Handy and the Big Picture || IoT Virtual Conference

8K views Nov 9, 2023

Join Clifford Agius in IoT Virtual Conference 2021 where he will talk about how he has 3D printed and used embedded electronics to build a Prosthetic hand/Arm for his friend's Son. About Speaker: Clifford Agius is an Airline pilot flying the plastic fantastic B787 around the world and he is Microsoft MVP and a freelance .Net/Xamarin/IoT dev, tech enthusiast. He is a senior first officer with a Major UK Airline on one of its newest jets the 787 Dreamliner. He has a passion for flying from an early age, although his earlier career was spent as an apprentice at the Ford Motor Company and then a Project Engineer covering Electrical/Software/Robot engineering in major automotive brands. However his drive, focus and determination was always to become a pilot. After self funding his pilots license and passing all necessary exams his first commercial flight was with Aer Arran (Irish regional airline), where he flew ATRs from Dublin and Galway to Ireland regions and into the UK. After this the jets got bigger, the cattle slightly less and eventually he applied and was selected to join a Major UK Airline. After initially flying the Airbus A320 Cliff has continued his personal development and now fly’s the fleet of 787’s across the world, including the recently arrived B787-900 with the new First Class. Although the current jets are technologically advanced its Cliff’s every decision and calculation on a minute-by- minute basis that carries over 215 people safely back and forth over the Atlantic or Siberia, therefore every decision is a critical one. He therefore has acute awareness of people’s decision-making processes and the consequences of these. Its these decisions that impact on people’s lives, from lost luggage to engine issues to landing in fog, every decision is critical and everyone has an impact on how the airline remain competitive minute by minute, if not second by second. When not flying the plastic jet he spends his time huddled over his laptop thrashing the keyboard and working on some project from embedded systems to .Net. Personal challenges are always part of Cliff’s spare time and as well as continuing to design computer software he is busy with family life of a Wife, 3 Boys and 2 dogs and is also a keen cyclist, with the Alps Passporte’s challenge as next year’s goal. Clifford's Blog: https://www.cliffordagius.co.uk/post/handybigpicture/ Conference Website: https://www.2020twenty.net/iot-virtual-conference/ C# Corner - Community of Software and Data Developers https://www.c-sharpcorner.com​​ #csharpcorner​​ #conference​​ #iot #3dprinting ​

#Assistive Technology
  # Robotics