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Fantastic Tools for Web Developers That You’re Not Using Yet

484 views Jun 26, 2023

Are you a web developer looking to optimize your workflow and improve your productivity? Look no further than these 5 fantastic tools that you may not have heard of yet. Sizzy – This tool allows you to easily view your website across multiple devices at the same time, helping you spot any responsive design issues. Codeply – A playground for frontend developers, Codeply allows you to test your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in a live environment. Visualping – Keep track of any changes made to a website with this browser extension, which alerts you when there are updates to a page. Colorblindly – This Chrome extension simulates different types of color blindness, allowing you to ensure your designs are accessible to all users. SVGOMG – Optimize your SVG files with this web tool, which reduces file sizes while maintaining image quality. Try out these useful tools and take your web development skills to the next level!