'Video thumbnail for Button Ripple Animation in HTML CSS and JavaScript'

Button Ripple Animation in HTML CSS and JavaScript

650 views Aug 5, 2023

This video tutorial shows how to create a button ripple animation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A button ripple animation is a visual effect that occurs when the user clicks on a button. The button appears to ripple outwards from the point of the click. The video begins by creating a basic HTML page with a button. The CSS code then adds the styling to the button, including the background color, the font, and the ripple effect. The JavaScript code then adds the functionality to trigger the ripple animation when the user clicks on the button. The video concludes by showing the final result, which is a button with a ripple animation. The source code for the project is also provided, so that viewers can learn how to create the effect themselves. Here are some of the key concepts covered in the video: How to create a button ripple animation using JavaScript The mousedown and mouseup events The requestAnimationFrame() method The source code for the project

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