JavaScript Course For Beginners
'Video thumbnail for What Is JavaScript _ Introduction & First JavaScript Program'
What Is JavaScript _ Introduction & First JavaScript Pro...
What Is JavaScript _ Introduction & First JavaScript Program

9K views · Aug 29, 2023

This video tutorial introduces the JavaScript programming language. It covers the basics of JavaScript, such as what it is, why you should learn it, and how to write your first JavaScript program. The video also discusses the different uses of JavaScript, such as creating interactive and dynamic websites, developing mobile apps, and building games. The video begins by defining JavaScript as a scripting language that is used to create interactive and dynamic websites. It then explains why you should learn JavaScript, such as because it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, it is used to create a wide variety of applications, and it is relatively easy to learn. The next part of the video discusses the different uses of JavaScript. It explains how JavaScript can be used to create interactive elements on websites, such as buttons, menus, and forms. It also explains how JavaScript can be used to make websites more dynamic, such as by changing the content or layout of the page based on user input. The video then shows how to write your first JavaScript program. It explains the basic syntax of JavaScript and how to create variables, functions, and conditional statements. The video also shows how to use JavaScript to interact with the DOM (Document Object Model), which is the underlying structure of a web page. The video concludes by summarizing the key points of the tutorial. It also provides some resources for further learning about JavaScript.

'Video thumbnail for JavaScript Variables and Scope _ JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners'
JavaScript Variables and Scope _ JavaScript Tutorial for Beg...
JavaScript Variables and Scope _ JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners

8K views · Aug 29, 2023

This video tutorial teaches you about variables and scope in JavaScript. Variables are used to store data in JavaScript. Scope refers to the visibility of a variable. The video begins by explaining what a variable is and how to declare a variable in JavaScript. It then discusses the different types of variables in JavaScript, such as global variables and local variables. The next part of the video talks about scope. It explains how the scope of a variable is determined by where it is declared. Global variables have global scope, which means they can be accessed from anywhere in the program. Local variables have local scope, which means they can only be accessed from within the function where they are declared. The video also discusses the concept of hoisting. Hoisting is the process of moving a variable declaration to the top of its scope. This means that a variable can be accessed even before it is declared. The video concludes by summarizing the key points of the tutorial. It also provides some exercises for you to practice what you have learned.

'Video thumbnail for Data Types In JavaScript (Primitive & Reference Type) _ JavaScript Tutorial'
Data Types In JavaScript (Primitive & Reference Type) _ ...
Data Types In JavaScript (Primitive & Reference Type) _ JavaScript Tutorial

27K views · Aug 29, 2023

This video tutorial teaches you about the different data types in JavaScript. Data types are used to define the type of data that a variable can store. The video begins by explaining the two main types of data types in JavaScript: primitive data types and reference data types. Primitive data types are the basic data types in JavaScript. They are numbers, strings, booleans, null, and undefined. Reference data types are objects, arrays, and functions. They are more complex than primitive data types and can store more complex data. The video also discusses the differences between primitive and reference data types. Primitive data types are stored directly in memory, while reference data types are stored as pointers to objects in memory. The video concludes by summarizing the key points of the tutorial. It also provides some exercises for you to practice what you have learned.

'Video thumbnail for Operators In JavaScript _ JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners'
Operators In JavaScript _ JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners
Operators In JavaScript _ JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners

38K views · Aug 29, 2023

The video begins by explaining the different types of operators in JavaScript: arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators, logical operators, bitwise operators, and string operators. Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. Comparison operators are used to compare values and return a Boolean value of true or false. Logical operators are used to combine Boolean values and return a Boolean value. Bitwise operators are used to perform bitwise operations on numbers. String operators are used to manipulate strings. The video also discusses the precedence of operators. Precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated. The video concludes by summarizing the key points of the tutorial. It also provides some exercises for you to practice what you have learned.

