The HTML specification is constantly evolving. It's important to keep your code up to date with the latest version of the specification. You can do this by using a CSS preprocessor or by using a web development framework. By following these best practices, you can write HTML code that is readable, understandable, and error-free.

Useful HTML Tags and Attributes with Example
1K views · Aug 4, 2023 codingpakistan.com
This video tutorial shows some of the most useful HTML tags and attributes. The tags and attributes are explained with examples, so you can see how they are used in practice. The video tutorial covers the following topics: The <a> tag for creating links The <img> tag for embedding images The <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc. tags for creating headings The <p> tag for creating paragraphs The <br> tag for creating line breaks The <div> tag for creating divisions The <span> tag for creating spans The <table> tag for creating tables The <form> tag for creating forms The video tutorial also includes a cheat sheet with a list of all the HTML tags and attributes that are covered in the video. Here are some of the benefits of learning about useful HTML tags and attributes: You will be able to create more complex and interactive web pages. You will be able to use more advanced CSS styling techniques. You will be able to create more accessible web pages.

How To Make A Website With Tailwind CSS Step By Step Tutoria...
4K views · Sep 10, 2023 codingpakistan.com
This video tutorial shows you how to create a website using Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to style your websites without writing any custom CSS. The video covers the following steps: Installing Tailwind CSS Creating a Tailwind configuration file Using Tailwind classes in your HTML Styling your website with Tailwind The video is a great way to learn the basics of Tailwind CSS and how to use it to create a website. Here are some of the key takeaways from the video: Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework. This means that it provides a set of pre-made CSS classes that you can use to style your websites. To use Tailwind CSS, you need to install it and create a Tailwind configuration file. You can use Tailwind classes in your HTML to style your website. Tailwind CSS is a powerful tool that can help you create beautiful and responsive websites quickly and easily.

Sticky Navbar On Scroll _ Sticky Navigation Menu In HTML CSS...
171 views · Oct 6, 2023 codingpakistan.com
This engaging video tutorial demonstrates how to create a sticky navigation menu that elegantly stays at the top of a webpage as users scroll down. Using a combination of HTML, CSS, and jQuery, you'll learn the step-by-step process to implement this user-friendly and modern navigation feature. Whether you're a web development novice looking to enhance your skills or an experienced coder seeking to add a polished touch to your websites, this tutorial has you covered. By the end of the video, you'll be able to craft a professional and intuitive sticky navbar that enhances the usability and aesthetics of your web projects. Join in and master the art of creating a sticky navigation menu with ease.

Simple Navigation Bar Using HTML & CSS
99 views · Jan 29, 2024 codingpakistan.com
Discover the fundamentals of web design with this tutorial on creating a "Simple Navigation Bar using HTML & CSS." In this video, you'll learn the basics of structuring a navigation menu and styling it to achieve a clean and effective design. Dive into HTML for building the foundation and CSS for customizing the appearance, allowing you to create a navigation bar that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. Whether you're a beginner or looking to reinforce your skills, this tutorial provides clear instructions and practical examples to help you create a straightforward yet stylish navigation bar for your websites. Elevate your understanding of front-end development and enhance the user experience with a simple and well-designed navigation solution.