!['Video thumbnail for [1/6] - Upgrading From Symfony 3 to Symfony 4 - Where is my web server?'](https://streaming.humix.com/poster/IZKNjakpgIeusNGF/7dbf43076e8d757f4da0bab808b83a43aa2124dc10aa153874c162bae79bc1e2_ZHthpg.jpg)
[1/6] - Upgrading From Symfony 3 to Symfony 4 - Where is my web server?
The full free tutorial can be found here : https://www.codereviewvideos.com/course/upgrade-symfony-3-to-symfony-4/video/what-happened-to-the-webserver The GitHut series was originally created in order to help you get started with Symfony 3. With the recent release of Symfony 4, some of the commands and processes described in this tutorial have changed. Symfony has a strong backward compatibility promise, and we can take advantage of this when upgrading the tutorial to use Symfony 4 concepts and techniques. A key step in migrating existing Symfony applications from Symfony 3 to Symfony 4 is to first upgrade to Symfony 3.4. The reason for this is that Symfony 3.4 provides most of the same features as Symfony 4, and so if our project code works with Symfony 3.4, it is likely to continue working with Symfony 4. However, the Symfony project follows semantic versioning which means a major release (such as Symfony 2 to Symfony 3, or Symfony 3 to Symfony 4) can and will break things. With Symfony 2 to Symfony 3, the changes were fairly small for the end user. With Symfony 3 to Symfony 4, however, the changes are much larger.