Java Spring Boot Apps, MEAN & MERN Stack Apps, NET 6 Apps, ACR... - Ep 4 - AZ 204 Hands On Series
Join us in these 18 live and interactive sessions by Viswanatha Swamy on AZ-204 Hands-On Series happening every second Monday of the month from 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM (Indian Standard Time). TOPICS COVERED IN THIS SESSION 1. Create a Website inside IIS, and deploy a Web App (Blazor WASM) using VS 2022 (5 Minutes) 2. Create a static HTML web app by using Azure Cloud Shell (5 Minutes) 3. Deploy Web App (Blazor WASM) to App Service using VS 2022, and Integrate with Web API (10 Minutes) 4. Configure application settings, Enable diagnostic logging (5 Minutes) 5. Deploy Web App (Razor Pages) to App Service using VS 2022 (5 Minutes) 6. Deploy Node JS Web API to App Service (10 Minutes) 7. Deploy Angular 10 App (MEAN Stack) to App Service (10 Minutes) 8. Deploy ReactJS App (MERN Stack) to App Service (10 Minutes) 9. Explore elements of a Dockerfile (5 Minutes) 10. Discover the Azure Container Registry (5 Minutes) 11. Build and run a container image by using Azure Container Registry Tasks (5 Minutes) 12. Build and Containerize Simple Spring Boot Java Application (5 Minutes) 13. Deploy the Docker Image of Sprint Boot Java Application into App Service (10 Minutes) 14. Review/Q & A/Panel Discussion (5 Minutes) 15. What is next in Session 3? (5 Minutes)