'Video thumbnail for If Else Conditional Statements & Switch In JavaScript _ JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners'
If Else Conditional Statements & Switch In JavaScript _ ...
If Else Conditional Statements & Switch In JavaScript _ JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners

19K views · Aug 29, 2023

This video tutorial teaches you about conditional statements in JavaScript. Conditional statements are used to make decisions in your code. The video begins by explaining the if statement. The if statement is used to execute a block of code if a condition is true. The next part of the video discusses the else statement. The else statement is used to execute a block of code if the condition in the if statement is false. The video also covers the else if statement. The else if statement is used to execute a block of code if a condition is true, but only if the condition in the if statement is false. The video concludes by discussing the switch statement. The switch statement is used to execute a block of code based on the value of a variable.

'Video thumbnail for JavaScript Loops (For, While, Do While) _ JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners'
JavaScript Loops (For, While, Do While) _ JavaScript Tutoria...
JavaScript Loops (For, While, Do While) _ JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners

20K views · Aug 29, 2023

This video tutorial teaches you about loops in JavaScript. Loops are used to execute a block of code repeatedly. The video begins by explaining the for loop. The for loop is used to execute a block of code a specified number of times. The next part of the video discusses the while loop. The while loop is used to execute a block of code as long as a condition is true. The video also covers the do while loop. The do while loop is used to execute a block of code once, and then repeatedly execute the block of code as long as a condition is true. The video concludes by discussing the differences between the three types of loops.

'Video thumbnail for Functions In JavaScript _ JavaScript Functions Tutorial For Beginners'
Functions In JavaScript _ JavaScript Functions Tutorial For ...
Functions In JavaScript _ JavaScript Functions Tutorial For Beginners

33K views · Aug 29, 2023

Functions are one of the most important concepts in JavaScript. They allow you to group together related code and make it reusable. A function is a block of code that is executed when it is called. Functions can take in parameters and return values. To define a function in JavaScript, you use the function keyword. The syntax is as follows: function functionName(parameters) { // Body of the function } The functionName is the name of the function. The parameters are the values that the function takes in. The Body of the function is the code that is executed when the function is called. To call a function, you use the function name followed by the parentheses. The parentheses can contain the parameters, but they are not required. For example, the following function defines a function called factorial() that takes in a number as a parameter and returns the factorial of that number: function factorial(n) { if (n == 0) { return 1; } else { return n * factorial(n - 1); } } The following code calls the factorial() function and prints the result: console.log(factorial(5)); This code will print the number 120, which is the factorial of 5. I hope this summary is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

'Video thumbnail for JavaScript Callbacks, Anonymous & Recursive Functions _ JavaScript Tutorial for Beginner'
JavaScript Callbacks, Anonymous & Recursive Functions _ ...
JavaScript Callbacks, Anonymous & Recursive Functions _ JavaScript Tutorial for Beginner

20K views · Aug 29, 2023

The video tutorial will discuss the following topics: What are callbacks, anonymous functions, and recursive functions? How to use callbacks, anonymous functions, and recursive functions in JavaScript The advantages and disadvantages of using callbacks, anonymous functions, and recursive functions The video tutorial will also provide some code examples to illustrate the concepts. I hope this summary is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Here are some additional things to keep in mind about callbacks, anonymous functions, and recursive functions: Callbacks are often used in event handling. For example, you might have a function that is called when a button is clicked. This function could be a callback function that is passed to the button's onclick event handler. Anonymous functions are often used in inline functions. For example, you might have a function that takes in a number and returns the factorial of that number. This function could be an anonymous function that is defined inline. Recursive functions can be used to solve problems that involve breaking down a problem into smaller and smaller subproblems. For example, you might have a function that calculates the factorial of a number. This function could be a recursive function that calls itself to calculate the factorial of smaller and smaller numbers. Callbacks, anonymous functions, and recursive functions are all powerful tools that can be used to write more complex and efficient JavaScript code. I encourage you to learn more about them and use them in your own JavaScript programs.

'Video thumbnail for Object In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Tutorial For Beginners'
Object In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Tutorial For Beginn...
Object In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Tutorial For Beginners

22K views · Aug 29, 2023

An object in JavaScript is a data structure that stores data and methods. Objects are created using the new keyword. The syntax is as follows: const objectName = new Object(); The objectName is the name of the object. The Object() is the constructor function. Objects can have properties and methods. Properties are named values that are stored in an object. Methods are functions that are associated with an object. To add a property to an object, you use the .property syntax. The syntax is as follows: = value; The property is the name of the property. The value is the value of the property. To add a method to an object, you use the .method() syntax. The syntax is as follows: objectName.method = function() { // Body of the method }; The method is the name of the method. The function() is the function definition. To access a property or method in an object, you use the . syntax. The syntax is as follows:; objectName.method(); The property or method is the name of the property or method. The video tutorial will discuss the following topics: What are objects in JavaScript? How to create objects in JavaScript How to add properties and methods to objects in JavaScript How to access properties and methods in objects in JavaScript The video tutorial will also provide some code examples to illustrate the concepts.

