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How To Build Age Calculator App Using HTML CSS And JavaScript

13K views Sep 4, 2023

This video tutorial teaches you how to build an age calculator app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The video starts by creating an HTML file with the basic structure of the app. Then, it adds CSS code to style the app. Finally, it adds JavaScript code to calculate the user's age and display the result. The video also explains the following concepts: What is an age calculator app? How to build an age calculator app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript How to get the current date and time using JavaScript How to calculate the user's age using JavaScript How to display the user's age using JavaScript The video is well-paced and easy to follow. It is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn how to build an age calculator app. Here are some additional details about the steps involved in building an age calculator app: Create an HTML file with the basic structure of the app. This includes the following elements: A text input field for the user to enter their date of birth A button to calculate the user's age A text area to display the user's age Add CSS code to style the app. This code can be used to set the font, size, and color of the text, as well as the layout of the app. Add JavaScript code to calculate the user's age and display the result. This code can use the Date() object to get the current date and time, and then subtract the user's date of birth from the current date to calculate the user's age. Once you have completed these steps, you will have a working age calculator app. You can then customize the app to your liking by changing the styling or the JavaScript code.