'Video thumbnail for HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites Review'

HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites Review

339 views Apr 10, 2023

The video topic "HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites Review" is a review of the book "HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites" by Jon Duckett. The book is a comprehensive guide to learning HTML and CSS for building websites, and the video provides an overview of its contents and the author's teaching style. The video covers the book's structure, which includes clear explanations of HTML and CSS concepts and step-by-step instructions for building web pages. It also discusses the book's visual design and use of examples, which help readers understand and apply the concepts in practice. The video is ideal for anyone who is considering using the "HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites" book as a learning resource or wants to know more about its contents and style.

  # Web Design & Development