'Video thumbnail for JavaScript Object Methods And This Keyword In JavaScript _ Tutorial For Beginners'
JavaScript Object Methods And This Keyword In JavaScript _ T...
JavaScript Object Methods And This Keyword In JavaScript _ Tutorial For Beginners

13K views · Aug 29, 2023

The this keyword in JavaScript refers to the current object. The this keyword is used in object methods to refer to the object that the method is called on. For example, the following code defines a method called fullName() that returns the full name of an object: const person = { name: "John Doe", lastName: "Doe", fullName() { return + " " + this.lastName; } }; The fullName() method is called on the person object. The this keyword in the fullName() method refers to the person object. So, the expression refers to the name property of the person object, and the expression this.lastName refers to the lastName property of the person object. The this keyword can also be used in other contexts, such as in function expressions and arrow functions. However, the most common use of the this keyword is in object methods. The video tutorial will discuss the following topics: What is the this keyword in JavaScript? How is the this keyword used in object methods? Other contexts where the this keyword can be used The video tutorial will also provide some code examples to illustrate the concepts.

'Video thumbnail for JavaScript Object Constructors _ JavaScript Constructor Function Tutorial For Beginners'
JavaScript Object Constructors _ JavaScript Constructor Func...
JavaScript Object Constructors _ JavaScript Constructor Function Tutorial For Beginners

10K views · Aug 29, 2023

A constructor function in JavaScript is a special type of function that is used to create objects. Constructor functions are defined using the function keyword, but they have a special syntax that distinguishes them from regular functions. The syntax for a constructor function is as follows: function constructorName(parameters) { // Body of the function } The constructorName is the name of the constructor function. The parameters are the values that are passed to the constructor function when an object is created. The Body of the function is the code that is executed when the constructor function is called. When a constructor function is called, it creates a new object and assigns the values of the parameters to the properties of the object. The constructor function can also set the values of properties that are not passed as parameters. The following code defines a constructor function called Person() that creates a new object representing a person: function Person(name, age) { = name; this.age = age; } The Person() constructor function takes two parameters: the name and age of the person. The this keyword refers to the newly created object. So, the expression refers to the name property of the object, and the expression this.age refers to the age property of the object. The Person() constructor function can be used to create new objects representing people. The following code creates a new object representing a person named John Doe who is 30 years old: const person = new Person("John Doe", 30); The new keyword is used to create a new object from a constructor function. The Person() constructor function is called with the parameters "John Doe" and 30. The person variable is assigned the reference to the newly created object. I hope this summary is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Here are some additional things to keep in mind about constructor functions in JavaScript: Constructor functions are often used to create objects that have a common set of properties and methods. Constructor functions can be nested, meaning that a constructor function can be defined inside another constructor function. Constructor functions can be inherited, meaning that a child constructor function can inherit the properties and methods of its parent constructor function.

'Video thumbnail for Prototype In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Prototype _ Prototype Inheritance JavaScript'
Prototype In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Prototype _ Prot...
Prototype In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Prototype _ Prototype Inheritance JavaScript

10K views · Aug 29, 2023

In JavaScript, every object has a prototype. The prototype is an object that contains the default properties and methods for the object. When an object is created, it inherits the properties and methods of its prototype. This is called prototype inheritance. The prototype of an object can be accessed using the __proto__ property. The __proto__ property is a hidden property that is not accessible in the normal way. The following code defines an object called person and assigns it the prototype of the Object constructor function: const person = new Object(); person.__proto__ = Object.prototype; The person object now inherits the properties and methods of the Object constructor function. The prototype can also be used to add properties and methods to objects. The following code adds a property called name to the prototype of the person object: = "John Doe"; The name property is now available to all objects that inherit from the person object. Prototype inheritance is a powerful way to create reusable code. It allows you to define common properties and methods in a prototype object and then inherit those properties and methods from other objects. I hope this summary is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

