'Video thumbnail for How Can Frontier Tech -Blockchain, AI, IoT, Fintech- Change our Governments, Cities and Society?'

How Can Frontier Tech -Blockchain, AI, IoT, Fintech- Change our Governments, Cities and Society?

4K views Nov 9, 2023

Panel How can Frontier Tech: Blockchain, AI, IoT, FinTech Change our Governments, Cities and Society? Javed Khattar | Moderator | Co-Founder & CEO at Zisk Properties - https://www.ziskproperties.com/ Kouhei Kurihara | Co-Founder Privacy by Design Lab I Government Blockchain Association President Tokyo Chapter - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kuriharan/ Edwin Diender | CDxO and VP of Government and Public Sector at Huawei - https://e.huawei.com/en/publications/global/ict-new-horizons-podcasts/ICT-Experts/edwin-diender Craig Skeldon | Business Development Manager at Bayes Center of the UNiversity of Edinburgh - https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigskeldon/ Armando Gonzalez | CEO at Ravenpack - https://www.ravenpack.com/

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