'Video thumbnail for How To Make Animated Progress Bar Using HTML And CSS _ Skills Progress Bar Design'

How To Make Animated Progress Bar Using HTML And CSS _ Skills Progress Bar Design

2K views Sep 18, 2023

This video tutorial will teach you how to make an animated progress bar using HTML and CSS. Animated progress bars are a common web design element that can be used to display the progress of a task, such as the download of a file or the loading of a web page. They can also be used to display the skills or experience of a person or company. In this video, you will learn how to create the basic structure of an animated progress bar using HTML. You will also learn how to style the progress bar using CSS, including how to add colors, borders, and animations. By the end of this video, you will be able to create your own custom animated progress bars for your web projects. Here is a brief overview of the steps involved in creating an animated progress bar using HTML and CSS: Create a container element for your animated progress bar. Add a div element inside the container element to represent the progress bar. Style the div element using CSS. This includes adding colors, borders, and a transition effect. Add a JavaScript function to animate the progress bar. This is just a basic overview, and the video tutorial will provide more detailed instructions on each step. You will also learn some additional tips and tricks for creating beautiful and functional animated progress bars.

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