'Video thumbnail for Object Destructuring In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Destructuring Tutorial'
Object Destructuring In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Destr...
Object Destructuring In JavaScript _ JavaScript Object Destructuring Tutorial

5K views · Aug 29, 2023

Object destructuring is a JavaScript feature that allows you to extract the properties of an object into variables. This can be used to make your code more concise and readable. Object destructuring can be used with both literal objects and objects created with constructors. The syntax for object destructuring is as follows: const { property1, property2, } = object; The { property1, property2, } part is called the destructuring pattern. The object is the object that you want to destructure. The property1 and property2 are the names of the properties that you want to extract. The is an optional pattern that allows you to extract the remaining properties of the object into an array. The following code destructures the person object and assigns the name and age properties to the name and age variables: const { name, age } = person; The name variable now contains the value of the name property of the person object. The age variable now contains the value of the age property of the person object. Object destructuring can be used to make your code more concise and readable. It can also be used to make your code more efficient, by avoiding the need to use the . operator to access properties.

'Video thumbnail for JavaScript Classes _ Getter & Setter Methods In JavaScript explained with Examples'
JavaScript Classes _ Getter & Setter Methods In JavaScri...
JavaScript Classes _ Getter & Setter Methods In JavaScript explained with Examples

71K views · Aug 29, 2023

Getter and setter methods are special methods in JavaScript that are used to get and set the value of a property. Getter methods are called when the property is accessed, and setter methods are called when the property is set. Getter and setter methods are often used to encapsulate the data in an object. This means that the data is hidden from the outside world and can only be accessed through the getter and setter methods. The syntax for a getter method is as follows: get property() { // Body of the getter method } The property is the name of the property. The Body of the getter method is the code that is executed when the property is accessed. The syntax for a setter method is as follows: set property(value) { // Body of the setter method } The property is the name of the property. The value is the new value of the property. The Body of the setter method is the code that is executed when the property is set. The following code defines a class called Person with a getter and setter method for the name property: class Person { constructor(name) { = name; } get name() { return this._name; } set name(value) { this._name = value; } } The Person class has a constructor function that takes a name as a parameter. The constructor function sets the value of the name property to the value of the parameter. The name property has a getter method that returns the value of the property. The name property also has a setter method that sets the value of the property. The _name property is a private property. Private properties are not accessible from outside the class. I hope this summary is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

'Video thumbnail for JavaScript Class Inheritance _ Static And Private Methods In JavaScript'
JavaScript Class Inheritance _ Static And Private Methods In...
JavaScript Class Inheritance _ Static And Private Methods In JavaScript

15K views · Aug 29, 2023

Class inheritance is a JavaScript feature that allows you to create new classes that are based on existing classes. This can be used to reuse code and to create more complex and powerful classes. Static methods are methods that are associated with a class, not with an instance of a class. Static methods can be called without creating an instance of the class. Private methods are methods that are only accessible from within the class that defines them. Private methods cannot be called from outside the class. The following code defines a class called Person with a static method called getNumberOfPeople(): class Person { static getNumberOfPeople() { return 0; } } The getNumberOfPeople() method is a static method. It can be called without creating an instance of the Person class. The following code defines a class called Employee that inherits from the Person class: class Employee extends Person { constructor(name, age) { super(name, age); } } The Employee class inherits from the Person class. This means that the Employee class has all of the properties and methods of the Person class, including the getNumberOfPeople() method. The following code defines a private method called _calculateSalary(): class Employee { constructor(name, age) { super(name, age); } _calculateSalary() { // This method is private and cannot be called from outside the class } } The _calculateSalary() method is a private method. It cannot be called from outside the class. I hope this summary is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Here are some additional things to keep in mind about class inheritance and static and private methods in JavaScript: Static methods are often used to store constants and to perform operations that do not depend on an instance of the class. Private methods are often used to implement the implementation details of a class and to hide those details from the outside world. Class inheritance and static and private methods are powerful tools that can be used to make your JavaScript code more concise, readable, and efficient. I encourage you to learn more about them and use them in your own JavaScript programs.