Building better security for your API platform using Azure API Mgmt || IT Security Conference 2021

19K views Nov 9, 2023

These days we use APIs to expose all our microservices , processes, and data, and all this while working in a PaaS or serverless environment. But how do we ensure this is done in a secure and governed way? This is where Azure API Management comes in, where we can create a repository of all our APIs, and make sure to expose all of these securely in a standardized manner. In this session, we will dive into the most common security hazards, and see how API Management helps us solve these. You will learn all about the strengths and weaknesses of the product, best practices, and how to harden the defenses of your services. Conference Website: C# Corner - Community of Software and Data Developers: C# Live - Dev Streaming Destination: #AzureSecurity #APISecurity #Azure #Conference

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