Object Oriented Programming and its 4 pillars { What is OOP } Hindi #iamcoderamit

1K views Sep 9, 2024

Channel Intro :- bit.ly/iamcoderintro Article on Object Oriented Programming:- http://bit.ly/learnoop Object Oriented Programming as the name suggest refers to the kind of computer programming which uses objects in the program. Here the objects refer to the data structure defined who will work with functions to produce results. Class in Object Oriented Programming is a container which will have all the member variables, member function in it. An object will have all the data members and member variables of the program, and we can create as many object as we want for a single class. Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming can be considered as the process by which a class obtain the properties of the other classes. 1. Inheritance Inheritance provide the concept of re-usability of the code again and again. In inheritance we have two type of classes one is called as the Base Class, and the other one is Derived Class. Base Class :- The class from which the properties are being derived or being used in the other classes are called base classes.Derived Class:- The class to which the properties are being derived are called Derived Class. 2. Polymorphism The word polymorphism means having many forms. Simply it is a feature of object oriented programming which let us create function with same name but different definition. We can provide a completely different definition to a function using this features.C++ mainly supports two type of polymorphism, one is Compile Time Polymorphism and Run Time poymorphsim. In compile time polymorphism there are two type Function Overloading and Operator Overloading. Function Overloading:- Function Overloading is the process by which we define the function with same name with different definition. Operator Overloading :- This type of polymorphism is used to provide specific definition to operators. 3. Abstraction Data abstraction is one most essential and important features of object oriented programming in C++.

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