'Video thumbnail for How to create html file | basic structure html | basic tags meta, head , body tag html |tutorial 02.'

How to create html file | basic structure html | basic tags meta, head , body tag html |tutorial 02.

721 views Jun 30, 2023

Don’t click this link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvZ0mjSKa2ywuyDEcF-PA?sub_confirmation=1 first class https://youtu.be/yrDisKLL5GQ second class https://youtu.be/DVW_dki_j-Q In this video, I am telling about how to create an HTML file and open it vs code. The basic structure of the HTML file I discussed in this video and basic elements and tags, meta tag, head tag, body tag, title tag, and much more. If you are interested in online earning and up to data latest technologies please subscribe and click the bell icon. The main purpose of these Youtube channels is to Provide technologies updates, freelancing, and short courses Videos, and tutorials for free of cost. #webdevelopmentcourse #basictutorialsforbeinners #htmlcss #fullcoursehtmlcss #metatag #headtag #bodytag #titletag #basicstructureofhtml

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