Microsoft Graph - AMA ft. Ayça Baş
Join us on April 1 with Ayca Bas to learn about Microsoft Graph Toolkit. ABSTRACT Microsoft Graph is the gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365. It provides a unified programmability model that you can use to access the tremendous amount of data in Microsoft 365, Windows 10, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. Use the wealth of data in Microsoft Graph to build apps for organizations and consumers that interact with millions of users. AGENDA In this session, you will learn • What is Microsoft Graph? • What is Microsoft Graph Toolkit and why you should use it? Ayça Baş Twitter: https://twitter.com/aycabs C# Corner - Community of Software and Data Developers https://www.c-sharpcorner.com #ama #liveshow #askmeanything #csharpcorner #csharpcornerlive